If you have read my blog before you probably know by now that I am not a fan of the treadmill. I run outdoors whenever possible and the 2-3 times a year when I do run on a treadmill I am miserable throughout the run and complain about it afterward. Over the past week I not only declared that I wanted to buy a treadmill (on the day of a blizzard) and then started a free one week trial at a nearby gym so that I could run on one while we are still dealing with less-than-ideal running conditions.
It’s good to have running-blog friends who talk about their own running because a few days ago Meredith wrote this post about the Benefits of Treadmill Running for Outdoor Runners. I definitely agree there is a place for treadmill running and it can serve it’s purpose and even be beneficial. While I was running my 5 torturous slow miles on the treadmill on Wednesday I came up with 5 reasons why treadmill running is actually a GOOD thing for me to be doing right now. Here’s why.
1. I run much slower on the treadmill for some reason. I usually start is at a 5.5 which is well below a 10 minute mile pace, and my first mile usually clocks in around 10:10 or so. Typically my easy runs outdoors are 9:30, sometimes faster. I have no idea why it takes me so much longer to warm up on a treadmill but I think part of it is getting comfortable with my stride and not feeling like I am going to fall off. However, despite my irrational fears I think this is a good thing because it forces me to truly slow down, especially right now while I am not training for anything specific. I know some people think treadmill running is easier and they naturally run faster but this is not me. Sometimes by the end of my run I get closer to an 8:00 minute pace but my overall pace is always much slower than outdoors.
2. I found that while running on a treadmill I am forced to really focus on my form. This is one of the things I am working on after visiting the UVA Speed Clinic, and I only got to run outdoors twice after my visit there before the blizzard hit. While I am on the treadmill I am not only running slower but I am really thinking about how my body feels, where my feet are landing, running tall, etc. I am also 100% willing to stop and reset if needed. In fact I usually stop and walk for 30 seconds about every mile or so when I run on a treadmill. I drink some water, change up my music, and then I start back up running again and feel like I am able to hold a better posture because I am not tired from running the whole time.
3. Safety. Of course I want to be running outside but I know it’s not safe between the possible ice and piles of snow everywhere and lack of sidewalks. It’s tempting when I see on Instagram that other runners are out there but I know that in my neighborhood right now it’s just not a good choice.
4. Being on a treadmill is a change of terrain which can definitely be a good thing. I run on the same surface every day because trails are not easily accessible. This will give my body a little break while I am also running slower and less miles.
5. There will be less sweaty running clothes! The laundry situation can get really ridiculous when I wear so many layers to run in the cold, so it will be nice to just wear shorts and a tank top again.
I haven’t decided if I am going to do a monthly membership after my week trial is up but I am kind of waiting to see what the outdoor running situation is like after this weekend. It is supposed to warm up a bit but we really have a lot of snow and it may not melt for several weeks. I don’t like the idea of driving to and from a gym just to run but it may be worth it just to get through the next month.
Check out some other indoor workouts here!
How do you feel about running on the treadmill?
Are there any other runners who sometimes feel like treadmill running is a necessary evil?
thanks for sharing my post! I definitely need more of a warm up on the treadmill yet overall, I end up running faster which then helps when I get outside again. I feel like it’s easier on the joints too but ugh I still have so much laundry! lol
I ended up having to layer up over my running shorts and tank top and then when I left the gym that stuff got sweaty too. Ugh, the laundry never ends!
I definitely agree with you and your reasons! I also run slower on the treadmill, but I think it’s good. I’m loving it right now for speed work. I like to know that I’m hitting my paces and staying at a steady pace. Treadmill running isn’t my favorite, but I’ve learned to hate it less. Plus you can watch Netflix on the treadmill 🙂
Good for you for doing spadework on the treadmill! Maybe one day I will be able to do that:)
I’m with you in that I have to sort of force myself to come up with reasons it’s good when I’m forced to do it! I actually don’t run any slower on the TM but it feels so much slower because of the boredom. I also hate just staring at the same thing in front of me for the run, that might be the biggest crazy maker for me. I avoid it at all costs so I’m no help. Safety is the only reason I’ll go to the gym to run, and before that I even rearrange my schedule for better weather. I do always feel like I get a tougher workout though, mostly because mentally it was terrible!
Its weird because sometimes I end up running for longer on the treadmill because its not like I get back home and realize my run is over…but when I am starting out I need to tell myself I’ll just do 3 miles… and then I can sometimes go for longer once I get into it.
See, now you know why I love my treadmill so much. It does stink that we are always much slower on the treadmill. Because of that I try go a bit longer just to even it out. I have a hard time running consistently on it. So it is great for interval training too.
It definitely can be helpful in some ways! And at least interval training on there helps to prevent boredom:)
People always talk about how much faster they are on the treadmill–thank you for making me feel like I’m not alone in that I run slower! Treadmills are so necessary in the dead of winter, especially with the storm that you guys had.
It really makes me feel better to know I am not the only one who is slower on there! As I get more comfortable on a treadmill (like if I am using it consistently over a few weeks) my pace gets a little closer to normal, but I never stick with it long enough for that to happen.
I switch back and forth between loving and hating the treadmill. I usually do one easy run on it per week because of the softer surface, and I think it helps me become mentally stronger.
I think it I had my own treadmill I would maybe run on there once a week. I think the worst part about the gym treadmill is having to drive there. I hate wasting time when it comes to fitting in my runs!
I’ve been doing all treadmill runs since last week, but I’m coming to really appreciate it more. Yes it is tortuous sometimes, but at the end of the day I’m lucky I am able to still run. And I totally agree it forces me to pay more attention to my form, and I also love that I can control the speed and know I’m hitting certain paces, instead of taking it too easy (or too hard).
I will need to keep telling myself all these positive things as I suffer through more treadmill runs this weekend!
I can definitely relate to 1 and 2, it just feels weirdly like running on the dreadmill is actually painful for my shins at least. I haven’t had to head to a gym free trial (like you I use one maybe 1-2 times per year, only when desperate, and have no membership) but if NYC was like Baltimore was this week I would have done the same!
I sometimes get weird aches from treadmill running too. A few years ago I felt like every time I ran on there it made my hip really tight. I a hoping that if I really focus on form that my body will cooperate.
Definitely agree with all of these! I have no problems being a treadmill runner when the weather is bad/unsafe or I just don’t want to deal with the layering factor. Sometimes it’s simply about convenience and comfort!
Yes, exactly! It’s not so bad when you only have to do it once in a while.
Lisa, I run much MUCH slower on the treadmill than I do outside. I am so confused as to why some people are able to nail their speed workouts easier on the treadmill. The difference between my pace on the TM and my pace outside is a HUGE discrepancy. HUGE. Like if I am to run the same exact effort level, my pace would be about 9 min/miles on the TM and just under 8 min/miles outside. It’s SO weird. I can do 800s on the track in 3 min each, but 3:30 on the TM.
Thank you for being a consistent treadmill runner and saying this! I can’t even do spadework on there at all. Maybe if I got more comfortable with it I could get to that point but right now it just feels so awkward.
I also run slower on the treadmill, but it’s a great option when the weather is ridiculous. Since I live in Texas, the weather is more ridiculous than not. I was able to really focus on switching my running foot strike while on the treadmill, and I can tell I’m getting stronger because my easy speed is faster than it was.
I think the treadmill is a great place to work on form/foot strike. And it’s also a great way to monitor progress!
As an outdoors-only runner, I’m definitely jealous that others get to wear tanks and shorts and not have to worry about snow and ice on the treadmill. All these are valid & it’s good that you’re giving it a try! The whole reason I run is to enjoy the outdoors, so I’ll keep pushing my jealousy aside & running outside. I have, however, thought of doing other indoor workouts when I can’t run outside. I actually really like the elliptical & bike, so those might be options for me.
Typically I only run outdoors too. I get even more bored on the elliptical so if I’m at the gym I will usually end up running anyway!
Yes to how weird and mostly awful treadmill running is. I feel off balance also, and use the time focus on form because i don’t have to worry about traffic or puddles or tripping over anything. It’s not only slower for me but feels harder, probably because of how boring it is, and also the lack of control – unless you keep your fingers on the buttons, there is no feeling peppy one minute and easing off the next without thinking much about it. It’s a forced march. There is a lot of debate about how hard/easy it is on your body to run on he treadmill vs the road – whether impacts are reduced, where, what muscles you’re using more, in which circumstance, is this good or bad. I’ve started a post on all of this because it fascinates me but i really want to take the time to research so the post will be helpful.
In any case, I joined a gym during our first lightening storm with falling branches here and told myself i’d run on the treadmill once a week for the variety and softer surface, but if the weather is decent, even if it’s ‘just’ raining, I canNOT bring myself to run indoors. I’ve been using the gym membership mostly for spinning.
It’s so nice to know that I am not the only one who feels so uncomfortable on the treadmill! I would definitely be interested to learn more about the different between treadmill and road running.
I hate the treadmill…but I think if I owned one, I’d feel differently. For now, I just do the best I can – I also bought yaktrax, which help in snow!
I also think it would be different if I had my own treadmill- there would be something nice about not having to leave the house to work out! I also got Yaktrax this year but I only got to use them once. If our roads were cleared a little better (right now there is barely enough room for cars to get by) I think they would have been really helpful!
yay for embracing the treadmill! i have learned to love it to help with my hill work. i have no hills anywhere around me and i have to work on that so the treadmill and me have developed a relationship. i make sure to come stocked with entertainment though, cant be bored on a treadmill!
Thats a good point! Maybe I will try running some hills on there today:)
I used to love the treadmill, but now not so much. Luckily, I live in the south and rarely have to go to the gym to use one. Going slower is a problem I have too compared to running outside.
I think I need to move somewhere that it doesn’t snow!
You know me and my thoughts on the treadmill. I hate it, but if you live where we both live and want to continue running through winter, it is sometimes the best option. Good news: I am able to run in my neighborhood now! I can only run at certain spots, but I can RUN OUTSIDE!! Go out and scope out some clear streets this weekend. I bet you can find some. I hope you can find some.
Honestly I haven’t even felt safe driving here this week. The roads are still so bad. All the lanes are narrowed or nonexistent. My 15 minute commute took me an hour and 10 minutes on Thursday because of all the lanes that were still covered in snow! I am sure there are areas that are runnable, but we live off a main road so in order to get anywhere I would need to run on there for at least a little bit, and it’s still such a mess. I saw a few people running and I was so worried for them because they were basically in the same lane as cars that were driving way too fast!
I loathe running on a treadmill – nice job looking for the positive in it!
I think I am just trying to convince myself that its not too bad:)
I don’t love my treadmill, but it is a necessary evil. I use it in the winter to do my speedwork. If it is icy, well, the runs take place there as well. I find that one hour is my limit.
I think an hour is my time limit too. And I think if I had my own I would feel a little better about it. But I hate having to drive to the gym to run!
I listen to podcasts and do intervals on the ‘mill to keep myself entertained, so usually I don’t mind it too much. And I’m with you, much better to run safe than to bust your butt and not be able to run for a while. It is so hard seeing everyone’s happy running pictures though!
So true! I need to find a good podcast to get me through my run today.And maybe I’ll do some intervals too:)
I actually don’t. mind running on the treadmill. Don’t get me wrong…I definitely prefer to run outside, but the treadmill is a good backup option when conditions aren’t good for running outside. And I totally agree that running on a treadmill is harder than running outside! Outside I feel like I could run forever (well, most days anyway…ha!), but on the treadmill anything over an hour is a struggle. What kind of treadmill are you thinking of buying?
I have no idea! I only started thinking about it recently, but have barely done any research. I think it is still a long way off:)
I definitely agree with this post! I am not going to lie, I was really excited about the smaller load of laundry this week. 🙂
That’s definitely a positive of working out indoors!
Totally get it! Treadmill running feels so much harder to me – not physically, but mentally. But if it means the difference between running and not running, bring it on (and give me TV or a good playlist). I’d be pretty stoked to have one at home (so NOT in my budget), since dealing with gym crowds is one of the things I hate about treadmill running!
I hate the gym crowds and having to drive there! It would definitely be different if I had one at home.
OMG I run slower on the mill, too! I thought I was the only one!! I too, use it when needed though, but always prefer a good run outside!!
It was nice to know that so many other runners are slower on a treadmill and its not just me! Its definitely a good option to have when conditions outside aren’t good.
I’m with you that I loathe the treadmill. It was a necessary evil when I lived where it snowed, but even then, I found a gym with an indoor track to avoid using the treadmill. The only time I use it is on vacation and it’s absolute torture! I feel like I’m going faster than I am, and I have nothing to do but stare at a wall or the TV. Good for you for seeing the positive side of treadmills. I hope you’re able to get back out on the road soon when the ice/snow thaws.
I would love to find a gym with an indoor track! That sounds better than the treadmill:)
I’m like you–I loathe the treadmill! When I lived in colder areas, it was a necessary evil until I found a gym with an indoor track. 🙂 I feel like I’m going faster than I am and I get hopelessly bored staring at the wall or TV. I’m glad that you’re seeing the positive side of treadmill training. Hope you’re back out on the road when the snow thaws.
I own a treadmill and it was the best purchase running purchase I have ever made. While I would always prefer to run outside, having a treadmill allows me the flexibility I need in my schedule to run when I have time and provides a safe environment when the weather is bad out. I am much slower on the treadmill too, but I don’t let that get me down, a run on the treadmill is better than no run at all and it also lets me kill two birds with one stone bc I get caught on my tv shows that I don’t otherwise have time to sit down and watch! HA!
There are definitely positives to having a treadmill! I am thinking eventually we will get one, but I probably need to do some serious research first:)
Lisa I’m not a fan either and only use the ones at the gym when there is no way I can run outside. But in those cases they are great! I feel like it takes me awhile to find my comfortable pace and I’m not sure I ever run like I do outside. Maybe it is my form as you say??
Its definitely a good option when conditions outside aren’t good. Im not sure if I would be more comfortable on the treadmill if I ran on there more often. It just feels so awkward for some reason!
Girl, you know how much I love the treadmill! My first mile is usually pretty slow as well. I’ve actually been NOT wanting to run on the mill lately though! Which is unusual for me!
Maybe you just have cabin fever and need to get out of the house!:)