Today is the day for “Thinking Out Loud” which must mean that it is Thursday. Finally. Although so far this week has been kind of a whirlwind and I told Rob last night that I feel like it’s just been a really, really, long Monday. I had good intentions for getting things done this week but more things have just been getting in the way and work keeps piling up. Luckily I had some posts for the week drafted already, or they wouldn’t have happened this week. Anyway, thinking out loud is a great way to vent- so thanks! And thanks to Amanda as always for hosting.
I went to yoga on Tuesday, and I needed it desperately. I was rushing around trying to get there and was just thinking about how nice it would be to just lay on my mat and not move. I actually wondered if people ever do that- like go to the class and just stay in savasana the whole time. It ended up feeling good to move and I still got my 5-10 minutes of stillness at the end.
I seriously questioned if it would ever stop raining this week. After I left yoga on Tuesday night I saw the clouds rolling in and then the storms started later that night. I woke up to the rain, I ran through the rain Wednesday morning, and then it rained non-stop on Wednesday.
To make matters worse I had a 4:30 doctor’s appointment on Wednesday 25 minutes away from where I work. Yuck. The last thing I wanted to do was drive there in the rain and I knew there would be traffic. I rushed to get out of work a few minutes early and followed google maps to find the route with the least traffic possible. I made it just in time, only to be told they were running an hour behind schedule. REALLY?! How does that even happen? So next time I will be taking the first appointment of the day, thank you very much. So I finally got out of there hours later and then had to deal with more traffic coming back to the city, so clearly it was a fun afternoon all around:)
So then this happened:
Lately I’ve been enjoying listening to random older songs on iTunes. Like songs I haven’t thought about or heard in years. Preferably while drinking a glass of wine (see above).
I’ve also been meaning to share that my motivational bracelet came! I think I ordered it last Thursday (from Momentum)and it was delivered on Saturday, which is pretty remarkable considering it’s custom made. It’s too bad I didn’t have it in time to wear for my race, but that was my own fault for not planning ahead. I honestly thought it would take a few weeks so I was more concerned about having it for the marathon!
So that’s what I’ve been thinking about lately!
What’s been on your mind this week?
Is anyone else having a crazy, unpredictable week and would like to just check out for a day or two?
I have had enough of the rain. I think it’s still rainy and windy today. And dark too. Bleh…
I hope we are done with that kind of weather for awhile! But I haven’t looked at this upcoming week’s forecast so I have no idea…
Love that bracelet! I hear you on the rain. I ran in it yesterday but opted to switch my days around to do my 9 miles tomorrow instead of today, and rest while it continues raining. At least this way the weather looks good for tomorrow and Saturday for longer runs.
I was pretty grateful that we had good weather for Saturday runs! I would rather do 6 miles in the rain than 16, that’s for sure!
I would definitely like a little mental break. I feel like I need to take a mid-week siesta and come back refreshed and recharged. Otherwise, I feel like my brain might drown.
Mid-week siesta would have been perfect. I think having Wednesdays off every week would make my life significantly better.
We’ve had a lot of rain the last few days, and I hate it, hate it, HATE IT!! I love your line “it felt like a really long Monday.” I’ve had weeks like that. Hope your weekend is better!
Thanks, the weekend was much better! I hope you had a great weekend, too!
i love that bracelet – so fun! And it hasn’t been raining as much here, so I am kind of jealous! I love the rain (obviously I belong in Seattle)!
I don’t mind the rain if I’m inside and don’t have to go anywhere! But running in it and going to work in it are no fun for me! You are more than welcome to take some of our rain:)
YES to the crazy week. I’ve definitely been having one of those, which is why I couldn’t be happier that I’m taking off to the mountains this weekend for some very much needed R&R. I’m seriously hoping it doesn’t rain, though. I wouldn’t have minded rain during the week since I was stuck inside for most of it, but I’ll get a little ragey if it starts up tomorrow. Is there an anti-rain dance I can do?
I hope you ended up having good weather while you were away!
Staying in savasana for a whole yoga class is actually REALLY hard – back when I lived in Boston, one of the instructors at my favorite yoga studio used to sometimes challenge the class to do this. Rarely did people make it all the way through the class without leaving! It’s very hard to juts sit with yourself, present, in the moment, in silence, like that for a long time. A great mental exercise!
You know, i actually never thought about how hard it would be but your are absolutely right! Unless I fell asleep I would go crazy trying to stay in savasana for an entire class!
The rain has totally thrown me off my game. I have been so lazy this week. All I want to do is sit on the couch and watch a movie lol.
That’s how i felt…but we had a beautiful weekend here…I hope that you did too!
Cute bracelet. What does the teal one say? I agree it has been raining here all week so I have been doing the treadmill instead.
The teal one is just an extra band, I would still use the same “Run strong” medal from the green bracelet if I wear the teal one.
Agreed that this week needs to end. Wednesday beat me up. Sorry about the rain! Funny, I was just wishing it would start raining here (since I keep forgetting to water my poor plants…)
You can take some of our rain!! I feel like we have gotten some pretty heavy downpours at least once a week lately.
I love those motivational bracelets I am going to be buying one as soon as I am done moving!
That’s awesome! Have you decided what quote you are going to get?
Yes yes yes this is one of those weeks I’d love to check out early on! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! 🙂
I love the old school songs you’re listening to – some of my faves are in that list! I was just listening to “Low” by Kelly Clarkson yesterday on my drive home 🙂
Ha that’s too funny! And I am impressed that you could read the songs! I thought the picture was too blurry for anyone to see them!
Cute bracelet! After spending the first 20ish years of my life in Ireland I am SO over rain. I can’t tell you how good it is to see blue sky almost everyday here in Utah. This week is going surprisingly quickly – but I am looking forward to finishing work tomorrow and going camping in Zion National Park!
I bet it is refreshing to see more sun!! I have family in Ireland and they say the same thing about the rain. I hope you had a great time camping!
The bracelet looks great! I really like that style. The rain this week just made it crummy. I need the sun!
Thanks! Let’s hope we have some good running weather this week!
I went to yoga this week for the first time in way too long. I actually had the same thought as you did about just lying on the mat the whole time. Especially when the substitute instructor started the class with a 5 minute call and response chanting. A different experience than I’m used to but it ended up being a good class. Always is 🙂
That’s an interesting way to start the class! But sometimes those classes that take us out of our comfort zones end up being the best ones!
Rain and cold are my mortal enemies and more than 2 days of rain makes me crazy. I really like your motivation bracelet. I hope your week gets better!
Thank you! I hope we have some sunny, warm fall weather for at least a few weeks before winter hits!
OK first, I love the title of your blog. The best. Wine and running. I’m a huge wine-o. My sister works at a winery in northern VA so that makes it even worse – I mean better! I need to order my Momentum motivational bracelet! I have a virtual 5k that they are sponsoring so I have a giveaway for them 🙂 I would love to have you join in on the fun raising money for Stand Up To Cancer!
That sounds awesome- I will definitely check it out! What winery does she work at? I have been thinking about checking out some of the wineries in that area. My dad works for wine store which just reinforces the habit for me:)
She works at the Bull Run Winery! It’s a great winery! Potomac Point and Paradise Springs are great, too!