One of the reasons I am glad that I chose to run a late fall marathon is that I am a few steps behind everyone else who has earlier races this season. I had a few extra weeks before I started my training. Hearing about others who were starting to train really got me excited to jump in when it was time. As some of the other runners began doing their really long runs, I became prepared to do my own. And now, the fall racing season has definitely begun, and I have already been overwhelmingly excited by other runners and their accomplishments. I find this to be the most inspiring part of the racing season.
Measuring Progress
Last week I wrote about measuring progress. While I think sometimes it can be difficult to measure our own progress, sometimes when you see the progress that someone else exhibits it’s as clear as day. There are a few bloggers who I follow and in a way I feel like I was right alongside training with them over the past few months. But unlike my own self-doubt, I never once questioned their abilities. I could see their progress through what they have shared on their blogs. But even more than that I could sense their determination and confidence through their writing.
The Most Inspiring Part of Racing for Me
While I love watching pros like Shalane Flanagan race (and I find that very inspiring also) its much harder to relate to them. They are competing at an entirely different level and running is their job. For the rest of us, we need to juggle jobs, families, figure out our own nutrition, and do our best to manage aches and pains that could potentially become injuries. Most of us also don’t have coaches and therefore are figuring out and navigating training on our own.
Seeing other runners overcome all of these obstacles and reach their goals is the most inspiring part of racing season for me.
A HUGE congrats to all of you who raced these past few weekends! Thank you for being so inspiring!
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What inspires you while you are training for a big race?
Have you had any big/inspiring accomplishments lately?
True! With others we have perspective that we can’t possibly have with ourselves. Unless you’re racing often and seeing steady or linear results it seems impossible to measure progress with all the life variables. Also, because this marathon is so late sometimes it feels like it’s never happening!
It still feels so far away, but I’m sure it will be here before we know it!
I totally agree! I find other “every day” runners to be the most inspiring. They (and you!) show that hard work really pays off.
Exactly! I don’t know what I did before I started reading running blogs:)
I am glad to be going at the beginning of the marathon season, haha so that I can get the full benefit of being able to help inspire and to be enveloped in the love of the season itself, rather than feeling almost suffocated by it! But I’m glad that the strategy works for you–it is almost overwhelming for me!
I will say that part of me does wish my race was earlier, but it is what it is! Last year I did a mid October race and I felt like it was still way too warm. Hopefully I am not too overwhelmed with it all by the time my race rolls around!
I am truly inspired by the everyday runners whose blogs I follow. I get encouragement from them and learn so much about the journey…
Me too! It almost feels creepy that I like to know so much about everyone else’s running, but I find it so intriguing to read about how others train!
I’m not able to run pain free yet, but I do love watching marathons when they’re on TV. I’ll be lazy and watch NYC since I know a few people participating this year.
I get so jealous seeing other runners run when I am injured! But I hope it helps you to stay motivated and get ready for the day when you can run pain free again!
LOVED this post! watching the elites are def inspiring for me
Thanks! That’s inspiring for me too, but in a much different way than watching or reading about “average runners”!
Yeah girl–treat yourself like you treat your friends!! You never doubt their potential-that’s how I see YOU! Serious! You are inspiring, always have great thoughts, and are clearly making tons of progress!
You’re awesome! Can’t wait to read about upcoming races!
Thank you!! Its definitely hard to see yourself the way you see others!
As much as I respect the “pros”, I am much more inspired by the average runners! I think it’s because I can relate to them.
Definitely! Average runners are way more easy to relate to and make me feel like I can also accomplish great things.
I have never done a fall marathon. Mine have always been in the spring. This year I did sign up for a fall one so it’s been nice training through the summer rather than winter. I hope this reflects in my time.
I also prefer fall marathons to spring! Even though some of the training can be in the heat, I feel like it makes running feel easier when the weather cools down!
I feel the same way about seeing my own progress versus the progress of other bloggers. Some things are just easier to see from an outside perspective I guess 🙂
I’m kind of sad my fall race is over & done with now. I’m loving hearing about everyone’s recent & upcoming races!
I would feel the same way if my race was over! Part of me would also feel relieved, but I know I would still want to train/race!
I absolutely agree and I never doubt the abilities of other run bloggers because it’s the hard work they put in is just so obvious … and I love the free motivation 🙂 YOU are going to do amazing on marathon day!!!! I know it!
Aw thanks! You are also so inspiring finishing your first marathon! Just think of all the people who doubt if they could run a marathon and they could read your blog and get some instant motivation and inspiration!
Haha, I’m glad my marathon is less than week away (EEK WHATTT) but I want to do a later marathon. I think training is so long and exhausting that by Fall I’m ready for it to be over. Other people’s recaps already have been helpful and inspiring though so I see your POV. You’re going to rock your race, girl!
I think that this time for me it helped to do 14 weeks of training vs 16 or 18. I remember last year when I ran Baltimore I started training at the end of June! That was just way too long. I am sure by the time my race gets closer I will be ready for it to be over:) I can’t wait to hear how your race goes! I know that will be inspiring also!
I definitely agree! You are an inspiration to me! Working and running is definitely challenging, and it is nice to know there are others facing the same challenges and tribulations day in and day out! Keep up the great work!
Exactly! Its way more helpful to read about others who face the same challenges that we do:)
I agree with all of this! I’m SO excited to start marathon training after reading everyone’s posts about it. Over the past year, if I ever didn’t have quite enough motivation to be excited about a run, I would just read some blog posts, and get so pumped up.
Exactly! I really don’t know how I ever survived without reading running blogs!:)
It is so inspiring for me to see my friends and others achieve goals they have set for themselves. Nice post!
It really is great to hear about others’ accomplishments! It makes me feel like I could do great things, too!
I always get inspired by reading about other runners, from elites to the back of the pack. I especially love finish line photos! Thanks for linking up with us today!
Yes finish line photos are great too! I love seeing the expression that people make as they are about to cross the finish line. (Although I usually hate my own finish line photos:)) Thanks for hosting the link up!
I totally agree! I just signed up for my spring race the other day, but reading all these recaps are making me so freaking excited…and I still have months and months to go!
I am sure that your training will start before you know it!
Very true. I’m always so inspired by the hard work of other runners, particularly when I’m in a rest phase.
Thanks for linking up with us!
When I am resting I get really excited about races when I read about other runners’ experiences! I think maybe that’s why I always end up training for something:)
I love the fall racing season! I agree. I can go from being tired on a run and wanting it to be over one day to not being able to contain my excitement for my next race because I just saw someone else’s results and it gets me excited for my own race :). Also being a high school coach, we have meets so often that every time they have a big race, it makes me want to race right then and there!
I bet that seeing the HS runners all the time would make you want to race, too! I love that just by reading about others’ experiences it can be so inspiring- sometimes its just what I need after a not-so-good race or run!
100% agree – I love following ‘regular’ runners going through their training cycles and then seeing them crush their goals on race day. It’s reassuring to see that hard work really does pay off. And I also get the self-doubt thing – I think everyone feels that.
I agree that seeing others reach their goals is so reassuring! Of course there will still be some self-doubt, but its nice to have the feeling that if they can do it, maybe I can too!
I love this post!!! I absolutely agree that it’s so inspiring to read about others successes! It gets me excited for my own success!!