It may or may not feel like it where you live, but according to the calendar, it is spring. As the weather warms up and the sun comes out many runners will be itching to start running outside. Maybe you’ve taken a break from running this winter. Or maybe the treadmill has just seemed like a better option. Either way, for many runners spring time means a transition to running outside.
Even if you have been running outside all winter long, you may want to continue reading, as there are some things we need to pay attention to as the weather changes!
Take Your Time as You Transition to Running Outside
If you haven’t been running much this winter, make sure you return to running very slowly. It may be tempting to run all the miles when the weather is nice, but that could easily lead to injury. Start with run/walk intervals and be sure to give yourself a day off in between runs.
Even if you have been on the treadmill all winter, be careful about adjusting to running outside. You may notice that the pavement or concrete is not as forgiving as the treadmill belt. Slowly add in some outdoor miles to allow your body to get used to the new terrain.
Dress the Part for Running Outside
Spring can be a tricky time for deciding on what to wear while running. It may feel cool when you start out, but could warm up quickly. Try wearing layers, like a t-shirt or tank top with a long sleeve t-shirt over it. Or use arm sleeves that can be taken off while you are running. This is also a good time of year to wear capris if it’s not quite warm enough for shorts yet.
On those really chilly mornings you may even still need a pair of gloves. I always notice that my hands get cold before anything else! Long sleeve tops with thumb holes also work well to keep your hands warm, but not too warm, on a run.
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Don’t JUST Run
Make sure to include cross-training workouts to keep your body balanced, as well as injury prevention exercises and strength training. Plan your schedule so you can run outside on the nice days and then you won’t feel as bad staying indoors to do a different workout if it’s raining or cold.
Take Proper Precautions when Running Outside
Running outside means there are several variables that you don’t need to worry about while working out indoors. Make sure to take precautions to keep yourself safe. If you are running in the dark, wear reflective gear or use a headlamp. Be aware of your surroundings by leaving the headphones at home or keeping them very low, or only use one earbud. If you are running alone, make sure someone knows where you will be running and when to expect you back.
Prepare for Allergies
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, running outside probably won’t do you any favors. Take an antihistamine to avoid symptoms. I’ve also heard that wearing a hat can help to block some of the pollen from getting into your airways.
You may also like: Can you go running with allergies?
Wear Sunscreen when Running Outside
It may not be super hot out yet, but you still need to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure to wear sunscreen on any skin that will be exposed during your run. If you are wearing layers and plan to shed them, make sure you use sunscreen on the areas that will be exposed later in the run.
It’s a great time of year for runners, so make sure you enjoy it and make the most of your time outside! The key is to transition to running outside slowly and safely, so you can continue running outside all season long.
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What do you do differently when running outside in the spring?
How do you transition to running outside after some time away?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Great advice! Thanks Lisa! Happy Spring running!
Same to you! (If spring weather ever arrives!)
As much as I whine about running in the cold, it’s always a struggle to adapt my pace to warmer temperatures! I am looking forward to that challenge tho. It’s time!
Me too! I can’t imagine many people will be complaining about the warm weather this year.
So funny to see the same comment from 4 years ago! I still prefer running in the cold, but I am looking forward to some more temperate days.
I guess that it’s become the norm for us to have colder weather through much of April, making us all desperate for warmer weather. And then summer weather comes out of nowhere!
I think we’re going to go directly from winter to summer running this year. I’ve given up on spring. Great tips!
I definitely agree!
Thumb holes in shirts or quarter zips are my favorite for keeping my hands warm in the spring. It’s the perfect amount of warmth for when you’re warming up and then you can take them off your thumbs when your hands are warm.
Yes, definitely!
Seriously, we’re still pretty much running in winter here. Each week they tease us with spring-like temps, and then it get pushed further and further out.
Love my tops with thumbholes! Worked for me in the pouring rain yesterday.
The thumbholes are a nice compromise when you don’t want to wear gloves anymore!
Great tips! I struggle with allergies in the spring/summer! So far they haven’t been that bad, but I’m expecting pollen to increase dramatically 😉
Mine haven’t been bad yet, probably because I haven’t been outside as much as usual!
Once it starts to warm up (which now seems to happen suddenly), I definitely need some time to adjust to running in warmer weather. As for spring allergies which used to affect me much more in the past, washing my hair immediately after running (even if I wore a hat) and avoiding running under trees or too late in the morning usually helped a bit. not much, but a bit lol
Those sound like helpful tips for the allergies! I will need to remember that if I never start running outside again lol.
I can’t believe it is Spring time and I we are still wearing gloves and head warmers. I’ll be glad when we can just run “naked” Spring needs to come and stay!
I know! And I can’t believe it’s this late in April and I’m still wearing a winter coat and gloves!
I can’t wait for the warmer temps! It’s spring, so I want spring. I do transition slowly outside, and starting with a training plan does help. I can get outside and adjust during the early weeks of training, when I’m not doing the higher mileage yet.
It will be so nice when it finally warms up!
This post was perfect timing and a good reminder for me – Last Saturday was my first outdoor run of 2018!
I hope it helps you as you adjust to more outdoor runs!
Sunscreen is a must for me in spring! Spring running is such a welcome change because it rains less, but I do have to adjust to the feeling of the sun beating down.
I always need to remind myself that I need sunscreen even though it’s not too hot yet!
I don’t usually have to transition to warmer weather running since I’m outside most of the time. It is a challenge, though, if it warms up too fast (like within a day or two from one extreme to the other).
It always seems to warm up too fast around here. But right now, I don’t mind if it warms up too fast if that means spring is here to stay!
So true- it’s easy to jump back out there too enthusiastically! My big goal for this spring and summer is to remember to use sunscreen!!
Thats a great goal! Especially when we are used to running in the cold!
Great advice. I think spring will come to our area of the country (PA) soon. I hope. Last night my hubby and I went to running club to run with friends, and it snowed. On April 17 (Sigh!)
How crazy is that?! I also think it will warm up at some point…maybe!
I’ve been running outside all winter and spring (?) so dealing with temperature ups and downs has become common place. Holding on for actual spring!
The temps really have been all over the place!
Good tips! The allergy one especially – we still have things blooming here. I can’t wait to start running again!
Hopefully the weather will be nice when you get back to it!
I try to do my best to run outside year round, but I def ditch the treadmill 100% when spring arrives. Allergies are a huge issue for me – I am so allergic, my allergist told me he is out of drugs for me LOL. But I am always determined to not let them keep me down
Thats so frustrating to be a running with bad allergies! Hopefully they’re not too bad this year.
I’m lucky to say that I don’t really have to transition much between the seasons. Of course, it’s colder (and sometimes wet) here in CA in the winter, but it never gets down to freezing temperatures and in the summer I just have to adjust to hot temperatures, but the spring is actually quite nice (and I am not dealing with allergies *knockonwood*).
I dont mind the change in seasons too much, but some years (like this one) are worse than others!
I miss running outside… When will spring be here??!!
I have no idea!! It was so cold and windy today…I’m so over it!
As usual, I am opposite everyone. Our whole winter has basically felt like a (warm) spring, and now (or soon) will be the time I need to make accommodations for the hot weather. Great tips for returning to running at any time.
I wish that you could send us maybe like 20 degrees or so!
The temps are still in the 30s here in the morning but sunrise is getting earlier and earlier. That helps so much! Especially when I’m freezing and could use the warmth of the sun.
Yes, the earlier sunlight definitely helps! On the days when the sun is out, that is. I feel like it’s been cloudy and dreary quite a bit lately!
I’m following a runner on Strava in Canada. His treadmill broke and he now is forced to run outside. He says that running outside feels suddenly so slow. It’s as if he is running on the spot.
He is now alternating his runs with walks to get used to it. Amazing how different a treadmill is from running outdoors!
It is very different! I could imagine it would feel really challenging if you are only used to running on the treadmill. Thats one reason why I try to run outside a few times a week even during the worst of the winter weather.
I am SO ready for warmer weather! Spring (like in most years, in the Midwest) has been a bust. Winter just refuses to disappear, and it’s looking like we’ll have summer-like temps next week (yay!!!). That said, it’s still cool in the mornings…arm sleeves are my go-to for the very reason you stated above.
I love when its cool enough in the mornings for running but warmer during the day! I heard we are supposed to have summer weather next week too. It always comes out of nowhere!
It sure has been challenging the past few weeks. I do run outside all year around and much prefer the winter temps. WE will adjust though with time!
We always do!
I ran outside all winter.
It is still a challenge to wear the right thing. You want it to be warm and yet in the morning it is still cold.
I have gone from tights to skirts already (if it is a race) otherwise still in capris.
By the time I adjust, it’s summer.
I’ve been disappointed to still have to wear tights a few times in April this year, but hopefully for the rest of the season it will be warm enough for shorts.
If it’s been a while since I ran, then I take it really slowly. Like start with 1 mile! It’s relatively easy to ramp it but harder to have an injury.
Dressing for Spring weather is super tricky, because it’s so changeable day to day. I love tops with thumbholes (and jackets with them too). When you need just a little something on your hands, these work great!
Totally agree about the thumbholes! Its nice to not have to bring gloves but still have a way to keep your hands warm if needed.
In the space of one day, we went straight to summer. I was ready (ish), but we don’t have to do much for the transition.