Happy Friday! We all know it can be hard to think of creative/thoughtful posts at this point in the week. There are a few questions on my mind that I thought I would put out there. Maybe you’ve been wondering the same thing or can help me out!
1. Why does Bloglovin hide new posts?
Is it supposed to be like Instagram where there’s some algorithm involved? Usually, it seems like posts appear in order, but sometimes a post will pop up that was published two days before.
2. Speaking of Instagram, why is it so annoying?
Instagram has always been my favorite form of social media. But now it’s just frustrating. I want to be able to see everyone’s posts, preferably in the order they were posted! It also bothers me that it feels like you get penalized if you don’t comment on lots of posts. Some days I don’t have time to open instagram other than to post a quick pic in the morning. I want to be able to catch up on everything later that night.
3. What are the best shoes for standing all day?
I finally got a standing desk (!!!) and have been loving it, but my feet get tired. I want to bring a comfortable pair of shoes to keep at my desk for when my feet get tired. I usually wear pretty practical shoes, but the flats I have don’t really have any support. Sometimes I wear heels if I have a presentation or important meeting, but on those days I usually bring my Birkenstocks for my walk to and from my car. Those won’t really work anymore once it gets colder.
4. Are there any good wireless headphones that are reasonably priced?
I got a pair of inexpensive ones a few months ago just to try them out. I can see why wireless headphones are such a great concept and I can also see why the ones I got were so cheap. However, I just can’t justify spending $100+ on headphones. Especially because I only use them a few times a month. I have always used Phillips headphones for like $9 on Amazon and I’ve been fine with replacing them once a year when they break. I just don’t trust myself to have really expensive headphones and not lose or break them.
5. Does anyone know any tips to heal chafing?
All the advice out there seems to be what to do to prevent chafing, but what about if it already happened? I am still dealing with the chafing from last weekend, and it’s still uncomfortable. I will honestly say this is the worst I have ever had. I’d like to get it to heal well so that I don’t irritate it when I am running!
October Stridebox
I also thought I would share what came in this month’s Stridebox:
2 Toms Sports Deodorant- With 2 runners in the house I’m definitely excited to try this!
Base Performance Salt Tabs- These could be good for a really hot, long run!
Base Performance Real Bar- I tried this yesterday and it was really good! It was a nice change from the Larabars I’ve been eating and I like the simple ingredient list.
Arrowhead Athletics Co-Stretch Tape- This seems like it could be a great alternative to KT Tape to help support my ankle on longer runs.
Sword Endurance Drink- This is apple flavored and I said I didn’t think I would like it so I gave it to Rob.
Great Pumpkin Run Phone Grip and Stand- I’m intrigued by this but don’t really want it to stick to my phone case for good. Has anyone else tried this yet?
What questions are on your mind lately?
Can anyone help answer my questions?
Which items from this month’s Stridebox are the most intriguing to you?
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I’m not on insta anymore because it was just a whole lot of chaos for me! I deleted the app, so I don’t know if I’m technically still “on” insta, just not posting, or if I’m not there at all.
If i had to stand all day, I would wear sneakers. I know depending on the workplace, you can’t technically wear sneakers, but they do have “nice” ones these days or all black ones that could blend in with dress pants. I know it’s not very stylish! What about those shoes nurses wear? Like clogs?
I hope bloglovin doesn’t hide stuff from me because that’s how I know what blogs to go read!
Have a good Friday!
Thats a good idea to look for black sneakers! I think that could work and they would definitely be comfortable for standing and walking. With the Bloglovin, the posts eventually show up but sometimes a day or two after they were posted.
have you tried desitin or triple paste for the chafing? or even coconut oil maybe. ugh, I hope it heals soon, that’s so uncomfortable. bloglovin is weird, I always notice posts pop up from a few days ago.
Nope I haven’t tried any of those so I will need to look into them. Thanks for the recommendation!
Diaper rash cream for chafe. Some people seem to really be able to rock instagram while the rest of us scratch our heads. It’s all a game and it’s not “real” popularity, imo. Life’s too short. I didn’t realize Bloglovin’ was pulling tricks too.
Yea I really cant waste my time worrying about things like Instagram. It just makes me wonder if I should unfollow people who I don’t really want to see their posts.
For the chafing, get some diaper cream. My favorite is “Butt Paste”, but there are others that work well too. And I kind of hate instagram right now. It only shows me a few people’s posts – but I get to see 4-5 from that person, instead of 1 post from lots of people.
Yes why do we always see multiple posts from the same people?! And thanks for the recommendation for diaper cream!
I second everyone’s emotion about diaper cream–I like Triple Paste. And same with IG. I’m so frustrated with it. I don’t understand how some people get 1200 likes on a photo that is nothing special. It’s weird.
So weird! And I cant believe diaper cream is the solution for chafing but Im willing to give it a try!
Check groupon for deals on wireless headphones. The JLab Epics were on there for a while, and I loved my Jlab epic 2 until they were stolen.
Oh man I don’t think I knew your headphones were stolen. Thats so frustrating! I will look out for a Groupon deal though- thanks!!
My favorite thing for chafing is Aquafor or vaseline it keeps it from further chafing too. I don’t really understand the point of Bloglovin and I don’t really spend much time on it.
Ive been using vaseline all week and its definitely helped it from getting worse. I read almost all the blogs I follow through Bloglovin so its frustrating when I don’t see that someone put up a new post!
Instagram is my favorite social media but I notice that out of the 1200 or so people I follow, I seem to only see the same posts from the same 60 or so people. You would think it’s because I “like” their posts, but I go to other people’s page and like there stuff too but yet I don’t see their pics when they post them. It makes me feel bad because those same people are the ones who are “liking” my pics but it looks as if I t returning the favor! Know what I mean?
I noticed that same thing on Blogger as you notice on Bloglovin. How does a blog post that was posted 2 days ago now show up first on my blogger and the time stamp shows it was only posted 15 minutes ago? So weird.
For comfy shoes I like the Anne Klein sport shoes. Most are little wedges with rubber soles. Perfect for being on your feet all day.
Wow, sorry for such a long comment!
No worries about the long comment!
I know what you mean about Instagram. I have tried to follow most people who follow me, but then I don’t always care about their posts, I want to see posts from people I “know”. I’m glad Im not the only one with the Bloglovin issues! So strange.
Thanks of the shoe recommendation!
Instagram’s algorithm annoys me – I have to actively go to the people I engage with the most, since they don’t always pop up on my feed. I feel the same way about headphones – I want good ones but I am hesitant to pay so much for them.
Ive just started searching for the people I want to see on Instagram but sometimes its hard to remember who to look for!
I still like Instagram but I hated it when they changed how we see the timeline. I want to see it in order, what’s so hard about that?
Yay for your standing desk! I use one at work and my feet def get tired, too. I bought a mat which helped a lot, and I try to wear supportive shoes.
Hope you have a great weekend, girl!
Do you know what kind of mat you have? I have thought about buying one but they seem kind of pricey.
I wish I did – my coworker got it for me but he said he got a random one from Amazon. I don’t think it was toooo pricey? I think any type of support helps!
I agree on Instagram … I just want everyone’s stuff to be nicely chronologically listed. I hate seeing someone getting ready for a race and commenting, then scrolling back and they’re already done! Ugh!
As for chafing, for me (assuming it is on lower half) – I change up shorts … even if it means wearing something that is too heavy.
Sometimes I feel like I see people’s pre-race posts a few days AFTER I see their post race results! So strange and frustrating.
I think I’m going to switch to capris as long as its not super hot to make sure no more chafing happens.
Did your stand-up desk come with a padded “mat” to stand on? Mine did (though I don’t always pull it out and use it). I don’t have much chafing (knock on wood),but I think keeping it well covered with a thick cream worked best for me (Aquaphor or coco butter).
No, it didnt come with a mat. I thought about buying one but they seem kind of pricey.
I like Aquaphor for chafing. And most other of life’s issues. And yeah, Instagram can be annoying. I’ve noticed this new thing where I’m not seeing captions until I hit the comment button and then, all of a sudden, there they are? And then other captions on other photos show up? What is up with that??
It seems like there was a change recently (maybe when I updated the app?) and I am also noticing something weird with the comments. I haven’t quite figured it out yet!
Instragram is ruining my life. I used to love it so much because it was so easy to see what everyone was up to and like/comment. Now it shows me photos from five days ago! And I feel like a jerk because I congratulate people on races that are a week past. So ridiculous. I’m about to give up and forget it.
I’ve been using Trail Toes for chafing. So far so good, but the real test will be my next marathon. Verdict is out until then!
I’ve used Trail Toes to prevent blisters and it seems to work well. I definitely think it would help to prevent chafing too! And I totally hear you on the Instagram stuff. I wish it was how it used to be.
I wish the Instagram feed could be set to most recent too for the same reasons you gave. If it’s not broken, why mess with it? Hmmm.
Exactly! It feels like they just want to make it harder for people to use.
Uggghhh Instgram is so annoying! Why did they have to make it so complicated?
For chafing, I would recommend something with zinc oxide. Usually these are products that are marketed towards diaper rash 🙂 I would recommend the maximum strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste (in the red tube). I got bad chafing around my chest where my sports bra is, and it really helped!!
Thanks for the tip! Thats great to know that the zinc oxide works so well for chafing!
I agree, the new Instagram algorithm is a pain! But for a pair of comfortable, supportive shoes for work that I would recommend would be UA gemini’s. I wear them to work because I’m on my feet the whole time and they are the best and last forever!
Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Instagram is still my favorite, but I do hate they stopped showing posts in order!
I cover my chafe in antibiotic cream now before I shower and it stings a lot less and seems to heal sooner. I put it on again after i shower 🙂
Thats a good idea! Thanks!
I just gave up my standing desk at work because my feet couldn’t take it anymore. I had a table I could use, but I’ve come to prefer standing so much I had to take the option away to give my legs a break. I’m about to give up on IG and Bloglovin drives me crazy too! ~sigh~
I have a sit to stand desk so I try to alternate between both. I usually have several hours of meetings each day where I’m sitting, so when I am at my desk I tend to stand. I hope that my feet can get used to it and not be so tired from standing!
Instagram is so annoying! I wish I could help you in the shoe department but fortunately, I wear sneakers most of the time. Otherwise, I love Tom’s.
Ive been thinking about getting a new pair of Toms because the ones I have are really worn out!
Instagram is my favorite social media platform, but I HATE what they have done with the algorithm…. not only does it not show you everybody’s posts anymore, the fact that it’s out of order is often confusing and sometimes just inconvenient (when I see a post “too late”…) they could at least let us chose how we want the order to go. HMPF.
Regarding the chafing, I usually use some healing ointment and cover the area with a bandaid (if possible) to encourage faster healing.
The Instagram stuff is SO annoying! I just want to be able to see everyone’s posts!