Since I have no training plan at all right now and I’m pretty much just running whatever I feel like, I’ve ended up doing short runs more frequently. This has also been giving me opportunities to test out my new Altras. I don’t feel like I’ve had enough time to really decide if I like them or not; so far I think they are just ok. Here’s how the week of workouts looked:
Sunday: 2.51 miles in Altras
Monday: 5.02 miles @ 8:23 pace, core work
Tuesday: 3.6 miles @ 8:35 pace PM: Yoga
Wednesday: 3 miles on treadmill, Body Pump PM: 2.06 miles in Altras
Thursday: 4.15 miles @ 8:48 pace, core work
Friday: 3.31 miles @ 7:58 pace
Saturday: 11.1 miles @ 9:09 pace
Total: 34.75 miles
The weather this week was less than ideal. Tuesday was cold and rainy, and Wednesday and Thursday were REALLY windy. It was a little cold the other days, but compared to the rain and wind, I didn’t mind the cold at all!
It was nice to get my mileage back up a little while still keeping each run at 5 miles or less. However, I’m staring to feel a little lost without a training plan! I’ll probably do similar runs next week and then who knows what the holidays will bring. Hopefully I’ll come up with a plan to follow in January!
How were your workouts last week?
How do you decide how much you will run/what your workout will be if you’re not following a training plan?
Lots of running for you! Short distances are not a bad thing now. Funny to see how things turn when there’s no plan. Not sure when I’ll be putting a long run back in. I might start with 10 next sat but probably won’t go much higher than that.
Most days this week I went out not sure how far I would run and then if the weather wasn’t ideal I just figured I would cut it short. I couldn’t resist a longer run yesterday since the weather was finally nice!
I do really well without a plan – I kinda just go with how I feel which over time, seems to bump up my daily miles without really thinking about it. Each day I wake up and just see what I feel up for and go with it. Sometimes I go to bed thinking elliptical tomorrow but then wake up and change my mind. I find this works for me because I don’t feel forced into anything.
I wish I could be more comfortable doing that! This week I would head out with no exact distance in mind and then if the wind or rain or cold bothered me, I just cut it short and went home. Not a bad thing for now, and its nice to have the flexibility now that its winter!
I am with Meredith on doing well without a plan – but you already know that 🙂
It is funny all of the different things I have learned in the last 2.5+ years of being a ‘social runner’ … including that I am not exactly typical in that the only motivation I need to get out and run every day … is that I love to get out and run every day 😉
And I think that is what is the most important! It is really rare that I don’t want to run or don’t have motivation. Its more that I feel lost without having a guideline of how many miles to run. Lately Ive been slow getting out the door in the morning so between that and some of the bad weather days, I was forced to run a little less than usual. But it wasn’t a bad thing at all!
Also interesting to note … your ‘blog clock’ is off by 5 hours. Just posted at 7:47AM EST, but it shows as 12:47PM … 🙂
I’ve always noticed that and don’t know how to fix it!
You would never know from the pictures that the weather was bad. Looks like you had a great week of workouts. I always have a general plan of what I want to fit in during the week, but often move the days around as I need to depending on my schedue and how I feel. Have a great Sunday!
The pictures are so deceiving:) I usually just pick what day I”ll do something besides run (like yoga or weights) and then kind of plan around that, along with how much time I have. Enjoy the rest of your day!:)
If I’m not training for any particular race then I don’t really have a plan other than to run/workout at least 5 days a week. It doesn’t always happen, but that’s what I shoot for.
That sounds like a reasonable plan! Also gives you some flexibility with rest days.
Since I’ve been injured, I start running and just feel how my knee is doing. I’m not training for anything, but I’m having fun finding the joy of running again. Running while injured felt like such a chore.
That makes sense and sounds smart! Better to listen to your body than do too much too soon and set yourself back even more!
Sometimes it is nice to not be tied to a training plan! Sometimes we are more likely to do something because we don’t feel like we have to. We are simply doing it because we want to!
Very true, and its been nice to just run for fun lately!
The first picture of the boats in the harbor is absolutely stunning!!! Your pictures make me so happy each week 🙂
I only got in two runs this week because of the snowstorm and finals, but they were great. Yesterday’s was hard because of all the snow/ice on the sidewalks, but it was really fun and challenging too!
Thanks!! Great job getting those runs in with so many other things going on!
I love getting in a lot of short runs. Right now I have a half coming up in a couple weeks (so not prepared this time!) so I am forcing myself to get outside and get in all my runs. Why do I sign up for races in the winter?!
I always ask myself that with spring races when I need to train through Jan and Feb! At least it forces you to get your runs in:)
Hi Lisa! This is my first time stopping by Running Out of Wine. Cute name! I’m a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, but not much of a runner just to run. I do get some mileage in while teaching BODYATTACK (and I’m so glad you like BODYPUMP, because I teach that too!) though. Looks like you have great views for your runs, which I’m sure makes them go by quicker. My workouts last week were good, in fact I always write about them in my Monday post. I do six days on, one day off, with an equal amount of cardio and strength. With all your running, I hope you hit a foam roller every once in a while. Happy Sunday!!
Hi, thanks for stopping by! I love group fitness and used to take classes more often but now I just can’t resist running all the time:) Body attack is so challenging! I haven’t been there in years. Your schedule sounds really great. Oh and I am obsessed with my foam roller! I really can’t go even a day without spending at least a few minutes on there!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
It’s always funny to me how different training can look when you are training for something specific versus when you’re just running 🙂 The 11 miles must have been nice! I love long runs when they are just long because that’s what you want to do, not because you have to do them. I normally feel so much more pressure for my long runs when I’m training because I want them to go a specific way and feel a specific way. I hope your weather gets better!
It was really nice to go out and just run however much I felt like! I was thinking 10 miles, and then just added on a bit at the end. The weather this week is looking a bit better so that would be a nice change!
I feel lost without a training plan too! I can’t wait to get started with one again in January.
Thats what Im thinking too! Im trying to decide when to start training for my next 1/2- probably January 4th:)
I have not ran more than five miles in my altras. So far they are not giving me blisters nor making my feet hurt so I guess they are working out. The trure test will be trying them out on a long run. It’s been so cold and windy here lately that I haven’t been able to run outside.
I haven’t done more than 2.5 miles in mine and there is nothing wrong with them but I just don’t love them. They feel really big on my feet. Im gonna wear them a few more times and may take them back if I just can’t get my mileage up in them.
I had a really busy week so it was lots of short runs. 5Ks and quick circuits plus a mile for my #RWRunStreak! It has been a little refreshing especially since the weather has been rainy and cold!
That’s exactly how I felt about it! Its nice to not be “training” and under pressure to run certain mileage.