Week 3 of base building is complete which means there’s only one more week until training begins! Training won’t look much different than what I’m doing now. I will just start doing harder workouts that are more specific for the half-marathon distance while building my mileage and increasing my long run.
This week I added in another short run on Friday, but ran 1 less mile for my long run. This way I wasn’t increasing my weekly mileage too quickly. Besides, I don’t need to worry about my long run being very long right now.
Here is how the week looked overall.
Weekly Run Down: Base Building Week 3
Monday: Strength Training
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 3.25 miles with 6 x 90 second hills + Core Work
Thursday: 20 minutes spinning + Strength Training
Friday: Yoga + 3 Stroller Miles
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: 3.5 miles
I was only on the treadmill once this week, and it was intentional. My plan called for 6 x 90 seconds of hills and it’s so much easier to control the incline on the treadmill rather than trying to find the perfect hill outside. Also, the hills make my time on the treadmill go by faster.
I almost had to take my Saturday run indoors due to ice, but I found that the sidewalks weren’t slippery like the streets. It had rained the night before and the temperature was below freezing. I didn’t even realize that it was icy so once I was all dressed and out there I really didn’t want to turn around and go back inside. After my run I stepped onto my deck to take a picture and it was a sheet of ice! I turned back inside and was glad I didn’t encounter the same conditions on my run.
On Friday I took Grayson out in the stroller for 3 miles. This was my “extra” run. I would like to do a 4th run on either Thursdays or Fridays, ideally with the stroller. (Not because I like torturing myself with the stroller, but because it means I can get other workouts done in the morning before he wakes up. And I hate giving up my time during his naps to work out! There are so many other things to do.) I would have preferred to do this on Thursday but it was too cold, so I moved it to Friday.
On Sunday it was a little cold/windy for a stroller run so I ended up giving up nap time. However, that meant I got a solo run in the daylight which was a nice treat. I did 3.5 miles nice and easy.
Other than running, I also kept up with my two strength training sessions, spinning, and yoga. Honestly, it feels like alot and I will probably drop the spinning or yoga once the mileage picks up. However, if I feel like I need to cut back on mileage then I already have these other workouts built into my plan.
I broke out my Bosu for the first time in awhile this week! It’s so versatile and it was a great way to change things up for my planks. I need to remember to use it more often.
Also, I am so excited to be co-hosting a new link-up called the Runners’ Roundup! (Formerly the Running Coaches’ Corner.) Join us on Wednesdays to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas. The new link-up is hosted by myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs, Running on Happy, and Faux Runner! Hope to see you there!
How were your workouts last week?
Have you dealt with icy/slick running conditions lately?
Would you rather do a hill workout on the treadmill or outside?
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Base Building Begins
Base Building Week 2
Gearing Up for a Spring 5k
Those sheet-of-ice moments of terror are the worst! Glad your run ended up being non-icy. Another great week for you. It’s such a shuffle to get everything we want in, isn’t it?
Thanks! There are never enough hours in the day or days in the week to get it all done.
Sounds like a great week. I like seeing how you are being smart with your training — adding a run but cutting down another — I need to pay attention to that. It would be hard to choose between spinning and yoga, but yoga sounds more restorative so I might try to hold onto that, although it’s the first thing I skip when my week gets crazy because of the class time.
I can’t wait until I have time to join the new link-up.
I agree that the yoga is probably more beneficial. It can be hard to stop and slow down though! Right now I think of the spinning as some extra cardio since my running mileage is pretty low. As it gets higher I will probably just stop doing it unless I feel like I need to skip a run for whatever reason.
You had a great week of workouts – love the mix of running and strength.
I did all my running indoors this week due to time constraints but hope to get outdoors this week.
I have a feeling I will be indoors alot this week due to all the rain we are supposed to get. As long as we get it done, that’s what matters, right?
Looks like a great week! The treadmill is such a great way to get hill work done, isn’t it?
I’m looking forward to the new link-up!
I have lots of hills where I live but none of them are ideal for hill repeats. I can make it work, but some days its just easier to do it on the treadmill.
Ah, the Bosu for planks! What a great idea! I think you have a good mix of strength, running and yoga.
By the way, at what time exactly will the new Runners’ Roundup start? I’m asking because I’m in a different time zone and I don’t want to start too early if I join your link.
Good question! It will open at midnight eastern standard time. Hopefully that will work for you!
I love all the variety! I agree… Doing hills on the treadmill help those run go much faster!!
Whenever I run on the treadmill it helps so much to do some sort of interval or progression workout!
Guess who got put on the bosu ball today by the PT? Yup. This girl. Ugh!
No ice over here. I admit we’ve had a pretty intense winter for our purposes, but not to the point of below freezing. I’m glad you stayed safe.
It looks like you have a good handle on what you can keep and what needs to slide when you start increasing your mileage. That’s awesome awareness.
Wow, that’s so exciting! (But probably also kind of scary!)
It’s probably good you don’t have to deal with ice while you are recovering!
Really enjoyed your photos last week on IG! Glad you had a good week of base training. And really glad you didn’t end up on a bunch of ice when you’d made all the effort to get dressed and get out there! It’s super mild here so there’s not been any ice at all. I’ve seen people running in shorts and tee-shirts even (not me – I’m just too cold for that). And we have hills everywhere here, all I have to do is head west and everything is a hill eventually (even in a mostly flat country). So I can just go out and hit up a hill for hill repeats 🙂
Overall our weather has been pretty mild. I think thats why I was so surprised that it was slippery the other day!
You had a productive week of training! I prefer the treadmill for hills; it’s convenient, and we don’t have many hills near us, at least on the roads. There are enough options for hill repeats, but the treadmill still makes it more convenient.
Yes, it is so convenient for hill running! And its nice that you can add a little extra challenge if you don’t have steep hills nearby.
I did a hill workout just last week – and that was the first time in almost 2 years I think! My PT had told me to initially avoid speedwork and hills, so I purposely avoided it. I felt better than I thought I would afterwards, but I was nervous about it!
Its interesting how we can get told something like that and then end up avoiding those kinds of workouts for so long. Glad it felt pretty good!
I also have a BOSU ball but rarely use it. 🙁 We don’t have hills in Chicago but there are two places “close by” that we can go to. I’ve done hill training a few times on the treadmill but would rather go to the actual hills.
It’s good that you found somewhere to run hills! There is definitely a benefit to doing them outside when possible.
It’s pretty flat where I live (and we don’t get icy conditions – which is a plus!), so I do most of my hill training workouts on the treadmill. I don’t mind it, because I don’t have to worry about finding a hill or overpass outside 😉
It’s definitely nice to have that option! Especially if you don’t have hills close by.