I can’t believe a whole week has come and gone since I launched the new site. I really planned to write more last week but I was still wrapped up in figuring out some logistical problems. Hopefully this week will leave a little more time for posting and reconnecting with other blogs!
As for the workouts last week, they were pretty much the same as usual. By “usual” I mean the past month or so when I have been running 3 days a week, biking, and focusing on PT/strength training/Pilates type stuff. I did bump up my weekend long run to 8.5 miles this week. That actually sounds like so much when I type it out but it didn’t feel that long when I was doing it. It’s surprising how quickly I was able to build back up the long run distance once I finally started having consistent weeks of pain-free runs again.
I am also loving the fall weather! Some days are unusually warm but that’s ok with me. I love the warm days with ZERO humidity and all the pretty fall colors. The cooler days have been nice too. Let’s stick with this and not ever move into winter.
Workouts Week of 10/31/16
Monday: 3.3 miles plus PT exercises
I always prefer to start out the week with a run!
Tuesday: Strength training
I finally got back to doing some upper body work after slacking on this for a bit! I was definitely sore for the next day or so.
Wednesday: 3.5 miles plus PT exercises
This run included another mini-workout this week, which was really just a fartlek run. I saw my first sub-8 minute mile since June! It’s crazy to think that right before I got hurt I ran 10 miles at a faster pace than that 1 mile in the Baltimore 10 miler.
Thursday: 30 minutes spinning and PT exercises
Friday: Pilates and mobility/yoga
I’ve learned that I have to be careful about yoga because I tend to stretch too far which is not good for my joints. However, I have found that taking some poses from Hit Reset ensures that I take it slowly and just focus on working within my own limits.
Saturday: 8.5 miles plus PT exercises
A good run in nice fall weather- no complaints about that!
Sunday: 30 minutes easy biking plus quick Pilates video
I really wasn’t feeling like doing much but it felt good to move my legs a little and get in some core work.
Other Weekend Things…
On Saturday night we went out to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary, which is on Thursday. We went to the Marriott Waterfront Hotel, where our wedding reception was held, for a drink. Then we went next door to Flemings, our favorite celebration restaurant.
It’s hard to believe we have already been married for 4 years…time is flying!
On Sunday I was up at 4:30am thanks to the time change even though I was up later than usual. I ended up being pretty tired so it was a lazy day, which I think I needed. At least there was Starbucks involved!
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How were your workouts last week?
What is your favorite restaurant for celebrating special events?
Do you tend to do the same workouts each week or do you switch it up?
Linking up with Holly and Tricia for hosting the Weekly Wrap!
Happy anniversary! Four years definitely flying – think I have been following you since your first anniversary! 🙂
Looks like a great varied week of workouts – glad you are feeling good and enjoying the weather!
Oh – and I hit this through Twitter, but I did notice that I haven’t seen anything through Feedly since you launched (i.e. I got THAT through the RunningOutOfWine link, not the new blog. Have you heard anything about the RSS not working?
Thank you! I do remember posting about my first anniversary and I think you were one of the few bloggers who I knew at that time!
So I did have to update my RSS but I am not very familiar with feedly. I just added a widget to the feed on my sidebar so hopefully it’s easier to follow that way! This is the RSS feed if it helps at all: http://feeds.feedburner.com/milebymileblog1
Excellent – it looks like the initial RSS signature was basically an ‘echo’ of Running Out of Wine … this new link is distinct! Thanks so much – don’t want to miss your posts (even if I am an infrequent commenter these days, I always read 🙂 )
happy anniversary again! time flies, doesn’t it?! I am so glad you are getting back to your running routine – the weather was gorgeous for running over the weekend. I can’t get enough of the fall mornings like we had Saturday and sunday.
I am really just trying to appreciate this weather this fall! It feels like we are always complaining one way or another so it’s nice to have such a stretch of good weather!
Happy anniversary! I’ve never been to Fleming’s but I’ve heard nothing but good things. My family and I have our go-to places back in Maryland to celebrate special occasions, but here in Charlotte I like to use those moments to try new spots
Trying new spots is fun, but it’s also nice to have a few go-to places. Sometimes I get nervous trying somewhere new for a special occasion because I don’t know if i will like it. I need to get a little more adventurous!
Happy Anniversary! Every time I walk past a Flemings, I think of you 😀
Next time you should walk inside and order the chocolate lava cake!
Happy anniversary! Congrats also on both the long run and sub-8 mile – you are making so much progress! The time change threw me off also on Sunday and I was up before 5.
Thank you! Yesterday felt like such a weird day from the time change, but the extra hour was really nice!
Happy Anniversary!!! I love this fall running weather too with no humidity. It’s amazing. Glad you are able to slowly up your long run!
Thank you! Hopefully you had good weather for your race!
Happy Anniversary!!! 🙂
I was up early Sunday despite staying up late too! I got a lot done though so it was worth it.
Thank you! It was definitely nice to have that extra hour this weekend.
Always tough coming back from injury, but it looks like your taking things nice and slow. You’ll be back to form in no time.
For some reason I typically hit Olive Garden for celebrations. And I always end up getting soup which is strange lol. I guess pasta is too traditional for me, I need to go with something different.
I haven’t been to the Olive Garden in forever but I’m sure their soup is really good! I definitely remember liking the salad and breadsticks.
I was up at 5, on my own. My cat loves to snuggle, so she won’t wake me to feed her. I did end up napping yesterday, then bonking at 9. I held out as long as I could to try to adjust.
I was asleep around 8 last night-it always takes me a few days to adjust to the change!
Congrats on the anniversary and an awesome week of workouts!!
Thanks so much!
Really excited for those miles you’re racking up! YASSSS! Happy Anniversary, you two! <3 We always go to El Nopal for birthday dinners, and then Andrew and I usually hit the Keg Steakhouse for romantic dates!
Racking up the miles to a whopping 15 miles for the week! Lol, that’s like your morning run on a Wednesday.
Love your new blog logo/tagline! And happy anniversary!
Thank you!
Happy Anniversary! You were able to return to higher mileage very quickly! Hooray for a sub 8 mile. They’ll soon all be there, I’m sure. I’m not good with mixing my workouts and tend to do the same thing. Right now, that is just cycling for cross training with a few hip strengthening exercises. I wish I could find a routine I liked for my upper body and maybe I would do it consistently. Maybe. Thanks for linking, Lisa!
I keep saying I am going to focus more on upper body but I am lucky if I get to it once a week. It just feels like there is never enough time to do it all!
Gosh that stability ball really ups the game on strength work doesn’t it!?! Thankfully my trainer at the gym mixes things up for me, she knows I get bored doing the same things. And if truth be told, if it were only up to me I’d only do the stuff I like and never challenge myself to do hard things.
Wow, 4 years, already? That means your still in the honeymoon stages lol.
I love using the stability ball! And I am with you- I like to change up my workouts otherwise I get bored.
Hi Lisa, your exercise schedule is awesome. Exercise is also a kind of physical therapy. If you workout daily without failure then, your joints and body muscle will definitely stay fit. Thanks!