Week 2 of the Race Across Maryland is complete, and these miles sure do add up quickly when you’re running and walking all the time! It’s been interesting to track my walking and to also be more mindful of how much I’m walking. Some days having this challenge has been my motivation to go for a walk when we are running out of things to do in the house. Other days I realize how much time I’ve spent on my feet and opt to walk less or skip an afternoon walk. Let’s take a look at how this week went for the Race Across Maryland Week 2 (Miles 40-83 ).
Weekly Run Down
Monday: Strength Training + 4.2 Stroller Miles + 2 Mile Walk
Tuesday: 6 Miles + Glute/Hip Exercises + 3.1 Mile Walk
Wednesday: Strength Training + 3.8 Stroller Miles + 1.2 Mile Walk
Thursday: Rest Day + 4 Mile Walk
Friday: 4.1 Stroller Miles + Core Work + 1.3 Mile Walk
Saturday: 10 Miles (including 1 mile timed trial)
Sunday: 3.5 Stroller Miles +.9 Mile Walk
Weekly Run Miles: 31.6
Weekly Walk Miles: 12.5
Total Race Across MD Miles: 83.15/250
Now that I’m walking more, and it’s so hot out, there are few things I need to be more aware of. Like wearing sneakers rather than flip flops. And using sun screen. And staying hydrated. For awhile I was able to get away with wearing flip flops on walks but now that I’m on my feet so much I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s a little annoying to be putting sunscreen on myself and Grayson multiple times a day but of course it’s important. Some days I bring a nice big bottle of ice water with me; other days its a travel mug of coffee (or iced coffee).
Stroller Running
There’s not much new with stroller running– we are still just getting out there for about 30-40 minutes a few times a week. I feel like I’m getting a little stronger with pushing the stroller, although it does feel pretty heavy some days. I had to look up how much the stroller weighs on it’s own, and it’s about 25 pounds. Grayson is just about 25 pounds as well, so that’s 50 pounds to be pushing. On flat terrain it’s not terrible, but I really feel it going up hills.
Liberty Mile
As a member of the Brook’s Run Happy Team I’m planning to participate in the Liberty Mile virtual race at the end of July. I’ll be doing a few workouts to help me prepare as suggested by our team coach. We were asked to try to do a timed trial before Monday to get a baseline. I ran mine during my long run on Saturday rather than with the stroller. I started out with 2 easy miles, then ran a mile with some strides, and then ran mile 4 as hard as I could. It was really warm out but I ran a 6:24, so I was happy with that.
I don’t think I’ve ever run a timed all-out mile before. So now I’ll be trying to beat that time in a few weeks. Maybe I’ll aim for around a 6:15? I’m going to see how the next few weeks go.
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How were your workouts last week?
Do you walk in running shoes/sneakers?
Ever done a 1 mile race?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Great running and walking miles!
I’ve never done a timed mile. I should try it -I imagine it’s a tough one because it doesn’t leave much room for error.
Well done on yours! That’s an excellent pace!
Thanks! Its a weird distance to race all out. On the one hand, it goes by really fast. But on the other hand, it really hurts!
The miles do add up when you add in walks. They totally count and make a huge difference for me mentally. You will race across Maryland in no time flat! I am in a 90 mile challenge that also counts my bike mileage so I think I will finish a lot faster than planned. Yay us! Have a great week and stay cool
That’s great! These challenges are a fun way to stay motivated right now.
Awesome job racking up the miles this week!
I might sign up for the Liberty Mile virtual run. Speed is not my strength so I have never done a one mile race, but maybe this summer it’s time to try something new!
I think its good for distance runners to try shorter distances once in awhile! The mile is tough, but I think its a good challenge.
Isn’t it amazing how the walking adds up? I never counted walking miles until recently but they help me not feel too bad about low run mileage. Stroller runs are tough! I’ve never run a mile all out. Can’t wait to see how that goes for you. Your all-out mile 4 time is fantastic!
The walking miles really do add up, especially when you walk every day!
That’s an amazing mile! I’ve done a 1-mile race (twice), and also did it virtually this spring (because the actual race still has not been rescheduled). I did a 1-mile warm-up before and a 1-mile cool-down after…but YIKES. It’s crazy how much a “short” mile takes out of you LOL My walking miles really up the total mileage for me as well. A lot of times, I wear my Oofos because they’re not as warm as sneakers and still give me decent support (but I’m not pushing a stroller LOL).
Oh thats a good idea to wear your Oofos! I don’t like wearing sneakers on summer walks but I figure they are better than regular flip flops.
I’ve never done a 1 mile race. There are a couple here, and I’ve always been curious, but somehow never got around to them.
I do NOT do flip flops. Unless you count Oofos. I never understood how people could walk around in those things. At all.
50 lbs is a LOT to push. Think how strong you’re getting!
I love my flip flops in the summer! But I know they are not good for lots of walking.
wow you did great Lisa! and for sure the miles do add up. When I more purposefully walk I notice too that it wouldn’t be the worst idea ever to wear sunscreen and have a bottle of water with me. And I also really try to keep a good pace when walking. Whereas if I’m not trying to get walking KM’s in, my pace might be all over the place.
well done on your mile time trial as well! and pushing 50 lbs is nothing to shake a stick at! That’s running and strength training at the same time!
My walking paces are actually pretty slow, especially with the stroller! But I’m not at all worried about that.
Thank you! It was crazy to realize that I push 50 lbs when I run with the stroller.
I love doing mile trials. Well actually it’s scary to go into them but very rewarding at the end. I’d love to do a “real” mile race someday. Your miles are piling up like crazy! You’ll be done with the challenge in no time.
You should try the Liberty Mile! (Or just do one all out mile). I think in some ways its easier than mile repeats because you know you only have 1 to get through.
I used to walk in flipflops all the time, not thinking of it as “exercise”, but really, if you walk more than – let’s say – a mile, you should definitely put on sneakers 😉
Haha yes, I’ve made that mistake too! I know if I do all these walking miles in flip flops I’ll end up with some sort of foot injury.
You’re doing a great job with your run across Maryland!
I usually wear sneakers when I walk, but sometimes I’ll take a short walk in my Oofos (no more than a mile).
That’s one speedy mile! I’ve never tried a one-mile race – what a cool distance to try to go all out on.
I’ve heard the Oofas are really comfy so thats a good idea to sometimes do short walks in them! The 1 mile is interesting. It goes by quickly, but that short amount of time is really tough!
Yes, wear sunscreen even if you have to reapply it!
I definitely wear supportive shoes (my running shoes with orthotics) when I go for walks. My feet would rebel without them. My time trial PR was 6:15 when I was 40 – I hadn’t done mile time trials prior – and when I was in high school I ran the 880 and 440 because I thought the mile was too far to run. LOL
Haha I also ran 400s and 800s in HS track. It’s crazy to think that a mile seemed so far back then!
Great job this week! With all of the running and walking you are doing, you’ll be done with your challenge really soon.
I walk in running shoes. I use the ones that I previously ran in. I don’t walk a lot anyway so I am fine with using those.
That’s a good idea! I have a pair of running shoes that I got a few years ago and never really used for running, so I just walk in those.