Somehow it’s already the first Wednesday is June, which means it’s Global Running Day! This day sure feels a little different this year, doesn’t it? While there are so many bigger issues going on in the world and in our country it feels weird to be focusing on running.
I know most years there are groups runs and in-person celebrations, but this year everything will need to be done alone or virtually. However, there are still lots of great ways to celebrate the day!
Let’s back up. Are you wondering what Global Running Day even is? According to the Global Running Day website, “Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer and the power of unification. It’s mission seems more important than ever right now, as people everywhere attempt to stay active and healthy. During these challenging times, many people are turning to running as a solution to help release anxiety, gain perspective, cope with cabin fever, and keep up wellbeing.
Our physical Global Running Day events may be paused, but it’s important that we all keep active in a safe and responsible way. This year, Global Running Day 2020 will be digitally uniting people across the world in a global effort to encourage physical wellness and strengthen community.” Sounds good, right?!
Here are 10 ways to virtually celebrate Global Running Day!
1. Go on a FaceTime run or walk
If you are missing your best running friends right now, take them with you on your next run or walk! This can be done virtually through FacetTime or an old-fashioned phone call.
2. Do some online shopping
We may not be able to shop in stores, but we can still stock up on all our favorite running gear! Check out some of their websites for Running Day sales!
3. Find some new running friends
Online, of course! There are endless amount of runners on Instagram to connect with. Try following and connecting with some new runners from other places!
4. Explore a new route on your run
Luckily, most of us can still run outside during the COVID-19 pandemic. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been running the same routes over and over for the past 3 months. This could be a good day to explore somewhere new! Try to find somewhere that won’t be crowded or go early or late in the day when there will be less people around.
5. Give yourself an at-home massage
My muscles have been craving a nice massage, but that won’t be happening any time soon! (It’s not like I get them very often anyway- but its like because I know I can’t, I really want one!) So do the next best thing and spend some quality time with your foam roller, stick, and lacrosse ball!
6. Inspire someone to start running
With most gyms still closed and the weather warming up, this is the perfect time to get some new runners on board! Inspire some of your family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbors to give running a try.
7. Enjoy a special post-run meal
Maybe you are working from home today and have a little extra time to prepare a special post-run meal. Better yet, maybe someone you live with can prepare your meal so it is ready to go when you get home from your run!
8. Join a running challenge
This year I came across the Run 1 Tag 1 social media challenge for Global Running Day. This calls on people across the world to celebrate Global Running Day by running 1 mile for someone that inspires them (or completing an at-home exercise) and tagging a friend to do the same. Tag #Run1tag1 and #GlobalRunningDay to celebrate and run across the globe together in a worldwide game of virtual tag!
9. Sign up for a virtual race
When you can’t race in person, join a virtual race! I think many of us have already joined some virtual races over the last few months and learned that they can be fun and motivating. Here are two virtual races to consider for Global Running Day:
Find Some Run Happy 5k with Brooks Running This is a free virtual 5k. You will get a bib E-mailed to you when you register and you can share you run on social media by tagging @brooksrunning.
I’m editing this at the last minute to share that Brooks has decided to NOT promote this as a virtual 5k calling it “Find some run happy” but instead are asking us that if we chose to run, we run to unite. They are donating $100k and an additional $1 for everyone who registers (up to 250k) to the Equal Justice Initiative. If you have already registered, the $1 for your registration has already been accounted for. 🖤
Lululemon Running Day 5k Strava Challenge This is another free virtual 5k. You need to be on Strava to join this challenge. By completing the challenge you will earn a digital badge.
10. Just run!
That’s what the day is all about right?
I hope you can enjoy Global Running Day in whatever way makes you happy right now. If you can’t run right now, there are still ways to celebrate, and hopefully you can make up for the day soon! During this time its more important than ever to connect with others, so even if you can’t run with or meet up with your friends in person, you can still celebrate virtually.
[Tweet “It’s Global Running Day, and we will be celebrating virtually this year! @milebymilerun #globalrunningday #runnersroundup”]
How will you be celebrating Global Running Day?
Are you doing any virtual races?
What’s your favorite post-run meal?
You may also like:
National Running Day 2014!
National Running Day 2015
What Running Has Taught Me: Global Running Day 2016
Global Running Day 2017
10 Ways to Celebrate Global Running Day
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs, Running on Happy and Organic Runner Mom to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Thank you, Lisa, for highlighting the Brooks virtual 5k in one of your posts last week. I signed up for it and I’m going to run the 5k today. The benefits of a running community!
Enjoy a great Global Running Day!
I hope the virtual race went well for you!
Happy Global Running Day! I usually don’t do anything special to celebrate, but maybe this year I will since I don’t have a training plan.
That’s one of the nice things about not training- more flexibility!
I love all these ideas, Lisa!! My #5a5 got rained (and lightning’d) out, so I think it’s happening over lunch instead. But it’s gonna happen 😉 Brooks is such a fab company, what a great initiative <3
I was so happy that Brooks made this last minute change. It felt hard to be genuine about the event when there is so much going on right now.
We have an all day running relay today with out MRTT group. So far it’s ” running” smoothly. I am almost up so gotta run! Happy global running day
That sounds like so much fun! I hope it went well!
I’m waiting for the rain to end so I can head out to run!
I hope it cleared up so you could get out there!
Virtual races aren’t really my thing but now that I see how many are donating to a good cause I might be signing up for one or two.
Happy Global Running Day!
It really makes them better, right? Most of the virtual races I’ve done have gone towards a good cause.
I just ran. Because I completely forget it was Global Running Day, as I said to Coach Debbie!
I’m definitely with you on needing some new routes!
Well glad you ran anyway! And I hope you had a good run!
I love our Zoom chat! I can’t wait for the next one. I hope I don’t miss it again.
I’ve only made it to one so far but it was so fun seeing everyone! Definitely a different way to get to know everyone than just reading posts online.
Just run is right!
That post-run breakfast looks yummy though. I’m not a huge breakfast eater, but sometimes little man makes me eggs, and it’s super lovely.
And I absolutely treated myself to a few things in honor of the day.
I can’t wait until my son is old enough to cook me breakfast! Instead right now he just eats my breakfast!
So many great ways to celebrate. I love a little retail therapy especially for running and workout gear. I also love connecting with my running friends that I have made virtually!
Running gear is my favorite to shop for!