Well, somehow here we are wrapping up 2016. I can’t believe this is my final post of the year. It really snuck up on me! What better way to end the year than with a final round of runfessions? Might as well get them off my chest before starting a new year! Here are my final runfessions for 2016!
The Final Round of Runfessions for 2016
1) First off, I runfess that sometimes I really avoid running in the rain. Once I am out there I don’t mind it that much, but getting started when it’s pouring is the worst. Last Saturday I started my run late to let the rain slow down a bit. It picked up on and off throughout my run but I ended up having a great 10 mile run that day.
2) Overall, running has been going really great lately. Maybe too great? These streaks never last for too long so I’m just trying to enjoy it.
3) I didn’t even mind running on the treadmill last week. Typically I am miserable on the dreadmill but when I was in the hotel gym in Michigan I did 6 miles on Tuesday and 4 miles on Wednesday, and might even say I enjoyed it. (But don’t tell anyone.)
4) I’ve kept up with BBG for 4 weeks now and it’s still really hard. I am actually getting kind of bored of doing alot of the same exercises. Week 5 starts next week and I am hoping it’s a bit different, but if not I may start modifying the workouts to just do them twice a week. I do think some of the plyos and strength moves have been really great for my running.
5) My last runfession is a blogfession, which is that I fell way behind in reading blogs and replying to comments this week. Hopefully I will get back on track this weekend!
And that’s a wrap! I hope everyone has a happy new year…see you in 2017!
- What are your final runfessions of 2016?
- How has running been going for you lately?
- Do you like running on the treadmill? Or in the rain?
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we all fall behind so I say it’s fine! after being away and then being sick which left me unable to look at food, trust me when I say, I am totally behind too! sometimes I really like the treadmill too, it’s really not so bad, especially if we can mix it up between half of our runs still outside and just a few indoors. have a happy new year!
I think that some days it would be nice to just jump on a treadmill and not have to think at all about weather, routes, etc. Not every day, but once in awhile would be good!
I sometimes feel guilty if I don’t read and comment on blogs every day because I feel like I am falling behind! Which is so weird because life is too short to worry about that kind of stuff!
I feel the same way and its so silly! Other people probably dont even notice if I dont comment once in awhile or reply to all comments on my blog.
I don’t mind running in the rain, unless it’s pouring on me–kind of painful– or if it’s really cold. I ran a 10 mile race in 40 degrees and pouring rain and I think it took me all day to warm back up again!
I ran a marathon in 40 (or a little less) degrees and pouring rain. It was miserable!
I LOVE running in the rain (in the summer). I don’t care so much for it in the Winter 🙂 and from time to time.. I (shhhhh) do enjoy the treadmill.
Summer rain is so much better than winter rain! And i guess the treadmill isn’t so bad…it can definitely serve a purpose once in awhile!
I loathe running in the rain. Unless it’s summer and it’s hot out. But cold rain? No thanks.
Hope you have a great new year!
Agreed- summer rain is nice but winter rain not so much! Happy new year!
I don’t mind running in the rain sometimes it feels really cathartic. I runfess that I have not run my whole vacation! My trainer told me to take some time off and recharge I am doing cross training but no running. I really miss it though!
Hopefully some time off will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to train again when your vacation is over! We all need a real break every once in awhile:)
Happy New Year! Every once in a while I will enjoy the dreadmill…every once in a while haha
Exactly! Its a good option once in awhile but most of the time I would rather be outdoors!
I HATE running in the rain. I weather stalk all week and I will completely change my schedule around if there is even a hint of rain.
I stalk the weather for my runs too! If possible I will avoid the rain, but it’s not a deal breaker for me.
Good job with those treadmill miles!
Hahaha nothing wrong with loving the treadmill! I used to run almost solely on a treadmill… but my runfession is that I am sneaking in little bits of running here and there just so I don’t go crazy – even though I know my leg isn’t healed!
I used to run on a treadmill all the time too! I dont know how I did that every day. I hope your injury heals soon!
You know that I shirk away from running in the rain. Running in the cold rain? F that. And also, running has been going REALLY great lately, so maybe it is for the best that I am going to be pulling back–to keep me from getting injured!
I am sort of just going with the flow this week and running as much as I want- I figure when I am back to work next week and its dark/cold/icy/snowy etc I’ll be running less anyway. Might as well enjoy a good run streak while it lasts!
After being in Texas, I don’t mind the treadmill. I do not like the rain, and even put off going to the fitness room in my old complex because I had to walk outside to get it. I’m like a wet cat in the rain, and don’t like it one bit.
I actually think I would rather run in the rain that walk in it! I guess i figure if Im getting sweaty anyway I dont really mind getting wet from the rain:)
Sometimes I forget what it’s like not to run in the rain, but usually I don’t mind it. It’s been less rainy the past couple weeks and I am enjoying non-rainy runs. Even the cold rain beats the treadmill for me!
Yea I don’t know how you run in the rain almost every day! I guess with the right gear its not too bad. And any outdoor run usually beats the treadmill for me too!
Running on the treadmill? YUCK…..it does not happen very often for this chick. I can do intervals (sometimes) because they are more like drills and not actual “running.” I can run in the rain if it happens to start running AFTER I have already been running (and it’s a hot summer day). If it’s running before I lace up the shoes…the run probably won’t be happening (womp womp)
I’m the same way with preferring to run in the rain if it doesnt start until after Im already running! And whenever I run on the treadmill I like to do some sort of interval- even if its just playing around with speed or the incline a bit every few minutes.
I runfess that if it’s raining (more than a drizzle) I’ll head to the mill. I actually like my mill. A lot. I also runfess that my mileage lately has been minimal. Think 3-6 milers. That’s it. But it’s the off season so it’s all good.
I think if I had a treadmill at home I would use it quite a bit! Its a good time to cut back on mileage. Especially while your hammy is still recovering!
I find it so hard to get motivated to run in the rain too. I hate when my shoes are totally soaked and heavy from collecting water. What we really need in 2017 are waterproof running shoes! Where is that technology?! 🙂
Well….my runfession would be to tell you that the bottom of my heel still hurts, but I keep running on it anyway. It doesn’t hurt when I run, only when I walk around the house without my Birkenstocks on. But shhhh. Don’t tell anyone!
Happy New Year!
Oh no! Im sorry it still hurts, but I do think that walking on hardwood floors barefoot can be harder on our feet than running.
My running has been a bit sluggish lately…I definitely enjoy the strong runs when they last! I avoided the cold for awhile but now I’m getting back out there, I’m not crazy aboUT the rain either! Treadmills definitely come in handy!
Its a good time of year to have access to a treadmill! The cold hasn’t been too bad lately, but Im not excited for the long winter that is probably ahead of us.