How is it already the middle of June? This month is flying by! I feel like this has been a good month of running and I kind of want to freeze time! Usually June is one of my favorite months for running but the past two years have been rough. In 2016 I started having problems with my foot/ankle and last year in 2017 I got some nasty blisters from running in new shoes. Hopefully June continues to go smoothly this year! Today I am sharing my mid-June workouts so far.
Other than running I’ve been keeping up with my other workouts. For some reason I feel like I have been getting sore pretty easily lately. Maybe from changing up some of my strength training workouts? Yoga and foam rolling seems to help, but it’s still kind of weird. My legs felt so heavy on Saturday’s run and my strength training workout on Friday wasn’t really that intense.
Here’s how my mid-June workouts have looked:
Monday: 3 miles + mobility
It was pouring rain out so I hopped on the treadmill for this run. Even though it was only about 55 degrees outside, it was super hot in my basement. Thank goodness for treadmill fans!
Tuesday: Strength training + 20 minutes spin bike
This was my longer/more intense strength training session for the week but I don’t even think its the one that left me sore. I did do hamstring curls on the stability ball which I always feel the next day.
Wednesday: 3.1 miles + mobility
Still feeling good for this run. If I remember correctly it was humid out but not super hot.
Thursday: 50 minutes yoga
I felt like I needed a longer yoga session so I moved some things around to fit this in.
Friday: 2.2 miles + Strength training
The weather was perfect so I got outside for a run, but also did some strength training. This was a shorter session but I’m thinking the squats and deadlifts are what made me sore?
Saturday: 7 miles + mobility
My legs were feeling kind of sore and tired but I was hoping they would loosen up on this run. The humidity was finally low even though it did get pretty warm out while I was running. I felt great on the flats and downhills, it was just the uphills that were a struggle for my legs.
Sunday: Rest
Got in some foam rolling and stretching to loosen up the legs!
It was so nice to have a weekend without rain. I really can’t remember the last time this happened. We finally got to spend some time outside on the deck for the first time this year.
Who knows what the rest of June will bring, but hopefully it continues to be a good month! I’m traveling for work this week so I probably won’t be doing much more blogging. I’m hoping to get in some good (blister-free!) runs while I’m away!
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How have your mid-June workouts gone so far?
What is your favorite month for running?
Ever get sore and not really know why?
Great week last week, and I hope you have safe travels this week! Glad you were able to enjoy a weekend without rain. I’ve experienced more soreness than expected sometimes too, and I have no idea why.
Thanks! Its so odd when the random soreness hits.
This summer is just flying by. Last week I was pretty sore after my workouts but I think it was bc I did a swim I haven’t done in years…haha. Hope you work travel goes well this week.
I bet I would be really sore if I tried to swim! I haven’t been in the pool is almost a year!
It’s crazy that it’s already halfway through June. I think the heat has been making me sore. Maybe that’s not even possible haha but it feels like I’m exerting more effort when it’s really hot. Just a thought! Safe travels for work.
That’s a good theory! I think I will go with that.
Safe travels! I never thought about a favorite running month. Probably something cooler than it’s been around here lately. I’m so grateful I don’t have marathon training to contend with this year.
I think I like June because it’s finally warm but then I also like October when it starts to cool off. I guess I just like to change things up!
You are having a great month so far! Whatever you are doing is working. I’m sore a lot too, but I think that’s because I’m always mixing up my workouts. My body just never knows what to expect!
I think thats a good thing!
I’ve been more sore lately as well! Maybe it has something to do with the change in weather? lol. It looks like you had a great week of workouts though! I think my favorite month to run is October or November!
I love those months too, when it finally starts to cool off after a long, hot summer!
Knock on wood, you continue to have a good month. I can’t believe we’re halfway through June as well. It helps that I took some days off last week, and now I’m back at work :-/
It’s always hard getting back to work after time off! Hopefully this week goes by quickly.
I predict you will not have any problems this June! You’ve paid your dues. As I sit here reading this, I’m sooooo sore from water skiing. 😉 But at least it is mostly upper body and doesn’t affect my runs. The humidity doesn’t make me feel sore but it does make me feel much heavier. My legs just won’t go. Could that be part of the problem? January is be my favorite running months as our February can actually get warm. Thanks for linking!
I would agree that running in the humidity feels much harder, like my legs are heavier. That could definitely be part of the problem!
I can so relate as I have dealt with one injury after another these past couple of years. But, I am on the mend and hope to be running again soon! What I don’t get is why??? I feel like I follow conservative running programs and the only thing I have really added to my running in the last couple of years is foam rolling, stretching (after), and of course age. Maybe its not what I have added but what I am missing??? Trying to figure it all out 🙂
I am also always wondering why I get hurt so much! Strength training has helped me alot. And I’ve learned that I just need to back off quickly at the first sign of any pain.
I hope that you continue to have an awesome month. you’ve been doing a great job with getting your workouts in and a variety of workouts too!
Thanks! It’s been nice to change things up a lot.
sometimes I randomly end up sore from a pure barre workout and it fascinates me as to why. when it’s a totally new pose I get it but when it’s not, it’s weird! also, whenever I’m in the gym and do squats and walking lunges, I am sore. every single time. Oh, and sometimes where I am in my cycle can make me more sore from workouts than others.
Exactly! I didn’t do anything new, so I have no idea why I got so sore last week.
Wasn’t Friday and Saturday’s weather delightful here in the mid-Atlantic region? I could get used to that rather than what we’re dealing with today.
I’d say that late September and early October are my favorite running months!
I wish that we could have last weekend’s weather back- it felt amazing! Fall is such a good time for running too, when it finally starts to cool off again but isn’t freezing cold yet.
June is flying by! Thanks for reminding me I need to fit in some yoga this week…I’m in desperate need of a good stretching session! Hope your week is off to a great start!
I’m looking forward to getting in some yoga tomorrow! It always feels so good.
It sounds like June is going well for you! It seems like inevitably every summer I have some random short issue with my feet, but it makes sense since I’m outdoors for non-running activities more. May and October are my favorite running months – perfect temperatures and not a lot of rain.
It’s always a little difficult for me to transition to wearing sandals in the summer. Even though my foot has been feeling fine the always get a little sensitive this time of year if I walk around in unsupportive shoes for too long!
Sounds like a solid week! Did you get to run on your worktrip?
Yes, I’ve definitely gotten sore and didn’t know why… so weird. 🙂
Yes, I did do some running while I was away! Its so strange to feel sore and have no idea why.
My favorite running months are usually October and April. June is definitely tough going so far for me with the humidity.
It seems worse than other years for some reason. I guess it will be a long summer!
Enjoy your time off blogging! I always cut back this time of year- there is so much else going on and I lose some of my motivation to sit and write.
You had a great week of workouts!
Thanks! I’ve definitely felt less creative lately anyway so its a good time to cut back!