It was another interesting week around here. I went into it with the best intentions, but it didn’t all play out as planned. Still, it was better than last week! I just felt like we took two steps forward, one step back (a few times!) At least we’re moving in the right direction!
Weekly Run Down: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Monday: 4.3 Miles
Tuesday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
Wednesday: 5 Miles + Core
Thursday: Strength Training + 3 Treadmill Miles
Friday: Rest Day (25 Mins Yoga)
Saturday: 7 Miles + Core
Sunday: 3.6 Stroller Miles
Starting out the week with a setback
My schedule for work was a little different this week. These days I’m usually working Tuesday-Friday and off on Monday. But I had some meetings and presentations this Monday so I worked and took off on Tuesday. My mom came to watch Grayson Monday, so I got out early for some solo miles.
This run felt awful! I thought I was mostly recovered from being sick last week, but I still just felt tired and sluggish and my body didn’t know what it was doing. What was supposed to be 5-6 miles turned into just over 4.
Fun at the park
I wasn’t sure what to expect on Tuesday, but since I was off I decided to go to the park with Grayson. The plan was to try to run and if it didn’t feel good I would walk. I felt better than the day before but not 100%. My back was cranky although it didn’t bother me at all when I was strength training earlier in the morning.
Grayson wanted nothing to do with being in the stroller and just wanted to play on the playground. We did 2.5 miles, then stopped to play and then did another 1.5. The playground was super muddy from rain the night before so we were both a mess by the time we got home.
Two steps in the right direction
Wednesday was back to work for me and back to school for Grayson! I ran 5 miles in the morning and felt ok. A little better, but still not 100%. Still sluggish, still a tight back, but definitely better than Monday.
So Grayson hadn’t been at school for 10 days due to being sick last week (he only goes 3 days a week). Let’s just say when he saw his backpack and lunch box come out he wasn’t happy. He really never had a chance to adjust so this was like starting all over again. While there were plenty of tears at drop off, he came out smiling when I picked him up and it seemed like he had a much better day!
And back again
On Thursday I lifted and then ran on the treadmill. Since I just did 3 slow treadmill miles I felt ok, but my body was still kind of creaky. (Again, lifting felt fine!) But I got it done nice and early before a day of work and school.
We made it until 1:00 when we got a call that Grayson had to be picked up. Let’s just says he had some tummy trouble, which was probably from the antibiotic he was taking for his ear infection. Rob picked him up and was told he needed to stay home for 24 hours. Ugh!
Friday Rest and Recovery
I worked from home on Friday and it was a rest day. We got outside a little bit but there was no time for a walk. I did squeeze in about 25 minutes of yoga for the first time in…I don’t know…a year? My back was telling me something and a few minutes of breathing and stretching felt good. We made it through another week!
Saturday Seven: Two Steps Forward!
Rob needed to go to Home Depot for mulch Saturday morning and wanted to go early before it got crowded, so I planned to by back by 6:45. I got out the door a few minutes later than planned, which gave me about an hour to run. As I started I decided to push myself a little more than I usually do and just see how I felt. I ended up doing 7 miles in an hour, and felt pretty good! Two steps forward1
Sunday Runday
On Sunday we waited for the rain to stop and then ran a few stroller miles. It was windy, which always makes pushing the stroller up hills extra fun. All things considered, this was a pretty good run! I felt pretty much the same as I usually do on a Sunday run.
Let’s hope that next week has no more setbacks!
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Sometimes I Just Don’t Feel Like Running
Adjusting To Our New Schedule
How were your workouts last week?
Anyone else feel like they’re taking two steps forward and one step back lately?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Kim G says
So sorry that your week didn’t start off the best with that run but it looks like things turned around a lot by the end of the week! I’ve found that my progress is never linear – it’s always fun of ups and downs so when I have a bad workout I always tell myself that it’s part of the process.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s true! I think I just expected to feel so much better and to have a good week of running after recovering from being sick and resting last week, but that just didn’t happen!
Melissa says
Aww, hope you all feel better soon! Sounds like you have had a rough few weeks and just when you were back at it – home for 24 hrs! I know that feeling
Great job getting a family run this weekend!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yep at this rate I feel like he will never adjust! Thank you!
Jessie says
Sorry to hear that you’re still under the weather. Poor little Grayson! Hopefully he’s feeling better too. Good adjustments to the hand you’re dealt this week. Hopefully next week you’ll be 100%!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! I am feeling optimistic about this week- we’ll see what happens!
Kimberly Hatting says
Sorry to hear about your achy back. Mine has really been bothering me as well. I’m fine once I get vertical, but getting out of bed (or up from the couch) has me cringing. Not sure what’s going on. I hope the little guy is feeling better!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! I think my back is mostly better. It was probably related to stress and being less active (more sitting, more couch time) the week i was sick. I hope yours feels better too!
Deborah Brooks says
It is hard for the kids to adjust at that age to going to school and staying home. He will come to really love it. Both of my kids are still close friends with kids they met in preschool! Hope you have a better week ahead!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thats great! I think once he is going regularly he will adjust, its just hard when he only goes 3 days a week and then missed a whole week. I really hope he can go all 3 days this week!
Jenny says
Ugh, sounds like quite a week (again!). Being sick (and having sick kids) really wrecks everything, doesn’t it?
Hope that tomorrow will be the start of a good week for you!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks so much! I’m just starting to get worried that he’s going to be sick ALL the time over the next few months.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Yep, plenty of back steps around here. I have a work situation that I will be very glad to put behind me and we have a homework situation that means that summer can’t get here fast enough. Thank goodness for running!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes, thank goodness for running! Hope your work and homework stuff get done soon!
Chocolaterunsjudy says
Seriously, every time I start to feel fine again, I get another vaccine, or laryngitis, or whatever. It’s been really frustrating, but then again nothing was serious so I guess it’s all good. Still tired, but feeling ok, not sure when I’m gonna run again . . . sometime next week but all the rain in the forecast! Ugh!
Glad Grayson came home from school smiling. Boo to the stomach problems. Poor guy.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I hope you feel better and can get back to running soon! It really does feel like its always something right? And I just keep telling myself “at least its not COVID”.
Zenaida Arroyo says
What a week for you with everything that happened! I hope Grayson feels better soon. That must have been a bit scary for you getting a call from the school. Here’s to next week being better for you.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks so much! I wasn’t all that surprised because I know they sent kids home for everything these days, but I was just a little disappointed because he was finally starting to adjust!
Darlene S. Cardillo says
At least there was forward motion. Always a good thing.
So hard to juggle a job and a kid and running.
You’re doing great. Hope next week has no setbacks.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! Yes, forward motion is always good!
Wendy says
I wrote about this back and forth thing a few weeks ago, lol. It’s so frustrating. This week was definitely a few steps backward as I didn’t feel well. Here’s to hoping to a big leap forward this week for both of us!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes! I hope you feel better and we both move forward this week! It just feels like a year of ups and downs.
Coco says
Sounds like a frustrating week, but at least it ended well. I hope Grayson has a good week at preschool. It really is an adjustment but being happy at the end of the day is a good sign.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! I know he will enjoy it once he adjusts, its just gonna take some time (and consistency!)
Michelle D. says
Oh I’m so sorry it was a tough week! Making that adjustment to preschool really is an adjustment. I hope this week goes more smoothly!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! I’m crossing my fingers for a smoother week!
Cari says
Hope your back settles down and Grayson can get in a more solid school routine. Glad he was smiling at the end of the day.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! My back seems to be doing better. The school routine feels like its out of my control, so I’m just hoping for the best!
Marcia says
This is a great example of how up and down running often is. Great job pushing through and I hope Grayson starts loving his school!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks, I hope so too! Running really is full of ups and downs.
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
It sounds like you had a tough week, but at least it ended on an up note. I hope your back is on the mend (sounds like it since Saturday’s run went well) and that Grayson is feeling better and back in school this week!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thank you! It seems like we are off to a better start so far this week!
Jenn says
Ooh, I am so glad you are no an upswing. I’m sure it was so hard not feeling yourself.
I think EVERYONE mulched this past weekend! It was just the weather for it.
G is so cute. I’m glad he’s feeling better and is back at school!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It was definitely mulching weather last weekend! Fingers crossed for a full 3 days at school this week.
Renée @runlaugheatpie says
oh wow, what a week! I guess it’s like you said, better than the week before right? Poor Grayson though – I’m sure it takes a lot to get used to new things when you are so little like that. 10 days not at school is a big deal for a little guy. Though I have to say sometimes I want to cry too when I have to go back to work after a 10 day holiday haha!
sorry to hear that your back was bugging you a bit! any idea where that came from?
good that you had some good runs at the end of it all – I feel slightly 2 steps back with both my knees and my feet hurting but I’m trying to be sensible and keep everything in balance. Still only running 2x a week so it’s ok. I’d like it to be more but it is what it is.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Totally agree that 10 days away is a long time, even for an adult! Not totally sure about the back but I’ve had issues for a long time and its mostly ok now, but still bothers me from time to time. Could have been from stress or bad posture or not working out as much (skipping core work that week)? Who knows!
Liz Dexter says
Sorry you had such a tricky week, hope this week is panning out better for you. I was just saying to my friend on Sunday, I have been running more than ever this past year and I still feel really unfit!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s frustrating! I usually find that it can take awhile to see progress. So hopefully you will notice some improvements soon!