In the midst of my blogging break last week, I missed my two-year blogiversary! I think it was way more exciting to reach the one year mark. I wrote a whole post about it here!
I also shared this on instagram, but haven’t mentioned it on the blog yet. Daily Mile has a new coaching program, and by signing up you get access to an individual coach and the platform to use to interface with your coach and track your training. You can save 25% off the first month by using promo code FRIENDSOFLISA or following this link. (There are lots of other coaches too, so you can find someone who is a perfect match for you!)
Over the past 10 years I have had issues with the same toe getting all beat up when I run long distances (especially in the summer). I wear running shoes a full 1-1.5 sizes bigger than my regular shoes and still have problems. I decided to splurge on a new pair of shoes (even though I don’t need any right now) to try wearing an even bigger size. I really hope this helps!
Rob is also running the Route 66 Marathon with me, and he has allowed me to “coach” him…aka make him a training plan and then force him out of bed to go do speed work on the track and then tell him he has to torture himself by foam rolling and such. I don’t think he knew what he was signing up for:)
Thanks for all your well wishes this week for my never-ending cold. I think it’s finally on its way out. I have gone through at least 7 boxes of tissues in the past week.
Somehow I am running a 10k on Saturday? Not sure how it snuck up on me. I am not at all prepared, and have a feeling it will be extra tough after dealing with being sick for so long. Also, it’s called the “Dreaded Druid Hills”. With a name like that, I can only expect it to be awful!
In an effort to really kick this cold, I decided to try Kombucha that I saw at Fresh Market. Well, when I got home I saw it expired on 8/22 (it was 8/25). I figured I should play it safe and throw it out but is it ok to drink that stuff after it expires? I have never had it before so I didn’t want me first experience to be a bad one.
One last thing to finish up for today. I am always impressed by people who use their running to support a greater cause. Jake was my chiropractor for almost all of 2014, and is training to run a 50 mile race in October and a 100 mile race next spring. He is dedicating his running to raising money for Khloe, a little girl in his family who has Dravet Syndrome (which is also known as Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy, a rare and catastrophic form of intractable epilepsy that begins in infancy). He ran two 25 mile runs on back to back days last weekend (while I am over here complaining about my hilly 13 mile run!) More importantly, he is constantly raising awareness for Khloe’s disease and using his social media impact and relationships to support the cause.
All money raised through this fundraiser will go towards obtaining a seizure dog for Khloe. A seizure dog has the gift of sensing a seizure up to 45 minutes before they happen. This allows whomever is in Khloe’s presence to prepare ahead of time and keep Khloe safe and out of harms way.
If you could check out the donation page, or just share the link on your social media platforms, I know he would really appreciate it! (If you open the donation page, it’s easy to share on Facebook or Twitter by clicking on the appropriate box.)
[Tweet “Please share to support @drjakeoergel and #teamkhlo!”]
I think that is about all the thinking out loud and catching up that I have for today! One more day until the weekend:)
Thanks Amanda!
How long have you been blogging for?
Do you think your would like being married to/living with your running coach?
Do you drink kombucha? Did I just get really unlucky picking up an expired bottle?
How much bigger are your running shoes than your regular shoes?
My running shoes are at least a half size to full size bigger. Maybe you need a wider toe box?Maybe that would help?Of course I recommend the adidas energy boosts but saucony always had a nice toe box lol. For the price of kombucha, I sure hope you returned it!
You know, I didnt even think to return it until you suggested it and then I was just too lazy. These new shoes feel alot roomier in the toe box so hopefully that helps!
I’m not sure Adam would ever sign up for me to coach him! It is funny how races sneak up on us! That 10k sounds intimidating but I’m sure it’ll be a great experience. Probably a good call on the kombucha, although I’m not sure I would’ve done the same 😉
I think Rob knows that he should actually try to follow the plan I made him, but Im sure its tough to have your coach right there knowing what you are and are not doing every day!
Well, happy belated blogiversary! I’ll be at 2 years in November. Crazy, huh? You people are like my family now! Rob looks rather….excited about his rolling. ;D Alex doesn’t take my advice when it comes to running. He is very stubborn about it. But when i was running with him he listened a bit better. You would think he would let me help, but NO
I can’t believe how fast the 2 years have gone! And its crazy that I have “known” most of your for so long!
Rob is really stubborn about it too. He has said he needs me to force him to stick to the schedule but then he gets mad when I actually do:)
Have a great run at DDH! I ran it last year and it quickly became a favorite! Id love to run it again this year, but a) I’m dealing with an injury and b) it just isn’t fitting into training this late I the summer. The first two miles are fast and rolling, but those hills once you turn off of Druid Park Drive back into the park are humbling. Can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!
Thanks for the feedback about the race! My husband ran it last year and has made me really nervous about it.
Happy belated blogging birthday!! I have only been blogging for about 6 months, but I love it and have really enjoyed being a part of the community. Neither my husband nor myself are currently running, but he has let me coach him in BODYPUMP. Not quite the same thing, but the couple that sweats together stays together, right?
Thats awesome that he let you teach him BodyPump! My husband won’t do anything besides run.
Happy Blogiversary! Ha…as you know I met Scott because he was my trainer so that is usualy always our dynamic when we workout together. However, now he sometimes has me check his form or suggest an exercise. I am a big Kombucha fan and I think with the live bacteria you made the right choice to throw it out.
I feel like it would be so helpful to live with a trainer or someone with knowledge about something like that! And its pretty cool that you can help him out too:)
Happy blogiversary! My blog will be a year old next week. Ryan lets me coach him with running but (understandably) won’t let me teach him Pilates.
Rob struggles with doing anything besides running…I try to get him to do core or strength work with me and he usually finds an excuse:)
Thanks for the share for Team Khlo. Hope your doing well and staying as close to injury free as you can.
Thanks! I hope your ultra training is going well. Any chance you will make it to the Baltimore Running Festival this year?
September snuck up on me, mostly due to August being so hectic every year. I have a virtual challenge starting Sept. 1 so I need to get ready for that. Good luck with the 10k. I’d say to have fun since your cold’s taking its time to move on.
That’s the goal! I would love to PR but not sure if its in the cards with this cold and those hills.
I am not a running coach, but I provided my boyfriend with his training plan for his first marathon. Needless to say about half way through he told me he could just follow the plan and I didn’t need to run with him anymore 🙁 Haha. I wear a size 8/8.5 regular shoes and a 9/9.5 running shoe depending on the brand.
I usually wear a 7.5 regular shoe, so I am trying a 9 in running shoes since the 8.5s were just not big enough. Its crazy how much our feet expand when we run!
Happy anniversary! Two years of blogging can go by quickly, huh?
I’ve run Dreaded Druid! It lives up to its name, let’s just say that! Enjoy.
2 years of blogging went by so fast!
Rob ran Druid Hills last year and has made me so nervous about it…but I guess that’s better than expecting it to be easy!
Happy Blogiversary! That’s a bummer about your kombucha… I don’t know if the date matters or not… I mean… it’s already fermented. Good question!
I don’t think my hubs would enjoy having me coach him… he’s pretty stubborn…and so am I! Ha ha!
Haha sometimes we just need to do our own thing with running:)
I LOVE kombucha and say it is my beer, as I am not a beer drinker. I wouldn’t sweat the 3 day expiration but yes, I do check the dates before I buy because expired ones do slip in there. I really notice a difference from the probiotic properties. I feel absolutely great the day after having one. Happy blogiversary! I’ve been at it for over 6 years.
Glad to hear you like Kombucha so much- I will have to buy it again and make sure next time its not expired!
Happy Blogiversary!:)
I have only been blogging for 3 weeks maybe? I guess it is almost my 1 month anniversary – ha!
I think I could handle it if my boyfriend was my running coach as long as he ran with me! I love running with him but he does not enjoy running with me or taking any running advice/tips for me. Ahhh such is life:)
I have never tried kombucha before (usually because the price of it makes my head hurt) but I would like to! I hope you were still able to enjoy your expired bottle!!
Congrats on starting your blog- I didnt realize it was so new!
Sometimes coaching and relationships don’t mix too well. Even though Rob asked me to coach him we still don’t run together:)
I’ve been blogging on and off since 2005, but only started up this blog of mine in December 2014! I have a second toe that repeatedly gets chewed up by my shoes. A bigger size should help you…I wonder what’s going on? What about those double layer socks?
Maybe I need to look into better socks. Its also my 2nd toe that gives me problems. Hoping these bigger shoes will help!
I am about to start training the Mr. for his first half. We are running the Disney Wine and Dine together and he is less than excited. Haha! Happy blogiversary!
That should be fun! Im sure he is lucky to have you coaching him:)
Happy belated blogiversary! It seems like everyone and their mom has the dreaded end-of-summer cold. I’m glad it seems like you’re almost past it! Good luck on the 10k this weekend 🙂
Thanks! Not sure whats going on with these colds but mine just doesn’t want to quit!
Today actually marks 3 years of blogging for me 😀 And I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long. Happy blogiversary to you too! And I’m not really a big stickler for expiration dates. I’ve had kombucha past the date before and had no problems, but I’d probably be a little more wary if it was my first time too.
Good to know about the kombucha! Since I had no idea what to expect I figured I probably shouldn’t risk it.
Glad you are on the mend! I think it would be awesome to date/marry a fellow runner and run WITH them, but probably not be coached by them!
Its funny because Rob and I don’t usually run together! But our running styles are so different, that I think my coaching style will be good for him…I know exactly what his weaknesses are, haha!
I think the Kombucha would probably be ok to drink because it is fermented. My son loves kombucha and my husband has actually been brewing it for him!
That is good to know! Unfortunately I already threw it out but I will remember that for next time:) My only question is why do they have an expiration date?
Paul would never let me design any sort of training plan for him!
Is the 10k in Druid Hill Park? I ran there once while Paul played disc golf.
Yes it is! I have run there before and I remember it being quite hilly…
I love kombucha, especially the one you bought. It’s my favorite. Not sure I would drink an expired on either. You probably could, but because of the live cultures it would make me a little nervous too. I’m thinking of trying to brew my own!
Thats awesome that you may brew your own! I would have no clue about that:) I should probably buy another bottle (thats not expired) so that I can actually try it!