This post was inspired by Sunday’s post which got me thinking about how some of the things I typically eat have changed over the past year. It’s funny because a year ago I thought I was doing really well with my nutrition. I don’t think I was doing “bad” but I think there is always room for improvement. So the theme of this weeks “What I Ate Wednesday” is “Then and Now”.
Breakfast Then
Last year I was eating a Honey Stinger Waffle before I would go running. I would get back and drink chocolate milk and then make a smoothie.
Breakfast Now
If I eat before I run it’s usually a banana. Then I come home and make a smoothie and have eggs with veggies for breakfast.
Lunch Then
I used to eat a turkey sandwich every single day. Usually with a flavored chobani yogurt and an apple.
Lunch Now
These days I usually have some sort of salad or leftovers. My lunches always include meat and some sort of vegetables.
Dinner Then
This actually hasn’t changed much except that we don’t have as many grains. It used to be quite a bit of chicken but I always made a vegetable too. Starches rotated between cous cous, rice, pasta, and potatoes.
Dinner Now
Now we usually eat either salmon, steak, ground turkey, ground beef, chicken, or pork. Instead of grains I made lots of squashes and other vegetables. Also some kind of green vegetable most days.
Snacks Then
I used to rely more on packaged snacks like Luna Bars. After dinner snacks were brownies, cookies, or ice cream- all with lots of added sugar. I’m all about having stuff like that in moderation but looking back we were eating it a little too often.
Snacks Now
I eat alot of fruit as snacks, and I have learned to baked without using sugar. The only packaged bar I eat regularly are Lara Bars.
How has your eating changed over the past year?
Do you change how you eat without realizing it, or do you have to make an effort?
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
My eating is so drastically different than last year it’s incredible. I ate huge bowls of cereal for breakfast with tons of fruit, lots of diet soda, bagels, ice cream, more cereal, tons of pretzels, you get the picture! That all started changing right about a year ago when I eliminated gluten and then I did the whole30 the day after thanksgiving. Unbelievable when I think about how different it is!
[email protected] says
Isn’t is amazing how much things can change in that amount of time? I know you are really glad that you made those changes:)
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I wouldn’t say I have changed at all over the past year but it’s more like the past few years since I became a vegetarian that things changes. I eat a ton more vegetables and rely on plant-based proteins for a majority of my protein. I feel so much better than I did and I didn’t even fully realize I wasn’t feel good lol.
[email protected] says
I know what you mean about not even realizing you didn’t feel good! I think gradual changes are good and easier to stick with!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Well, at the moment it is a lot more stuff, haha. Then again, I guess I can’t really say that because I was training this time last year too! I’m not eating as much oatmeal as last year, but I”m still getting my carbs in. Less mexican nibbles (not at the restaurant anymore), and at the precise moment, less homemade snacks (I need to fix that). More “hard” protein, because I can cook more regularly. Not all that much different though.
[email protected] says
That is a really good point that the foods we eat will probably change depending on if we are training. I know that I make sure I am getting more carbs when I am training alot but also try to focus on recovery from hard runs.
Jennifer says
This is a nice thought exercise. I know in terms of snacks I’ve been substituting eggs with applesauce or bananas when I bake. While I eat relatively “healthy” I would like to makeover some of my meals (esp. pre and post race fuel etc).
[email protected] says
I love finding healthier alternatives to baking, too! My biggest thing is avoiding added sugar so my goal is to usually bake with honey, maple syrup or some kind of sweet fruit.
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
Would love to hear about some of your sweet treats without sugar! That’s what I struggle with!
[email protected] says
I’ll have to try to think of a good recipe to share soon! But I love The Little Honey Bee‘s recipe- you should check them out!
Carmy says
Our breakfast “thens” are pretty similar. I used to just grab a stinger pre run then have a shake when I got back and called it a day!
[email protected] says
I do like the Honey stingers but lately I have been preferred a banana. I think they serve the same purpose, but the waffle is just processed so I try to avoid that stuff when possible. Post run smoothies/shakes are great because they are quick and usually sit well in my stomach!
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
I dont think that my eating habits have changed much since the year. I will say I am a bit more cautious of what I eat than I used to be.
[email protected] says
That’s good! I think I ate pretty much the same way for a long time, and it wasn’t until recently that I started to change things up. But if its working for you, then that’s awesome:)
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I don’t consciously change how I eat, but when I’m training, it seems to just happen. I have a really sensitive GI tract, and a lot of foods really bother me on the run, so I just modify naturally. I don’t eat a lot of red meat and corn containing items because those for sure will make me need to stop. I’m always on the hunt for fuel for long runs, too. Right now I’m trialling Tailwind nutrition for my upcoming marathon. I’ve also increased my protein intake this time around, because I’ve been doing more weight lifting. It just seems to make my recoveries better.
[email protected] says
It sounds like you have a really great plan and know what works best for you! I’m sure training with GI issues can be tricky. I have never heard of Tailwind nutrition- sounds interesting! I think increased protein is great too- I am always trying to make sure I get enough post run!
Christa @ Living Unbalanced says
It’s funny…my diet has changed in the last year in very similar ways. I used to eat a LOT of sugar and relied on processed carbs for energy. Now I eat less sugar than I used to (still room for a lot of improvement, though…) and healthy fats have taken the place of processed carbs. It’s crazy how much better I feel.
[email protected] says
That is awesome! I feel so much better too without all the sugar. And its amazing because I don’t crave it anymore and I can easily turn down a sweet treat! I have found it to be tough to add more fats but I know its important!
Cheryl says
I recently had to cut out gluten, so I am eating a lot less grains–and feeling a lot better. I eat lots of salads.
Last year I used my juicer more, sadly I am lazy about it now–just one more thing to clean!
I use Tailwind Nutrition for my long runs…
[email protected] says
I am always one to complain about cleaning appliances, but luckily my Vita mix blender is easy to clean so I use it almost every day! I am glad that you are feeling better eating gluten-free!
Emily @ Sweets and Beets says
I think about this all the time! Great idea for a post. I actually have photos of my pantry when I was first cooking for myself… EVERYTHING has changed, haha. And I thought I was being pretty healthy! 😉 So interesting to think about.
[email protected] says
Isn’t it crazy how at one point we think something is healthy and then learn so much later on? At least now we are going back to a focus on vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed foods so I am pretty confident that those things are truly healthy and not just a “fad”. I wish I have taken pictures of my pantry a few years ago- that would be so interesting to see!
Chrissy @ Pink Polish and Running Shoes says
My diet over the last few months has really changed. I first started with my snacks weeding out the packaged granola bars, crackers, etc. I usually ate and replaced them with fresh fruit, nuts and homemade granola bars. Now I’m working on weeding cereal out of my diet, but it’s SO hard. I swear I’m addicted lol. Dinners were always some kind of meat and veggie so that hasn’t changed much, but I am eating more steak now.
[email protected] says
Its amazing how certain things can be SO hard to give up! I’m sure if you find something that you like more than cereal and makes you feel better, that you won’t even miss it! I know that cereal never filled me up, so I was never eating it every day. Bagels were harder for me to stop eating:)
Sara @ lifebetweenthemiles says
My diet pretty much stays the same, I am a serial eater, so I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch everyday and then dinner will change daily but since I don’t eat red meat and only VERY occasionally eat poultry, our diet is pretty healthy. I would love to be able to give up sweets, but you have to live a little and mostly I’ll have plain greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and fresh fruit and be satisfied!
[email protected] says
I do the same thing with eating all the same foods for awhile! I am constantly trying to add more variety to my diet but it can be hard. Every few weeks I try to change things up and that usually that works pretty well. And yes I agree that there should definitely be room in any diet for occasional treats:)
Hailey says
My eating habits have pretty much stayed the same over the past year. I’d say the one exception is that now my post-race meals are healthier than they used to be. I’m such a sucker for pancakes, french toast, or pastries ha, but now I make sure to have something healthier with protein as the main part of my meal, like an omelette or egg sandwich, and then just have a side of the other things 🙂 Love the simple ingredients of Lara Bars! I also really like Perfect Food Bars.
[email protected] says
I’ll need to look into Perfect Food Bars! I have never heard of those before.
If you still want to eat pancakes I need to recommend this acorn squash version: They take some time but they are really good and healthy:)
But I also have tried to make my post runs meals better- I try to get lots of good carbs initially and then a protein packed meal within a couple hours, and that seems to be working well!
Kirtley Freckleton @ The Gist of Fit says
Hey I really liked how you ‘before and afters’! That was a great idea!!!
I certainly have changed the way I eat–mostly I’ve just become more of an intuitive eater. I don’t mindlessly eat anymore, and don’t eat more than I need.
I eat WAY more fruits and veggies, and eat meat 1-2 a month. Just recently I upped my whole wheat intake…but I’m not loving that, so I may drop it down again.
[email protected] says
It sounds like you have figured out a great balance, and I’m sure that intuitive eating helps with that! It’s also great that you are trying out different things to see what works for you! Thanks for sharing:)
Nessa @ Ness Runs says
Loved this Lisa! Looks like you were already eating pretty healthily last year but well done for improving even more! Since I’ve started running I’m much more conscientious about what I eat (as I learn more about fuelling correctly). So I’ve been eating a more high carb/protein and low fat diet and I feel so much better. Before I would load up on sugar and cut carbs which really was a recipe for disaster (and sometimes my weight!). I try to get my sugar from more ‘natural’ sources now like dates and fruit.
[email protected] says
That’s so great! I love when people start running and it leads them to live a healthier lifestyle overall! I think for awhile I was in the mindset that I was running alot so I could eat whatever I want, but now I have learned that eating well makes me feel SO much better!
misszippy says
It all looks like positive changes to me! It’s funny how we evolve with our eating as we learn and go along. I feel like I eat completely differently today than even just a few years ago. Wonder where we’ll be in another couple of years?!
[email protected] says
I often wonder the same thing! And as I look at what I eat I try to think about that (like is there a chance that in a few years this will be considered “bad” for me?) And looking back at some of the things I use to eat makes me want to cringe!
Kristina says
Seeing the comparisons is really cool!
I was diagnosed with celiac so I’ve been eating a lot less grains, too 🙂 I’ve noticed along with that I’ve had much more energy!
[email protected] says
I’m so glad that you figured it out and are feeling better! And added energy is awesome:)
Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
This is so creative!! It’s so interesting to see how your food has changed from “packaged “healthy”” to food prepared at home – so much better because you know what’s in it!!! Awesome post – thanks for sharing WIAW love 🙂
[email protected] says
Thank you! I hadn’t even thought about it like that but it’s true! I really thought I was being healthy but now that I pay attention to what is in the foods I eat, my meals look completely different!
Amy says
I have definitely changed a lot, too. I have tried to cut down on refined sugar. I eat a lot less bread and pasta than I used to. I am working on adding more veggies. I eat a salad for lunch now with carrots and a clementine. I am a work in progress!
[email protected] says
Those are all great changes! I find that small changes are much easier to make and maintain that trying to do a complete overhaul all at once!
Alyssa says
Wow this is such a great post! See how you have transitioned over one year is a great idea. Also, loving the larabar shout out. They are so dang good!
[email protected] says
Thank you, and yes Larabars are awesome! I love how they only have real ingredients.
Laura @ the gluten-free treadmill says
I’ve definitely changed how and what I eat – I more focus on what I want and try to worry less about labels and even if it is healthy!
[email protected] says
That is so great! “Healthy” can look different to everyone so its so much better to focus on eating what will keep you feeling good!
Sam @ The Running Graduate says
This is awesome! I’m so happy that going to mostly paleo has really worked out for you. You must feel great after eating such healthy, delicious foods!
Unfortunately aside from the lack of bar food, my eating is not as good as it was this time last year. I need to work on getting back to that. I will say that I’ve stayed good on my new year’s resolution of eating breakfast every day and now I can’t function without it!
[email protected] says
I’m sure it can be really hard with your recent transition and busy schedule to focus on eating well! The lack of bar food is a step in the right direction:) Just do what you can, and you will figure it out. That’s great that you now eat breakfast every day!
Sara says
Your “then” lunch is pretty much my weekday routine. I’ll use my kid as an excuse…I don’t have tiiime! I really could do a better job of food prep on the weekends, or at least meal planning. One positive that I have changed is that I have almost completely eliminated diet soda from my diet. I have one occasionally, but the last one I had was two weeks ago and I didn’t even like it. I didn’t really do it intentionally, but I was just trying to drink more water and eliminate unnecessary caffeine ( don’t ask me to give up coffee).
[email protected] says
I can’t even imagine trying to eat well while also having kids! I’m sure things will change alot for me when I get to that point. And really, I don’t think sandwiches are that bad and its definitely better than not eating at all!
I don’t drink soda either, but I was never really a big soda drinker- but I think its really great that you were able to stop and drink more water!
Yea I’m not giving up my coffee anytime soon either:)
GIselle says
Love this idea for a post! It’s fun to see the thens and nows of eats. mine are similar to yours actually. Except that I include a good dose of clean carbs like sweet potatoes and plantains. I’ve learned my lesson on restricting those too much with my high activity level. It’s a struggle some days but I do love sweet potatoes!
[email protected] says
I recently started eating plantains but I keep forgetting to buy them when I go grocery shopping! I also eat alot of sweet potatoes for carbs! I am still working on eating a larger variety of clean carbs but especially while training I know what you mean about making sure to get enough!
Faith VanderMolen says
Love these posts! I can relate so much to the lunches and snacks sections. I’ve made a lot of the same changes too:) Everything looks yummy that you’re eating now!
[email protected] says
Thanks! I think its mostly just a transition from processed stuff to more natural stuff- but it has definitely made a difference in how I feel!