I can’t believe it’s already the last Friday of May! It seems that the temperatures have finally started to pick up on the fact that it’s basically the unofficial start of summer. Not sure how much more rain and chilly weather I could have handled, so let’s hope this warm weather sticks around!
It’s time for some Runfessions, in Friday Five format! Head over to the link-ups to see what everyone else is sharing today.
1. As much as I have been excited for the warm weather, I am feeling a little nervous about running in it. I know it’s going to take a while to adjust, and I’m sure my pace will slow down quite a bit. It’s going to be tough doing races these next few weeks now that it’s warmer out!
2. When I looked back at my training from last week, I realized I had run 7 days straight for a total of 47 miles (from Saturday to Friday). That’s quite a jump from my typical weekly mileage! It’s funny how changing around my schedule a bit can cause that to happen (by doing my long run on Friday and making Saturday my rest day).
3. The last few miles of my long run last weekend were kind of a struggle. I blame this on eating tacos and cake the night before and not drinking enough water. It was Rob’s birthday over the weekend, so he got to pick the meal. We were leaving the next day for a wedding so instead of baking a cake I just bought two slices from Fresh Market. Talk about a sugar overload!
4. I haven’t been bringing any water or fuel on any of my runs (see #2). It’s going to be time to start doing that again soon, especially if I want to continue doing long runs. Also, I won some packets of Tailwind from Wendy’s giveaway a few weeks ago so I’m excited to try that out!
5. This isn’t really a “run”fession but I guess its health-related: I feel like I have been slacking a bit on my veggies lately. Some days I am just eating spinach and 1 other vegetable. It’s time to improve on that a bit, especially with all the good summer veggies that are in season now! I’m hoping to find some new recipes to experiment with as well.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend! Or if you don’t celebrate, have a great weekend anyway!
What do you have to runfess lately?
Have you been bringing water with you on your runs?
Have you been eating enough veggies lately?
[Tweet “Time to spill those #runfessions! What running-related guilt do you want to share this month? @runningoutowine #running #fridayfive”]
I’m linking up Marcia for Runfessions and with Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for the Friday Five!
Agreed – it’s finally warm here but it will take some adjusting to! so far I have run early enough this week that it’s not that hot but I know the humidity is coming! I have to start leaving water outside for my long runs for sure. after my run yesterday, I definitely felt a bit dehydrated with a headachy feeling, no matter how I tried to rehydrate. or, like you, maybe it was the cake I ate Wednesday night that affected me lol. have a great weekend!
Haha its tough to tell between dehydration and a sugar overload!
I feel like I might have been overdoing the veggies lately. I feel good, but there are some… signs, lol. The warm weather is kind of building on us, so I think we are going to have time to adjust. Of course, I say that, but who knows what will actually happen! Have a great weekend, Lisa!
For us it jumped from like 50 degree to almost 90 in a few days. Hopefully it will be a bit more mild before the heat is here to stay!
I went on a long bike ride the other day and it was 88 degrees. I made nothing of the fact that I brought no water or fuel, until I started to struggle. Geez. It’s already in the 70’s here today at 5:30am. Here we go. Thanks for linking up!
It really snuck up on us! I always try to avoid bringing water on my runs for as long as possible.
I hear you on the warm temps. Boom, it’s here. I’m running ok, tho. The real test will be my 10k on Sunday.
This is the perfect time of year to try that Tailwind! I can’t wait to hear what you think.
Good luck in your 10k!
I’m not much of “bring fuel along on the run” kind of gal. Most of my long runs involve 5-6 miles, then looping back to my house for water, potty, etc. But I do bring something along for races…and that’s been a struggle because my body no longer tolerates gels (organic or otherwise), chews, chomps, or sport beans.
Thats a good idea to stop at your house! Have you tried raisins? Ive done those and also larabars if I don’t want anything processed.
Summer running is finally here, but oh my goodness the sweat is real. I went out yesterday when it was 86 degrees and I’m not sure if it was the best idea. My run was great but I stopped by a random McDonald’s for a cup of ice water. I hate carrying a bunch of things, but water is going to be worth it. Have a great weekend!
Yup I also try avoid carrying water but now its going to be necessary!
I totally feel you on this warm weather! While I welcome it, it’s a rude awakening when running. I was hot enough yesterday morning, but when my boss got back from a 4:30 run yesterday I don’t know how she survived! Why can’t heat acclimation be instant? I’m also suddenly having to acclimate to morning runs, which has left me drained this week.
I always bring water with me in the summer, just in case. You never know when you may need some. I just carry a small bottle for anything under 5 miles and it works like a charm.
Its probably a good idea to always carry water and I should really start doing that again!
YESS for summer veggies! I’ve never tried tailwind, I’ll look forward to your thoughts. I can never drink enough with the hotter weather either – it’s something I constantly try to be conscious of. Have a great weekend, Lisa!
I can’t even believe how much water I drank today, and I didnt even run!
I have been slacking off on veggies too! Last night I had a salad and was like, “oh yeah, I forgot about salads….”
Hahaha! I have been eating some veggies, but always the same, boring ones. Im hoping if I change things up I will get more excited to eat them.
I loveeeeee Tailwind – hope you do as well!
Glad to hear you like it!
Summer’s come in this week, and with the humidity, it’s felt like late July some mornings. I really want to dry out because the temps haven’t been too bad by themselves. In fact, today during the t-storm felt better than the rest of the week did.
We have had humidity this week too! It definitely feels like summer is here!
I don’t typically carry anything with me when running but I am pretty good about staying hydrated throughout the day generally. I need to be better on the weekends though… I need to stop eating cookies/cake/pizza as my primary sources of calories. Maybe then my runs will feel better haha I do get in veggies pretty frequently, but I’m not eating as well as I normally do and I feel pretty sluggish as a result.
I definitely think it helps to stay hydrated all day long, then I don’t feel as dehydrated on my runs. Whenever I start eating a little better I always feel like my running improves!
I never eat enough veggies! I was on a veggie kick for a while there, but the raw ones hurt my stomach SO MUCH and I get lazy about cooking them.
The only raw veggies I eat are really basic salads. I like to roast veggies because thats pretty easy, but Im hoping now that its warm out I can get Rob to grill some of them!
I love the warm weather but last year was the first time it actually bothered me to run in it. I think it must be my age kicking in…lol. Have a happy weekend!
Haha! I think it just takes me awhile to adjust. I also need to get out early enough before the sun is too strong!
I find I do much better on freggies in the summer. But I do carry water on almost all my runs. I get thirsty easily & I do drink a lot of water!
Its probably a good idea to have water on all runs this time of year!
i’ve already been loathing the heat and i keep forgetting to take my fuel with me. when its cooler out i dont bring water on shorter than 6 miles but now its so hot and humid i need it and keep forgetting!
I have gotten away without water for so long that its gonna be a tough adjustment to start bringing it again!
The warmer weather is always a hard adjustment for me, although I feel like mentally at least this years Boston helped me over my fears! Thinking of getting a handheld since I don’t need a backpack for the runs I’ll be doing
I need to try to find my handheld water bottle- I don’t remember using it at all last year but its time to break it out again!
My veggie intake is pretty good, but I have been loading up on the fruits. So many good options to chose from, this is absolutely my favorite time of year for produce and I take full advantage of it.
Yes! I need to start taking advantage of both the fruits and veggies that are in season now!
I haven’t been bringing something to drink on my runs yet but I was just thinking yesterday how I was going to have to start doing that. Do you have any recommendations for a handheld bottle and holder to pick up? I have a small one that holds around 8 to 10 ounces but I think I’ll be needing a bigger one for my long runs coming up.
I have a Nathan Handheld that works pretty well, I think its this one: http://www.amazon.com/Nathan-Quick-Draw-Handheld-Hydration/dp/B009KQ83EU/ref=sr_1_12?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1464548303&sr=1-12&keywords=nathan+water+bottle I also have a Camelback backpack that I use on really long runs!
Thanks so much for the tip! I’ll check this one out!
I did my first longish run today and it was SO hot! Ugh, I’m not made for warm weather running. I brought a handheld with me and apple slices for fuel. It’s gonna take awhile to acclimate again.
It will definitely take a little while to get used to this heat again! It really snuck up on us!
Good job on your 7 day streak!! I’ve had cake from the Fresh Market before, and it is soo good, that I would have bought a whole cake…. and I don’t even like cake!
I have been slacking on veggies…