Although it’s still only early June, it certainly feels like summer. Not that I expected anything different. It seems every year we jump quickly from winter weather to summer weather, and this year was quite extreme. While you might find me occasionally complaining about the heat and humidity, overall I really do love summer running. This weekend’s run reminded me of some of the reasons why.
I love being able to throw on shorts and a tank top and head out the door. I love that it’s light out at 5am. I love how sweaty you get even from just a few miles. And I love that while running in the heat is more challenging, you feel so accomplished when you’re done.
On Saturday I knew it would be a warm one so I was out the door by 5:30. It was completely light out and while there were some other runners and walkers, there were very few cars on the road that early. It felt sticky and humid, but the heat wasn’t all that bad yet. I was able to get going and by the time it got really hot I was pretty much done.
Even though I only ran 6 miles, it felt like such a good workout. I worked up a good sweat and felt like I did a long run even though I ran for less than an hour. And I was done with my run by 6:30 am- can’t beat that! By 10am I had run, stretched, showered, ate breakfast, went to Target, and got a manicure and pedicure. Mornings are so much more productive when they start out nice and early!
Trust me when I say I know that summer running has it’s challenges. I just like to keep all of these positives in mind, especially after spending 6 months complaining about the cold weather.
Here’s how last week’s workouts looked:
Monday: 4 miles + mobility
The weather was a little cooler this week which made for a nice morning run. As I said in my monthly recap, I’m hoping to start including mobility work 3 times a week. My strength training plan as 3 mobility sessions that are about 20 minutes of static mobility, dynamic mobility, soft tissue work, and motor control exercises. I found that they make a good pre-run warm up.
Tuesday: 20 minutes spinning, strength training
My legs were feeling sore and I’m not exactly sure why. It felt good to loosen them up on the bike. My strength training session was focused on upper body and core.
Wednesday: 3 miles + mobility
It was Global Running Day! I only had time for 3 miles but I was glad I could get out there.
Thursday: Strength training, 20 minutes yoga
My legs were feeling better so I was able to do a regular strength training session, followed by some yoga to stretch everything out.
Friday: 30 minute walk + mobility
I felt like I was either fighting off a cold or dealing with allergies again, and had no desire to run. I opted for a walk on the treadmill and also got in my mobility work.
Saturday: 6 miles
I was glad I didn’t run on Friday because I was ready to go on Saturday. Despite the stickiness and humidity, this was a great run.
Sunday: Rest
[Tweet “This is what I love about summer running! #weeklywrap @milebymilerun”]
How were your workouts last week?
Are you enjoying summer running?
Do you include mobility work regularly?
** Don’t forget to enter my Stridebox Giveaway! It’s open through Wednesday, June 13th**
Linking up with HoHo Runs and Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap and No Guilt Life, MCM Mama Runs, and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Tuesdays on the Run!
Summer running really is the best. Having the sun up early makes getting up for long runs infinitely easier on the weekend.
I love that it’s light out so early. It’s definitely easier to get out the door right away!
I so love summer running but this week the humidity got to me. I still went out but I dont think my runs went as great. I need to start going much earlier, wish my schedule allowed for that.
The humidity can definitely be rough. I try to remind myself how much I complained about the cold all winter!
100% agree with you on your reasons for loving summer running. There’s something about all that sweat that makes you feel legit! Now, if the rain would just stop, I’d be content.
Ugh the rain has just been awful this month!
I agree with you – I feel like we have 2 weeks of Spring and then we’re right into summer temps and humidity, lol. I personally hate summer running, but one thing I do appreciate is having to do less laundry. In the winter I just always have mounds of running clothes to wash because of wearing so many layers.
Less laundry is nice- although I think it smells worse so I end up doing it more often anyway!
I LOVE the ability to just ‘get up and go’ in the summer months (well, yeah, get up, get the animals fed, dishwasher emptied, and THEN go … but still).
I am terrible about hydration in the summer and definitely got myself dehydrated a couple of weekends ago and felt it for several days. I am at the low-end (or below, according to my wife) of my weight range, lower than *ever* so I think I feel things more quickly than before (have less of a ‘buffer’ if that makes sense).
Workouts have been great overall – I have been averaging ~100+ miles per week for the last few months and just feel awesome.
That sounds great. And it’s tough to stay hydrated especially in the beginning of the summer. It always takes me a little while to figure out how much I need and if I need to take water on my runs.
I love most things about summer running too. I’m already an early bird, so I don’t have to change much except to get out a little bit earlier.
I think most places skipped right over spring this year. Well, here in the desert we skipped over winter.
I think it’s a great idea to set a goal for the mobility work. Maybe that would help me get it done too! :-p
I also like getting out the door nice and early. Its much easier to do it in the summer because I have so many excuses in the winter!
I totally agree: There is no better feeling of accomplishment that getting a run done early! I think having the sun at a really low angle (or not really up yet) helps a ton too.
Definitely! I noticed such a difference towards the end of my run as the sun got stronger.
I’ve gotten all of my strength training sessions in, and I’m resting this whole week with my oral surgery tomorrow. Once this is done, and I see my chiropractor, I want to get back to running. Part of me wants to get out there now, and I haven’t seen my chiropractor since before my race. I need to get realigned before I run again.
It always feels good to get an adjustment, especially after a hard training cycle and race!
I had some great workouts last week, thanks entirely to the summery weather. I’m also loving the early sunrises and late sunsets. Plus not having to wear 8000 layers when I’m heading out on a run is so, so wonderful!
I try to do yoga and/or barre once a week, plus I work with a PT once a week to improve my mobility/correct some imbalances. It’s super helpful!
That sounds like a great workout routine! Its SO nice to not have to wear a million layers anymore.
My legs have been feeling heavy and tired too. I thought it was probably mostly diet and stress but I’m sure the humidity has a lot to do with it. They felt so much lighter when it was cooler! I’m glad you opted to rest on Friday instead of pushing through whatever you were fighting off. Battling a cold in the summer is no fun at all.
Last week was a deload week for me so there was a lot less running …. and one day was hills on the treadmill – so I feel like I missed out on all that beautiful weather. lol
And I’m with you on those early mornings! That’s the best way to start the day!
You are right that the humidity can definitely be to blame for running feeling harder. Hope you are feeling better this week!
It sounds like this was a good week of running for you! I never really liked summer running when I lived in the Midwest, but I love it out here. I’m hoping this summer doesn’t have any bad wildfires like last year!
That’s great that summer running is better than in the midwest. I also hope you don’t have to deal with any wildfires this year!
Summer running is hands down my favorite. I don’t have to worry about having enough clothes on and the early morning light is the best. I’m sad that it’s going to slowly get darker in the a.m. after the 21st. NO!!!!
I know, I feel like it should stay super light in the mornings all summer! It doesn’t feel right that the days start getting shorter so soon.
Great week Lisa! As much as I complain about the heat and humidity of summer, I really do love it more than winter. If only I could drag myself out of bed early enough to get my runs in before work …..#thisoldladyneedssleep
I don’t know how anyone does summer runs later in the day!
I also love summer running! I love the light in the morning and evening, love the heat that makes me sweat too. When I am done I feel clean, accomplished and tired. I did an 18-mile training run yesterday morning and had to get up extra early to do it, but it was great to be done and have most of the day in front of me!
Great job getting out early to do your long run!
Ok, confession: I am not a fan of summer running. And I think that’s because it feels like summer from about April until November here.
BUT(!): I have been making a conscious effort to think about the things I do like about summer running, so I loved this post. One other thing to add to your list: I love the way it feels when you get a nice breeze and are covered in sweat. Or a few raindrops at the end of a sweaty run.
Nice week of workouts too, by the way!
Yes! I love that too! It helps so much to remember the good things about summer running.
You know I’m in total agreement about summer running 😉 I’ll gladly choose hot and humid over ice and snow. That’s a no-brainer LOL
Yep! I knew you would agree with me on this one:)
I love summer running too, but I just haven’t found my “groove” yet this summer! -M
It took me a few weeks but I finally feel like I’m used to it!
I love summer running aswell, but the past few mornings… its only been in the 50’s or low 60’s when I wake up to run!
It’s so weird that it suddenly cooled off again! I think the rest of the week will probably be a little warmer.
You are so right about being able to just throw on a tank/shorts and go run! I love not having to think too much about what I’m wearing. I don’t feel like summer is truly here yet…we’re still having temps in the 50s at night, but it’s so nice to get out early and it’s already light out!
It’s been a weird few weeks, thats for sure. At the end of May/beginning of June I was convinced summer weather was here for good. But the past few days have been cooler so who knows!
Looks like a pretty great week!! I have to say, I’m pretty jealous that it’s light for you at 5am! The sun isn’t up here until around 6:30. That’s lots of good running time and less heat I could be getting in!
It’s definitely been nice to have so much light in the mornings!
Not to sound like a broken record, but since we have summer temps for about 8 months of the year…I prefer our mild winters for running. But I do agree — I feel more accomplished after an extra hot and extra sweaty run. I hope you enjoy your summer running! Thanks for linking.
I think it we have mild winters I wouldn’t mind them as much!
If I can manage to go run (outdoors) before the temperature reaches above 80, I love summer running too 🙂
Yes, the key is getting out early!