Coffee, run, coffee, repeat. That seems to be how the days go lately, with some wine thrown in there. It’s been quite a week, hasn’t it? Actually, its been quite a year. Since there is a global pandemic and all we really can’t have coffee together. But if we could, here’s what I would tell you.
My allergies have been awful this year.
Whenever the weather is nice and I spend a lot of time outside (which seems to happen each weekend) they get really bad. The first week I suffered through, hoping they would pass quickly. Then I called Grayson’s pediatrician because I am still breastfeeding to check on which types of allergy meds would be safe for me to take. I was told which ones were safe, and to take the lowest dosage only as needed because they could lower my milk supply (which is already pretty low at this point). With all the Amazon delays it took awhile to get them, but I finally started taking them last week. But I feel awful in a different way when I take them (drowsy, even though they are supposed to be non-drowsy), and my throat gets dry and scratchy. They are only 12 hour doses so when I take them before bed they wear off by the next morning. I feel like I can’t win! I’ll probably just skip the meds unless absolutely necessary.
We finally got a gate for our workout equipment.
Our basement is pretty big and we have half of it set up as a home gym, with a treadmill, bike, bench, and weights. We started putting some toys in the other half of the basement. A few weeks ago Grayson started getting very interested in the workout equipment. My previous attempts to barricade that half of the basement with pillows would no longer cut it, so we finally got a gate. Maybe one day when he is older he will be able to play by himself down there while I work out. That would be nice!
Stroller runs are getting better.
I am not sure what happened, but after a few rough stroller runs Grayson no longer seems to mind them as much. Sometimes he even asks to go for a walk in the stroller! (By “ask” I mean he goes over to the stroller and points at it and brings his shoes over there). I got him a new toy which is helping, but other than that my only theory is that he is getting really desperate to get out of the house. I guess being stuck at home for 3 months has gotten to all of us!
I feel like I spend the entire weekend meal prepping.
Grayson still takes 2 naps a day, and each one is 1-2 hours (usually about 1.5 hours each). I spend his nap time during the week working, so on the weekends I spend it meal prepping. It takes a long time but I feel like I don’t have any other options. I tried to add up the time I spent doing it last weekend and it was about 3 hours. I made pancakes and eggs for Grayon’s breakfasts, chocolate chip oat bars (I eat these in the morning before I work out), chopped veggies, baked sweet potatoes, meatloaf, chicken zucchini casserole, baked ziti, and chicken tenders. I froze the meatloaf, chicken tenders, and pasta so we could have that later in the week. Today I will make fajitas which I will prep earlier in the day since I don’t work on Fridays.
We got some new “toys” around here
Last weekend we got a water table! It’s finally warm enough to play outside so this is perfect. We aren’t sure if our community pool will open at all this year, so we decided it would be helpful to have something for Grayson to play with at home.
We also got a learning tower! I’m not sure how much he will be able to use it yet, but hopefully it will give us some more options in the kitchen. Right now just he runs circles from the kitchen to the dining room and back whenever I try to do anything in there. Or he pulls all the containers and zip lock bags out of the cabinets.
Thanks for joining me for coffee! Hope everyone is hanging in there and is fully stocked on their beverage of choice. Maybe one good thing that has come from all of this is I’ve saved some money from not buying Starbucks when I’m out!
[Tweet “Coffee, run, coffee, repeat. Join me for some coffee and catching up today! @milebymilerun”]
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Coffee, run, coffee, repeat. Who else is following this schedule?
Do you meal prep?
Is there anything you’ve saved money on since being home more?
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness, Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions, and Coco and Deborah for the February Ultimate Coffee Date!
I’m glad Grayson is getting more used to the stroller runs!
You are great at food prepping! It costs a lot of time on the weekend but it also saves you a lot of time during the week.
I have downloaded an app where we can choose our daily meals which are leftover at restaurants or shops in the neighbourhood. It’s delicious, cheap and helps to fight food waste.
Oh that app sounds great! We usually order take out or delivery once a week, but during the pandemic we have cut back just because its been harder to get the meals when we need them.
I’ve saved money on my hair, that’s for sure! I am so looking forward to my appointment in 2 weeks where I am getting the works!
I don’t do food prep but I do weekly menus. It’s been strange tho, during the pandemic, my husband has been messing with my system!
It always throws me off when my husband gets involved with the meal planning! Although it is nice to have a break from it. I feel like Im constantly trying to think of new ideas but I end up making the same things over and over.
Aw, I love how he “asks” to go in the stroller! So cute. And it looks like he really loves that water table. Meal prep does take a chunk of time, but it pays off later in the week for sure. I’ve got so lazy about cooking. I just throw salmon or tuna steaks under the broiler, steam fresh or microwave frozen veggies, and maybe fix rice or pasta if I think about it in time. 😛
Its nice to have options like that that are quick and healthy! I definitely use stuff like that as sides, but I end up doing more prep for whatever the main part of the meal will be.
I used to meal prep every week but now I have kind of fallen off of it. With both kids back home our meals are different now. That’s great that Grayson is enjoying his stroller outings more. I never ran w a stroller (pre running days for me) but I did enjoy taking the kids out for walks daily. Thanks for linking up for coffee and have a good weekend
Its been nice to get out for walks too, especially now that its warmer! They help to break up the day a little bit.
That’s great news that the stroller runs are going better! My kids all loved stroller rides when they were little. I wasn’t a runner back then, so it was just a lot of walking, but it was always nice to get out of the house. I hadn’t realized how much we were eating at home (duh! I guess it just happened because that was our only option LOL), but we went out for dinner on Wednesday for my sister’s bday, and it felt so odd to be paying for food at a restaurant.
I bet it would feel weird to eat out again! I am not sure when we will go out to eat. It was hard enough with a toddler before all this started, and now I think it would just be impossible to be safe if he came with us. Hopefully one day it will happen again!
Travel & dog sitting are the big ones for us. And those really add up!
I have no idea how you get all that done. Sometimes I prep a little — usually just the staples — right now I’ve fallen off the wagon. Again.
I hope those new toys will help keep Grayson entertained!
I cut way back on the meal prep for awhile, but I’ve felt like I had to start it up again while working from home. I just hate to give up any time during the week that I could be getting work done to cook dinner.
Your Grayson is adorable! Kudos to you for doing stroller runs. I did it once during a race while pushing my friend’s grandson. It is TOUGH!!! Thank goodness they didn’t have running strollers when my kids were little! Ha! I used to practically throw the baby at my hubby on my way out the door, saying “Goingforashortrunbacksoon!” as I sprinted away. 🙂
Haha! It is tough but I guess I’ve gotten used to it. Although he keeps getting bigger so it will only get harder, lol…
That’s great that your stroller runs are getting better. I think it’s so cute that your son now “asks” to go for a walk 🙂
Great job with all of your meal prepping! I admit I have gotten so lazy about that in the past few weeks. It can be time-consuming but I think it’s worth it.
It’s definitely nice that he asks now- it makes me feel better that he actually wants to go out for walks and runs!
The meal prep is so much work but really is worth it I think.
Sometimes I also feel like meal prepping is such a pain in the butt but I really appreciate it during the week when all I have time to do is reheat my meal and eat at my desk so that I can keep working.
My allergies have been really bad the past 3 weeks. I feel incredibly itchy a lot. I take Zyrtec which also makes me feel drowsy but sometimes I’d rather feel sleepy than miserable – it’s actually a can’t win situation though.
It’s really hard to know whats worse with the allergies! I’ll suffer through them for a few days and then cave and take meds. But then I dont like how I feel so I dont take them anymore. I hope allergy season ends soon!
I’m on and off with meal prep. Sometimes I run out of ideas or I just don’t have the bandwidth to cook on weekends. The allergies were unreal for a while there!
Are your allergies better now? I’m hoping the to get past the worst of mine soon!
That learning tower is fantastic, as is the water table. You will get great use out of both!
Both boys have had an awful time with their allergies. They are constantly sleeping with humidifiers, doing saline sinus rinses and keeping up with the meds. There’s just no getting around it. I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks! This is the worst year I remember for allergies in awhile. Usually they go away by June so I’m hoping its almost over!
Ahh, I’m sorry to hear about your allergies!
Yay for a home gym! That’s something I really wish I had so I could do more of a substantial workout while sheltering in place. (I want a squat rack.)
I haven’t meal-prepped in a while but I’d like to start doing that again!
The home gym has been so useful! I started putting it together when we moved into our house 5 years ago. Now I dont have a gym membership anymore.
That’s awesome Grayson is liking his stroller time again! When Maddie was maybe 3 or even 4 she hopped on the treadmill behind me as I was running. She fell off the back but thankfully wasn’t hurt. It horrified me though. I never anticipated that. Your meal prep is amazing. Mine is nothing nearly as comprehensive. Caveman basically only eats nearly raw meat and all casserole-type things are out. It’s very frustrating.
That’s so scary about the treadmill! I am a little worried the gate won’t work for Grayson in a couple of years. But right now I don’t turn it on when he’s down there, so the gate is mostly to keep him away from the weights.
Grayson is getting so big! Glad to hear he is doing better on stroller runs. It’s a win win for the both of you:)
Yes! It’s nice to be able to run with him now.