Are you a morning runner, or do you prefer to sleep in and get your miles done later in the day? You may already know that I’ve been a morning runner for over a decade, and couldn’t imagine it any other way. However, I know not everyone is a morning person. Still, there are some good reasons to consider becoming a morning runner, at least a few days a week!
1. It’s easier to plan meals around your runs
Some runners are fine with running first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, others need a light breakfast before heading out the door. Either way running in the morning simplifies the pre-run meal. There are plenty of light breakfasts or pre-run snacks that can be eaten quickly before a morning run. If you can run on an empty stomach, then you can look forward to a nice big breakfast when you get back!
I usually eat a banana and or honey stinger waffle and drink some coffee before running in the morning. I can eat right before heading out the door, but you may need to experiment to see if you need some time to digest. Some other quick pre-morning run ideas are toast with peanut butter, a small bowl of cereal/oatmeal, or a granola bar.
2. It becomes part of your morning routine
I don’t know about you, but my afternoons are hectic. Trying to finish up work at a reasonable time, navigating traffic, trying to get dinner on the table…. Now that I’m a mom things are even trickier in the afternoons and evenings. I couldn’t imagine trying to squeeze in a run along with all of that. Morning is the easiest time to create a consistent routine if you wake up around the same time every day. You can spend your morning hours in a way that works for you, without having to deal with other things getting in the way.
3. Get it out of the way and make it a priority
Going along with #3, if you run first thing in the morning it becomes a priority. You run, it’s done, and you can get on with your day. If you wait until later there is a chance something will come up and you won’t be able to run. You may also end up thinking about it all day- it’s a nice feeling to know it’s done before the day even gets started!
Also, if you run in the morning and still have some extra time in the afternoon or evening, try to get in some core work or strength training!
You may also like Core Strength For Runners
4. You will have more energy all day
People who don’t run in the mornings don’t understand this, but it’s so true. I have so much more energy when I run or work out in the morning. Plus you will have bragging rights at work when people are complaining about having to get their steps in or go to the gym after work.
5. If you miss your run, there’s time to make it up later
There may be some days when you over-sleep or the weather is too cold/icy/windy etc. in the mornings to run. The good news is that if something gets in the way of your morning run, you can always try to move it to later in the day! If you initially plan to run in the evening and for some reason you can’t, then you’re out of luck for that day.
Looking for other tips for fitting in your run? Check out these 5 ways to find time to run this summer.
Summer is a great time to work on transitioning to running in the morning. There’s more daylight and you will beat some of the heat! And don’t be afraid to opt for the treadmill. It’s a necessarily evil in many places.
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Are you a morning runner?
If so, how did you become one?
If not, what’s holding you back?
I’m linking up with My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday!
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
I love running in the morning for many reasons, but I am sure afternoon runners have lots of reasons to love their afternoon runs. The top reason my friends who are afternoon runners love it is because it gives them to decompress after work. I say do what comes naturally and if it’s working for you, don’t try to change it. Every time to run in the afternoon a couple days a week (because getting good sleep is just as important as working out and running in the daylight would allow me to drive to more fun running locations including trails), it never works! I feel like crap in the afternoon, my legs are so heavy.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I cant run in the afternoon either! I have absolutely no energy at the end of the day.
AmyC says
I love doing all my fitness in the morning – for all the reasons you give. I used to dread the school year when I could only run in the mornings on weekends.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I’m willing to wake up as early as I need to to get it in! I just know if I wait until later in the day that it won’t happen.
Wendy says
I am a morning runner–if I don’t do it then, it doesn’t happen! For me, it’s like drinking my morning coffee. A run reallly wakes me up.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Same here! I know by 9am whether or not I will be running that day. If it hasn’t happened by then, its not gonna happen.
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner says
I am not an early morning runner but I do usually run around 9 am. I do all of my fitness before 12. Yes you are right it is easier to plan your meals. I have recently started running on an empty stomach and eating afterwards. I think it’s going better for me. I do have a strong appreciation for our 5 am running group-could never do it!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I am naturally an early riser so I really like just getting out the door when I first wake up! Its so much easier to not eat before a run or just eat something small, and have a full meal later.
Kimberly Hatting says
Guilty!!! I’m a morning runner (most days). I usually don’t go farther than 5-6 miles, so I usually don’t bother with a snack unless I wake up hungry. And, most days, I forget (by the end of the day) that I’ve already gotten the run done, so the feeling of elation is pretty euphoric when I realize that anything else I do fitness-wise is a bonus 😉
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
These days I never even consider working out later in the day. I remember when I started working out in the morning it was such a nice feeling after work to know that it was already done!
Meranda@Fairytalesandfitness says
I admire those who run in the morning all year long! I am only a morning runner in the summer because ya know, gotta beat that heat!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Yes summer has its own set of reasons why its good to be a morning runner!
[email protected] says
I run first thing in the morning and always have. All your your reasons are exactly why! Great post
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Thanks! It’s really nice to always get it done first thing in the morning.
Marcia says
When I first started going out for runs when I was 16, it was in the morning. While I spent years hitting the gym after work in the evening, I’ve only ever been a morning runner. There’s nothing like having that out of the way and it makes me feel great.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I started out running in the middle of the day or evenings when I was in college. It was always a little tricky to plan, but I had much more energy back then!
Debbie says
Yes to everything you said! I’m (obviously) a morning runner. If for some reason I can’t run then it is very unlikely that I’ll get it done. The food thing especially, makes it difficult. If I eat my stomach bothers me. If I don’t eat I just don’t feel good. Runners’ problems!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Same here- I won’t be running if i don’t do it first thing in the morning. And the food thing can definitely be tricky.
Erinn says
I am definitely a morning workout person! I feel like if I get out for a run early, I can get in a couple miles before my body really wakes up…and then it sets my day off on the right foot 😉
Enjoy your weekend!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Exactly! Gotta get out there before your body realized what is happening 😉
Lesley says
I use the afternoons during the week because I can blow off steam if I need to. Either I’ve had a tough day at work, or traffic made me angry. I do use the weekend mornings because it is a nice boost before doing errands.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I know a lot of people like to do that, and I can see how that could be helpful! I would rather blow off steam with a glass of wine:)
Ana says
All excellent point!! I admire morning runners so much, but I can only convince myself to run in the morning during the summer and spring… I can’t wait for the summer!!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely easier to get out there when its lighter and warmer in the summer!
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
These are all great reasons! I feel so much more accomplished when I get my run done in the morning.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely a good way to start out the day!
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
I started running in the mornings back in college so I would be sure to get my run in and I have loved morning runs since. The food part is definitely one of the reasons! Morning runs make me feel more productive and focused during the work day.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I definitely agree! It’s the best way to make sure it gets done and nothing else gets in the way of it.
Samantha says
I’m definitely a morning runner! I love getting it done and having the whole day to do other things, I’m not really sure how I started though… it seems like I just did!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I think some people just naturally choose to run in the mornings!
meredith @ cookie chrunicles says
I was just thinking that I can count on one hand the times in my life that I ran later in the day lol. I’ve always been a morning person and morning runner – can’t really imagine it any other way!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I actually used to run other times of day when I was in grad school because of my weird schedule. I learned that I always feel my best when I run in the morning!
Cari says
Many of your reasons align with mine, but #1 is the primary reason I’m a morning runner even though I’m not a morning person. It’s just so much easier than worrying about what I can eat so I can run. But yes, I’ve never regretted a morning run. Twice in the last week I’ve regretted lingering in bed and not getting run I wanted. Oddly, it might have worked out though
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
It’s definitely easier to figure out what to eat when you run first thing. I guess the good thing about skipping a morning run is you could make it up later in the day if you wanted!
Cari says
If I get outdoors for a longer run tomorrow, trying caffeine gum. My issue with gels in my 15K was my fingers were too cold to open them. Hoping gum easier if it’s just in my pocket/pouch.
Kathleen says
I love to run in the mornings, but when the time changes here in California, between the months of Dec and Feb I sort of fall off track, then I have to reset my internal clock to get up at 5:15 a.m. every morning to run. Run in the morning and weight train after work really works for me. Does anyone else have a difficult time with running in the dark mornings that early?
San says
I used to be a stubborn afternoon/evening runner… until I wasn’t. Now I really enjoy being a morning runner for all the reasons you listed and more 🙂
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I think there are many people who switch to running in the mornings and realize there are a lot of benefits to it!
Dana says
Coming from a non-morning person-there is something about being out early before most of the world is up, and enjoying some peace. Also, here (AZ) in the winter time, getting up at 5:30/6 while it’s still dark is kind of invigorating-cold air to wake you up, but not freezing.
We’re lucky to not have to deal with the time change as well…
Morning running certainly makes me feel more productive before my day has really even started.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I definitely agree that its nice to be up before everyone else! And it really does feel so productive to start out the day with a run.
Carrie says
I’m a teacher. I need to be at school by 7:50 AM. I live 30 minutes away, so I have to leave home by 7:15-7:20 at the latest. From about October to April it is pitch black outside. I live in the country. That’s why I run in the afternoon. There are many days I wish I could run in the morning (and I have started going to the gym a couple of mornings a week). But come summertime, I am outside first thing!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I leave around the same time which definitely makes morning runs tricky…but I live in an area thats pretty well lit so I do run outside at that time. Its easier now that i have a treadmill and can use that when I don’t feel like being outside in the dark.
Deborah Brooks says
I am trying really hard this summer to be an “earlier” runner. It was harder to get up at first but it’s going better. Not sure I will do it in the wintertime though. I have definitely evolved since my previous comment 3 years ago!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s great that you’ve been able to run earlier this summer! You will just get more and more used to it the more you do it.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
#3 is very true! Also that it’s easier to skip it later in the day, or something just comes up.
I actually do change the time of my runs with the seasons. Not of fan of the cold mornings in Winter, and in Summer I much prefer an early morning run!
Great points, Lisa!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
During the winter I am more likely to occasionally run later…but still in the morning. Usually the latest I will go is 9ish.
Kimberly Hatting says
You don’t need to convince me to be a morning runner 😉 Honestly, I cannot imagine doing things any other way with my work schedule…but I do, on occasion, lace up and head out after work once in awhile. I love getting things done early, and then having the entire day ahead of me to slay other dragons LOL
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I’m always impressed that you can also run in the afternoons! I feel like most people have a hard time switching things up.
Darlene S. Cardillo says
These are all great reasons. I agree with all.
But somehow I’ve gotten into the routine of hanging out with my coffee and oatmeal and reading blogs IG and FB rather than going for a run.
I definitely need to do this now because it’s hot and it will be harder once I go back to the office in a few weeks.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Its a good time of year to start running earlier since its so hot out!
Jenny says
Yes, I’ve always been a morning runner for all of these reasons! Your first point is a big one for me- if I run later in the day it’s hard to time my eating. I also just love the feeling it gives me the whole rest of the day. I guess I should say that on the rare occasions I run later in the day, I love the feeling of a late afternoon run, before dinner. I guess I just love to run, period.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Well that’s true! I think running at any time is better than not running! But honestly if I don’t run in the morning, I’m probably not gonna go that day.
Michelle D. says
I definitely prefer running early in the morning and agree with all of these points! Having my run done before tackling the rest of my day, always puts me in a better frame of mind.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Same here! I would have a hard time doing other things knowing that I still had a run on my schedule.
Shathiso says
My schedule has always made it easier for me to do afternoon/evening runs. But the last 2 weeks I’ve consistently run in the morning AND… drumroll… I LOVE IT! I love that I get it over and done with but also that I feel so energised afterwards. And as you say, if something happens you can make it up in the afternoon.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s so great that you’ve been loving morning runs! Hopefully you will be able to continue getting them done early!
Renée says
These are all great reasons! I still really would love to try to become a morning runner. In the past few months I am really proud of myself to at least have gotten a lot of walks and workouts in early in the morning , so there is proof in there that it IS possible I could be a morning runner!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
That’s great! Hopefully you can eventually start switching some of those walks to runs!
Jenn says
I am 100% a morning runner. I just want to get up and get it done and over with and not have it hanging over my head all day. I also have the worst time planning food before a run so that’s a big one.
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
I would have such a hard time figuring out what and when to eat if I ran later in the day! Its nice to just grab a small snack in the morning and then head out the door.
Zenaida Arroyo says
I am also a morning runner. I love being able to get it done first thing in the morning. I don’t eat anything though since most of them are short runs anyway.
San says
Yes, yes, and yes! These are all great reasons why I became a morning runner!
Lisa @ Mile By Mile says
Running in the morning really is the best!