When I left off last week I was talking about how we were adjusting to our new routine, but that came to a halt this week when Grayson and I were both sick. It was a rough week with very few workouts. Sometimes I just don’t feel like running, and this was one of those weeks. Over the past couple of years I’ve been much better about just resting when I don’t feel well, and this week was no exception.
Weekly Run Down: Sometimes I Just Don’t Feel Like Running
Monday: 3.5 Stroller Miles + Core
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 Stroller Miles + Core
Sunday: 4.6 Miles
Germs Everywhere
So to recap, Grayson recently started daycare 3 days a week. It was a bit of a rough adjustment, and COVID protocols (parents not being able to go inside the school, limited teacher communication, etc.) made it harder for everyone. Last weekend he came down with a fever on Saturday night. On Sunday we had a telemedicine appointment with his pediatrician who ordered a COVID test.
When I called to make the test appointment on Monday, they told me we both had to wear masks. (I’m pretty sure the test would be done in our car.) We’ve been working with Grayson on wearing one for MONTHS now and he absolutely refuses. Plus, he’s sick. Their solution? Have someone else ride with you and sit in the back to hold it on him. Um, first of all, there was no one else to come with us. Second of all, I wasn’t about to do that to my sick two year old. I am all about mask wearing but that seemed extreme. Besides, he wouldn’t be able to wear it during the actual test anyway.
Anyway, we found somewhere else to get him tested and it came back negative. But he still had a very run nose and on Wednesday he started coughing. He was supposed to go back to school on Wednesday but ended up missing the whole week. He was still so miserable on Thursday that I brought him to the pediatrician and they found that he has an ear infection. A week after all this started and he’s still not himself.
Of course, I caught whatever he had. I started having a sore throat Monday afternoon, and felt the worst on Tuesday and Wednesday. Since Grayson was home I couldn’t go into the office anyway (and I couldn’t since I wasn’t feeling well) but I still worked from home. By Saturday I started to feel better and at this point I think whatever I have left is just allergies.
Sometimes You Just Don’t Feel Like Running
So back to the weekly run down- there wasn’t much running at all! Not only did I not physically feel like running because of being sick, I was also too stressed and emotionally drained from this week. It was nice to just completely take that off the table and not worry about it. However, I wish we could have gotten outside more. I think just being trapped in the house made it a harder week. But the weather wasn’t great and the time when it was warmer was just work hours when I was scrambling to get things done.
I really hope to have a more normal week this week. I have been working from home with a toddler for over a year so I know I can do it, but having to do it unexpectedly is a little harder. Plus, he was SO whiny and miserable and just started crying whenever I would get on the phone. And now that he missed a week of school it’s going to be like starting over. I’m hoping once he is there regularly he can actually start to adjust!
Thanks for reading my complaints about this past week! Sorry there was hardly any talk of running, but some weeks are just like that.
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How were your workouts last week?
Do you rest when you’re sick or try to get in some movement?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Ugh. Toddler-hood is HARD. It’s good you gave yourself a break from running- sounds like the week was hard enough. Oh and on top of everything else, it’s so stressful whenever anyone gets sick nowadays, thinking that it could be covid.
I hope you guys are both on the mend and that this coming week is a better one.
Thanks so much! Yep, I knew he would get sick and that it would be annoying. I guess I was just surprised it happened so quickly.
Oh gosh, I’m sorry to hear you were both sick! That is no fun. Glad you took care of yourself and gave yourself the rest you needed.
Thanks so much! It seems like we are both on the mend now!
I am SO sorry it was such a miserable week, and that you both were sick. 🙁
Good for you for listening to your body though. With my second vaccine next week I’ve set it up so that I have rest days afterwards — IF I need them. Hopefully I won’t, but I’m prepared if I do.
Hopefully this week will be much better!
Thats really smart to have rest days planned after your vaccine! Maybe since you had such a strong response from the first one this one won’t be as bad.
That sounds like a really typical situation for starting a new daycare. True story: when I was in grad school, I worked in a day care center. I was so sick the first few months from all the kids. Since then, I literally never get a cold or anything. I must have built up every immune response there was. I think it’s smart to take it easy when you don’t feel good. Hope everyone is doing better this week
Thank you! I worked in schools/with kids from 2004-2015 and didn’t get sick too often. I guess now my body isn’t used to the germs anymore!
I hear this story so often in my office; parents ask me to do immune testing on their toddlers because they are sick so much. I get it! It’s such a tough age because they touch everything and put everything in their mouths. Hang in there mama!
I knew it would happen, I just can’t believe he came down with something so fast! I thought maybe their strict protocols would keep at least some of the germs at bay. But a guess over a year of isolation leaves you susceptible to just about anything!
Has to be so hard to see him sick and you not being able to fix it. Glad you found out what it was and that you’re feeling better. Hope he’s back to normal soon too.
Thank you! I hope so too!
I love an honest blog post! The only reason to ever write “everything this week was just sunshine and roses” is if it’s true. Of course I’m never going to dump a huge wall of misery into a blog post, but life has ups and downs and it’s not fair or accurate to just tell one side of the story.
I’m big on COVID precautions but not when we get into “just bring someone along to force your sick baby to wear a mask, it’s fine” territory. I’m glad you had another option.
I cannot count the number of times before the pandemic that I went to work when I was sick because being absent was unacceptable. One silver lining of the pandemic is that hopefully now it will be acceptable to say “hey I have a cold, I’m staying home this week” and not have your employer come after you with “where’s your doctors note??? You’re out of PTO so you need to come in and get everyone else sick”.
Thank you for appreciating the honesty:) I agree its good that we need to stay home if we are actually sick. The only problem is with being able to work from home now, do you ever really get a true sick day? Even though we were both sick and I didn’t go in, I still worked from home. I felt too guilty taking a sick day because of important meetings I didn’t want to miss. (And I actually have plenty of sick time, that I’ll probably never get to use now lol)
Glad to hear both of you are feeling better. It’s tough when one person brings something home, and then it spreads to someone else. I try to get some movement every day, but there are days when my body just says “no,” and I listen to it. Fingers crossed this next week goes much smoother for you!
Thanks! I really hope this week is a better one!
I don’t blame you one bit for taking some time away from running. Poor G he must’ve been miserable. That mask protocol sounds ridiculous for a 2 yr old. So sorry he dragged home such a miserable bug! Hope this week is much better.
Thanks! Yea, he was definitely struggling and once I found out about the ear infection it made more sense. It seems like he is finally starting to be back to himself!
Oh Lisa it sounds like such a rough week for you both 🙁 It definitely makes sense to take a break from running – I’m sure your body appreciated the rest.
Hang in there – I hope this week is better for both of you!
Thanks so much! I hope so too!
Preschool and daycare really are little petri dishes. Even with all the covid protocols I guess germs get in. I’m glad it wasn’t covid, but sorry he has an ear infection. My son got those ALL the time and he was in a tiny in-home day care, so I think some kids are just more susceptible. I hope you all are feeling better this week. Definitely give yourself a break on the running!
Thanks so much! I guess after being isolated for over a year he is going to catch everything he comes in contact with!
Sorry your week was so stressful physically and emotionally.
Hopefully things will go better this week.
Thanks so much!
What a rough week for you! Being sick is no fun but it is much harder on a toddler. Take it easy. Unexpected things happen and it is OK. That is life. Hopefully this week is better. Hugs to you!
Yes you are so right. Thank you!
I am so so sorry you guys were sick. That just sucks. And I agree that is bizarre to 1) try to force a 2 year old to wear a mask and 2) to have someone hold him and hold it over him! I would not have done that AT ALL so I’m really glad you found another way. Poor kid. Poor mom too. Hugs. x
Yea, I couldn’t believe they wanted me to do that! But it was the person who was scheduling the appointment telling me this, so maybe the actual providers wouldn’t have cared. I just didn’t want to take the chance of going there and getting turned away.
Sorry for the rough week!! My kids have had so many ear infections. It’s frustrating. They actually both had tubes put in their ears and that improved the situation! Luckily they built up their immunity systems early on going to daycare as infants and toddlers, so by the time kindergarten and school hit, we were never sick. That’s a silver lining for sure. Hope your week is starting out better!
That’s terrible that they got so many ear infections! Its great that they didn’t get sick much in school though. Thank you!
I’m so sorry you both were unwell. That’s hard, especially now when everything seems like it’s COVID. I’m glad you are all feeling better. Allergies make it all worse.
That being said, I’m sure the rest helped a lot. I will run with a cold, but not a fever Sometimes, it helps me to get thing moving through my system.
Thanks! I used to be able to run with colds but the last few times I had them they’ve just knocked me out. I guess my body sometimes just needs the extra rest to recover!
Well done on taking time out to rest and be kind to yourself. Hope you’re both feeling a lot better now!
Thanks so much!