Earlier this month I was offered the opportunity to try out Stridebox, a monthly subscription service for runners. Stridebox was kind enough to send this shipment with no strings attached, but I decided that I wanted to post about what was in the box!
February 2017 Stridebox Review
First, a little info about Stridebox. For $15/month, you receive a box of running related goodies. These can be nutrition-related, body care, or other types of running accessories. 4-6 items come in each box.
My first reaction to seeing the box was that it was nice and small- it even fit in our mailbox! I’m not sure if they are always this size but I don’t like packages being left on our porch while we are at work all day, so I was happy to find it in the mailbox.
When I opened the box, the items were wrapped in this cute Valentines Day- themed paper.
Oh, and I liked this quote on the side of the box:
Here are the 6 items that I received in my Stridebox shipment:
1. Organic Honey Stinger Waffle -Wildflower Honey
We eat Honey Stinger Waffles before our workouts all the time, so I was excited to try this different variety! I thought it was really good. It just had a slightly different flavor from the regular ones that we get.
2. After Sports Wipes
These seem like they would be great to use after a race when you want to hang out for a while before you can get home to shower.
3. Buff Bake Protein Cookie
Last weekend I gave this a try. I was desperate for food and it was too early to eat lunch. It wasn’t my favorite, but I could see how some people could like if. If you want something sweet that is sort of like a dessert, but still somewhat healthy, then this would be a good fit.
4. Spring Long Haul Energy Gel
I was definitely intrigued by this! I can’t imagine that I will need to take fuel on my run anytime soon, so I may let Rob try it on one of his long runs. I am always looking for more natural types of gels and fuel.
5. Star Recovery Messager
This is nothing compared to my foam rollers, but it seems like it would be great for traveling or even to keep at my desk at work.
6. Surface Lip Protection
I haven’t tried this yet but it’s always good to have an extra lip balm around! I seem to always be losing them. Not sure how I will feel about the mango flavor though.
Overall I really enjoyed receiving a Stridebox. I could see how you may get some really great months and others that are not so good. Based on the prices of the individual items, $15 a month isn’t bad. It kind of reminds me of the freebies that are sometimes offered at a race expo.
[Tweet “My first @Stridebox was a success! Check out the goodies I got this month @milebymilerun #stridebox #running #runchat”]
Have you ever done a subscription service for running products?
Which of these products would you be interested in trying?
Disclaimer: I received this Stridebox for free, but all opinions are my own.
i think a few years ago a healthy food box company sent me something but I can’t even remember the name of the company now! I wonder if that cookie is like a lenny and larry’s cookie?
Not sure, I dont think I have had a Lenny and Larrys cookie!
You got some nice goodies! I tried a honey stinger waffle once and loved it!
Arent the honey stingers good? I love eating them before a run.
I’ve always wanted to try Stridebox and Runner box–so much so that I used to make my own Suzlyfe version and give things away, lol!
Thats a great idea! Im sure your version is just as good!
I get their boxes (for free) – it’s fun to try different things out! I especially like how easy it is to sample new fueling products and bars with Stridebox.
Its really nice to be able to sample running-realted products!
That would be so fun to get in the mail! I had no idea C.S. Lewis wrote that quote. I love it!
It’s a great quote, right? And definitely a fun package to get in the mail!
I just won one of these boxes so I am waiting for it to come!
I hope you like it!
I have never received a monthly box like that. Given that I LOVE getting mail (yes, I’m a grade schooler! haha) and if it’s running related, even better! I’ve never seen that gel before. It’s a great way to try new products. Our running groups have switched over to Honey Stingers instead of GU, but I still haven’t tried those yet either. They sound really good – how can you go wrong with “waffle”, right?
I like getting mail too, as long as its not a bill! Mail is less fun now as an adult, so I love getting running stuff delivered.
I love the Honey Stinger waffles. REI has quite a few flavors, and I get a random selection. I’ve also seen there’s a mail order box for running clothes, so like Stitch Fix but for runners. I really didn’t need to know that!
Oh I would love to try something like that for running clothes!
I’ve never heard of this before! I think it is an interesting idea for a company to market to runners!
Its definitely a great idea!
Been wanting to give Stride Box a try…might just do it now!
I hope you like it if you do decide to give it a try!
I have gotten the Stridebox a few years ago, and I thought it was a great price as well. However, I thought there were a lot of supplements and samples of protein powders and such I never used. And yes they always come in that small of a box. I live in a condo now that has a small mail box so I don’t know if they would have to leave it on my door step. I do not like that either.
I could see how there would sometimes be products in a box that I never try. Luckily I think everything I got in this box will get used!
What a neat idea! I’m not familiar with Stride Box but it seems like a great idea to try new running related products!
It’s a really fun concept! I love getting running stuff in the mail so this is perfect.
I received this StrideBox, too! I love the size of the box, too! In my apartment complex, USPS is the best. 🙂
I’m with you on the Buff Cake. I liked it, but not sure I loved it.
I think it would be good for a “healthy” dessert. Not sure its something I would buy for myself though!