Sunday was a rest day and I was still not feeling well, and didn’t seem to have much of an appetite. Usually I am really hungry the day after a long run, so this was kind of strange. Not sure if maybe I did a good job of refueling on Saturday so my body had regulated itself better than usual? Anyway, I found myself not really in the mood for most of my usual food. However, the day did start out with coffee…
I wasn’t hungry when I woke up but after a little bit knew I should have something so I made a smoothie. I think this had bananas, berries, spinach, peanut butter, protein powder, and orange juice.
No morning snack or second breakfast which is really strange for me, and for lunch we decided to get carry-out from Atwater’s. I decided on a grilled cheese and salad because that’s what sounded good.
I had a few pieces of watermelon in the afternoon while I was getting it ready to bring as a snack for work the next day. (Purchased at Trader Joe’s!)
Dinner was crock pot lasagna– I guess I was really craving comfort food all day! I updated my post for this recipe with some clearer pics and an easier-to-follow recipe so check it out if you are interested: Crock Pot Turkey Veggie Lasagna
If we had any ice cream in the house I probably would have had that for dessert, but we didn’t and I was way too tired to go get anything. So I settled for a glass of wine and an early bedtime!
Not a very exciting day of eating, but at least it was a little different from the meals I eat everyday🙂 It is very confusing to be in week 4 of marathon training and to have less of an appetite than usual. I am sure it will come back with a vengeance though!
Do you eat differently on a rest day/the day after a long run/when you’re not feeling well?
What are some of your favorite comfort foods?
I love the $3.99 watermelon! Ha. I think every so often we crave some comfort foods even when we have less of an appetite. It’s rare that I am not hungry but like you said, suddenly the appetite does come back and in fierce form! I don’t have a lot of crazy hungry days after my long runs because I do think I have figured out the right fueling after running but when a hungry day begins to happen, I eat extra in the morning to nip it in the bud.
I think its really helped me to make sure I eat enough right after my long run. Also by eating every few hours throughout the day it helps prevent a raging hunger later that night!
It’s rare for me to lose my appetite when training but sometimes I have been sick and it was a struggle to eat enough. Comfort foods are definitely the way to go in that case! Btw I love your coffee mug 🙂
Thanks! Yea, its weird to not be as hungry but I know I need to eat so might as well go with what I am craving!
That crock pot lasagna sounds tasty. I didn’t think that was something that could be made in the crock pot. A glass of wine at night is so relaxing. I like having it w some popcorn.
The lasagna is great in the crock pot! It’s nice for when you don’t feel like turning on the oven.
Some of my comfort foods include grilled cheese, tomato soup and peanut butter toast. All foods I ate as a kid and remind me of my mom:)
I think I must try that crockpot lasagna! Looks absolutely delicious:)
I really wanted tomato soup with my sandwich but they didn’t have any! That really would have made it the perfect comfort food meal.
I hope that you are continuing to feel better! When I’m feeling icky, I totally revert to being a kid. That means soup and toast and bagels!
Yes, exactly! When I had a stomach bug last winter I lived off soup and ritz crackers- totally reminded me of being a kid!
I make sure I eat but sometimes it’s difficult to be excited about food when I’m feeling sick. Grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup or tomato soup are my go-to’s when I’m feeling under the weather.
Yes, me too!
I usually eat everything that’s not nailed down on rest days and the day after a long run. The day of, I usually don’t have much of an appetite. Best comfort foods = mac and cheese, grilled cheese dipped in tomato soup, and of course pizza. Because who doesn’t love pizza 🙂 Have a fabulous Wednesday!
Oh yea pizza is a good one too!
I lose my appetite easily when I’m sick also. Bagels, soup, and bananas are all I want to eat then! Long runs and long hikes can surpress my appetite and then I am so hungry the next day!
I was also craving soup but we didn’t have any, and the restaurant where we got lunch didn’t have any kinds I liked. It’s crazy how hungry we can usually feel the day after a long run!
Man, you’ve really been knocked down with this sickness eh? I feel so bad for you. I hope you bounce back really soon. Sunday’s eats look like a perfect way to get you feeling better.
Each day I am feeling a little better! It’s just taking forever to clear up:/
I hope you feel better soon! When I’m sick I tend to go for fewer fruits and veggies than my usual load of them and more towards warming carbs like toast, oatmeal, etc – probably the opposite of what I should do, but it’s what I crave.
I agree! That’s why I made sure I at least had the smoothie. Other than that I was pretty much just craving bread.
Lisa, I’m definitely with you on the comfort foods; creamy, warm things (this lasagna looks delicious!) sound really good to me and nothing too spicy or strong. I hate to hear that you were not feeling well and I hope you’re on the road to recovery!!
Thank you! Bland foods are definitely the way to go when feeling sick!
Sounds like all yummy comfort foods to me! Sometimes that’s what you need to feel better.
Absolutely! No point in forcing myself to eat something that didn’t sound as appealing.
That crock pot lasagna sounds great. And yes, when I’m not feeling well I love comfort foods like ice cream, smoothies, soups, etc. I guess I like soft, soothing foods!
Soothing foods are so important when feeling sick! I think I could have eaten ice cream all day and been happy, but I’m glad I didn’t:)
Pretty excited to try that recipe! I usually find myself losing my appetite when I’m sick or stressed, and I definitely notice that I’m not as hungry when I gear down my training. It’s weird to go from wanting to eat all day, every day to having a normal appetite!
It’s definitely weird to see your appetite go up and down like that!
When you are feeling well, comfort foods are the way to go. My go-to comfort foods lately are bananas and oatmeal. And I always start my day with coffee X 2 or 3.
YES to coffee. And bananas and oatmeal are great foods too!
I know I’m really sick when I’d rather have tea than coffee. I too tend to gravitate to some old favorites when I’m on the mend. That lasagna looks great. A crock pot? Who knew? Hope you’re feeling better and better!
Oh yea for the first week I didn’t have any coffee so that was how I knew it was bad!
I’ve never thought of making lasagna in the crockpot! How interesting. Does it taste the same?
I think so! Just a little messier:)
The crockpot lasagna looks delicious! I’ve never tried it!
I think it tastes pretty much the same in the crock pot, but you avoid using the oven and can just let it cook while you do other things!
This is all legit comfort food and looks really yummy!
I drink my drink BEFORE dinner. I know some people do after, but I like to get a buzz, and if my belly is full I don’t get a buzz.
Sometimes I’ll have a glass before or with dinner, but then I usually have another glass after dinner anyway:)
You are a genius. 🙂
Ooh! Crock pot lasagna is a great idea. I can’t wait for it to cool off some more so I can break out some cold weather recipes. Thanks for the inspiration!
That is one thing that gets me excited for cooler weather!
When I’m not feeling well I LOVE to eat, it’s so weird! Have you ever heard of the old addage….feed a cold, starve a fever? Yep, that’s me!
Usually I can eat through a cold, but for some reason this time around my appetite went way down! Not sure why that was.