Since it’s the last Friday of the month, I thought I would start off by sharing some runfessions with Marcia!
-I love summer running. I may complain about the heat and humidity, but all I want to do in the summer is run outside. I’ve had to keep my miles in check because I just want to run every day.
-I quit my gym. I was never going anymore, and it made my cringe every time I saw my monthly statement. I’ll try to get away without having a gym as long as I can, and then I will look for a cheaper/more convenient option.
-Rob and I share a walk-in closet that is off our master bathroom, and it usually smells like a gross locker room because of all our sweaty running clothes.
-New running shoes make me more happy than is probably normal.
-When I was at my friend’s wedding last weekend I may have told our whole table all about my foam rolling habits. Rob was there to verify that 90% of the time when he walks into a room I rolling around on the ground.
And now, it’s time to flashback to 10 years ago, when I had never heard of a foam roller and considered 4 miles to be a “long run”. And I was single, but a month away from meeting Rob. Here are 5 things I was doing 10 years ago, just a month after graduating college.
1) I was starting to get more into running. I also took classes at a gym, but really spent most days running either outside or on the treadmill.
2) I was trying to be “healthy” but looking back I would no longer consider the food I was eating to be all that healthy. (Not enough fruits and veggies and lots of “fat-free” foods.)
3) Going out in New York City every night and thinking I was so cool. However, I was unemployed and broke so that lifestyle can only continue for so long before it is no longer an option.
4) Drinking lots of pinot grigio (with my mom) on the nights when I wasn’t going out in the city.
5) I was trying to find a job. I had no idea what I wanted to do after college and I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find something decent. I ended up taking a very low-paying job as a teacher’s assistant in a school, which I did for a year before moving back to Maryland for graduate school. Little did I know I was a month away from meeting my future husband and would end up in Maryland, along with the rest of my family!
Crazy how fast time flies!
Thanks to Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar!
What is something you were doing 10 years ago?
What are you runfessions?
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
I love those new Brooks. LOVE them. It made me so happy to run in my Newtons the other day because they are so light and happy looking. 10 years ago… I was living the horse life and running for 20 minutes and considering that a ton. I would have told you that you were crazy to think I’d ever live in Chicago or NYC, and I was starting my senior year of high school and driving my dad’s very old BMW (older than my bro).
[email protected] says
So crazy to think about how different our lives were 10 years ago! I feel like I was a whole different person.
The first run in a new pair of shoes is the best!
Brandie says
I’m a fairly new runner myself (I can only run 4 miles at a time right now), and I’m curious what you suggest is a healthy amount of running in a week? I have been running almost every day 3-4 miles depending on how much time I have. This past week I did a long walk instead of a run 2 days, because I’m having some annoying pain in my foot. I work in some strength training a few times a week also. I’m so passionate about running and want to do it every day, but I’m feeling like my body needs a break and maybe I should cut back a little. When you started out, how many days a week did you run?
[email protected] says
I think that how much you run is a very personal thing, but I will say that I believe its always good to take rest days. Some people can get away with taking them every 10-14 days but I think most of us need 1-2 a week. Especially if you’re having a pain in your foot, its better to back off! I can’t remember how much I did when I started running, but I actually had no idea what I was doing back then anyway. If you want to E-mail me we can talk more about a reasonable progression! runningoutofwine @
Marcia says
Thanks for linking up! I see nothing wrong with holding court at a wedding about your foam rolling practices. But then again, I’m a runner. Haha!
Gosh 10 years ago? I was one month away from giving birth to Thing 2 so I’m sure I was not running. At that point my longest run was probably about 6 miles.
[email protected] says
I think us runners have a slightly different standard when it comes to discussions about things like foam rolling:) Actually one of my friends was asking about a pain she has been having so that’s how the conversation got started.
10 years ago feels like a lifetime ago! So much was different!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
10 years ago I’d never believe that I’d be running marathons now 🙂 I’m also found foam rolling or stretching all the time at home – always trying to use my time wisely 🙂
[email protected] says
Yep I would have laughed at anyone who told me 10 years ago that I would have run 5 marathons. I don’t even think I had a half-marathon on the horizon yet.
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles says
So at first thought, ten years ago seemed to mean I was 25. Nope. Wrong! I was 27 lol. My son was about 20 months old and it was such a fun age! I was not at the gym unless it was Gymboree and I didn’t run unless I was chasing my active little boy. I walked that darn stroller for hours a day around the mall, the neighborhood and to run errands. It was probably one of the happiest years of my life 🙂
[email protected] says
Lately I have been very aware of what I was doing 10 years ago since my college reunion just passed and that was a weird feeling. I think that so many phases of our lives are so different, that its even hard to compare them! I was happy with what I was doing then but would never want to go back to that at this point.
Cody @ onehungryrunner says
I quit my gym too–it is such a weird feeling to not belong to a gym but in actuality I rarely went and was basically just donating money to the gym every month! ha! But it frees up money to try different classes outside of the gym–I think you will be happy with your decision 🙂
[email protected] says
Yes, I agree! I can not buy classes at a yoga studio without feeling guilty. And I was only using the gym for strength training which I can do at home.
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl says
The whole going out in NYC while young and potentially under-employed thing is never going to change I think…sometimes fortunately, sometimes frustratingly for me I prefer the November Project way of socializing over running at 6am to clubbing at 2am.
10 years ago I was…getting ready to start high school. Eek!
[email protected] says
I think that November project is probably a much better (and free!) way to socialize. At this point I am so over going out until all hours of the night, but back then it was a lot of fun and its a time I will never forget!
Sara @ lifebetweenthemiles says
Ohhh…I love your new Brooks! I get SO excited for new shoes too–even if I am just replacing them with the same model/color!! I love your looking back at 10 years ago…10 years ago right now, I was dating my husband, living in Boston with friends, and generally having a blast but I had a job and boss I loathed. Thankfully, a few months after that I landed at my current company!
[email protected] says
Even though I wear the same shoes its fun to get new ones especially when they are fun colors!
Crazy how much can change in 10 years, right?!
Lesley says
Febreeze is my friend when it comes to gym stuff! I also learned a long time ago my clothes needed to air out so all the door knobs in my apartment act as clothes hangers until it’s time for laundry.
[email protected] says
We are the same way…we have sweaty clothes hanging all over the place!
Jamie says
Embarrassing runfession – I always run with toilet paper. You NEVER know! Haha. And 10 years ago I was just about to graduate high school. Where in the world did the time go. Better get ready for that 10 year reunion in a few months! Haha. Hope you have a great weekend!!
[email protected] says
I missed my 10 year HS reunion and I wish I had been able to go. And smart idea to run with TP!
Laura @ This Runner's Recipes says
New running shoes are the best, especially when they’re in bright fun colors.
Ten years ago I had just finished my freshman year of high school. I remember wanting to start running and try it on a family trip in South Dakota of all places…hello elevation and heat! I also had just started doing Pilates, which is still one of my favorite non-running workouts.
[email protected] says
South Dakota sounds like a fun place to run but not sure if I could handle that elevation!
Tara @ Running 'N' Reading says
Lisa, I love your foam roller – ha! I really want one of those, either instead of or in addition to my long, old-school, plain white foam one. Um, 10 years ago I was living in Guadalajara, Mexico, working on my graduate degree; it was a blast! We seem to have a similar closet problem; I’ve threatened to buy some of those scent balls that you stick in your running shoes to drown out the sweat smell. I hope you have a great weekend, Lisa!
[email protected] says
You should definitely get a trigger point foam roller! I think they work so much better than the regular ones!
Wow, your graduate degree experience sounds pretty amazing!
I think I need something to help with the smell…or we need to start doing laundry every day! Have a great weekend!
Sam @ See Sam Run says
Those shoes make me wish that the pureflows worked better for my feet becuase they are so darn cute! I definitely chuckled at your headphones in the top picture. It’s funny how far even headphones have come since then, but funnier how many pairs of those I broke.
10 years ago I was in middle school – ha! I am such a youngin in the blogging community.
[email protected] says
I also laughed when I found that picture with those headphones! Too funny! And mine always broke as well.
Mar @ Mar on the Run says
love this! 10 years ago I was deep in my career plan and just being adult. 🙂 Living in Boston and not having a clue how the next 10 years would unfold. It’s been a wild ride!
[email protected] says
It’s fun to see how far we have come in the past decade, right? I guess there is no way to avoid having some sort of change happen along the way.
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment says
Very cute post! Isn’t it crazy to look back 10 years? I am there with you on those 100 calorie snack packs and lots of pinot grigio. Lol. Have a great weekend!
[email protected] says
I really loved both 10 years ago and now I am so over them! Well I will still drink pinot but its definitely not my first choice:) Enjoy your weekend!
Suzy says
Awe, what a great post! Let’s see… 10 years ago I was 27 years old. I had a 6 year old, a 4 year old and a toddler. I think I was starting to train for my second marathon (the first one was way back when I was 19). Crazy! Time sure does fly. Wow.
[email protected] says
It’s so weird to think about how much we have done in the past 10 years, right?!
Sarah @pickyrunner says
It’s always so crazy to see what we were doing 10 years ago. I was on summer vacation in middle school sooo probably at some sports camp 😉
I’m so with you on summer running. It may be hot, but there’s nothing I’d rather do most days than hit the promenade for some miles. It’s getting harder and harder to hold myself back!
[email protected] says
I forced myself to take a day off from running yesterday, but I was so sad because it was the first “cooler” day in awhile. But I know there will be plenty more days to run this summer so I keep reminding myself of that! (I never want winter weather to come back)
Victoria at Ice Packs + Races says
I love running in the summer too! It is crazy hot and humid, and I’m a gross mess when I come home, but it feels so good. Those pure flows are beauts!
[email protected] says
Gotta love the sweatiness, right?!
Becky @ good4theswole says
It’s so crazy to think back to what I “thought” was healthy. It’s also mildly embarrassing as well. So there’s that.
A year ago I think I was at Zions National Park for the weekend. Crazy to think about!
[email protected] says
My view of “healthy” foods has changed so much over the past few years! But I don’t think we can really blame ourselves when everything around us was telling us that certain foods were healthier!
Hailey says
I still can’t get over your new shoes. I love the color so much! Gosh, I had NO idea how hard it would be to find a good job out of college. Ha. I pretty much thought a degree would just be a free pass to whatever job I wanted. Hence, the going to grad school now :).
My runfession is that I absolutely did not want to do any form of running whatsoever today, which is super rare, but I had my last harder workout scheduled before next week’s race, so I knew I had to suck it up. I don’t know what the heck was wrong with me! And my other runfession is that other than the lack of motivation when I started, I realized halfway through the workout that I was cutting my recovery time in between reps in half by accident haha. Off day I guess! TGIF:) Ten years ago, I was still drinking soda and thought coffee was disgusting…my how times have changed!
[email protected] says
After a few months of looking for a job out of college I realized I had no other option but to get a masters if I wanted to make any sort of decent money! (And I know its even worse these days).
Sorry that today was not your running day! I’m sure you will be back to normal soon:)
Maddie @ Dixie Runs says
Oh man, 10 years ago I was 15 so I was probably walking around in Abercrombie and Hollister graphic tees thinking I was a SUPER cool 10th grader! But, this was also the year I went to the indoor state championships in three events so it was a good running year!
[email protected] says
Haha I was definitely wearing Abercrombie and Hollister when I was in 10th grade but that was way more than 10 years ago:)
Hilary @ Embrace the Neon says
Runfession: I ordered new shoes this week because my current Supernovas passed the 300-mile mark (that crept up on me!)… Even though I know that the new ones won’t be delivered until next Tuesday, I keep checking the FedEx tracking. Like, multiple times a day… I’m so excited.
[email protected] says
I do the same thing when I am expecting something exciting! Hopefully they will come early!
Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC says
Time does fly! It’s so fun to look back, isn’t it??
[email protected] says
Definitely!! Fun topic for the link-up this week:)
Salt says
I SO love summer running. Give me a 100 degree, humid run any day of the week over icy sub-zero temps!
I spent a lot of time in NYC in 2003-2004 and thought I was so super cool then too. But yeah haha…that city. SO EXPENSIVE! It sounds like you had a lot of fun though!
And I’m not gonna lie. I still like those 100 cal cookies. 🙂
[email protected] says
Yes! I would much rather run in the heat than those awful freezing temps we had all winter!
Ya know, the 100 calorie cookies didnt taste all that bad, but at this point I think I would rather just eat a real cookie:) I wonder if we crossed paths in NYC in 2003-2004…I wasn’t quite 21 but still got away with going out in the city quite a bit.
Meranda@Fairytalesandfitness says
Oh I hated that time right after college when you don’t really know what you wanted to do with your life. I think we all put too much pressure on ourselves during that stage in our life! Glad things worked out for you!
[email protected] says
It was a bit stressful but it worked out, as most things do!
John @ run. geek. run(disney) says
ALWAYS love new shoes. Can’t go wrong with them. I actually love summer running too, usually early morning summer runs.
[email protected] says
Definitely morning runs in the summer are the best! It can still be pretty hot out but its nice to get out before the sun is total beating down on you!
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness says
Ha, I like the idea of talking about things you were doing 10 years ago! For me, 10 years ago it was the summer after I graduated high school, and I was spending it dating a complete jerk of a guy, waitressing at a cafe nearby, sunbathing in my parents’ backyard, and getting excited to go away to college. Funny to think about that time!
[email protected] says
Oh wow, I definitely remember the summer before college being exciting! But I feel like I was such a different person back then!
Natalie says
Fun post!
10 years ago I had zero kiddos and was living a pretty footloose and fancy free life with my husband!! I was running a lot and we delved into the world of triathlons together. Good memories.
I really need to try the Pure Flows – they look awesome!
Happy Weekend!!
[email protected] says
The Pureflows are my favorite! So crazy to think about 10 years ago, right?!
HoHo Runs says
I can also runfess to laying around using the foam roller. It’s feels so good. My husband just steps over me now without thinking twice. 10 years ago I had started going to the gym but had not yet taken those first running steps.
[email protected] says
Good thing our families just get used to seeing us on a foam roller all the time!
Jennifer says
I wish I picked up running while we were in college, so many places to explore. I was usually an elliptical girl at the FAC and each Sunday I ran a loop in the Guilford neighborhood by the FAC, but that was it.
[email protected] says
I ran a bit in college, but mostly on the treadmill. I even ran on the super small track in the FAQ which is crazy to think about now because it was like 1/10th of a mile!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
One of my runfessions…I very rarely use my foam roller. I need to start asap.
[email protected] says
You need to use it more! I definitely feel the difference when I don’t use it for a few days.
jan says
I also went through that phase of looking for non-fat and lower-fat versions of my favorite foods. Who knows what crap those were filled with! Now, I eat what I want, but if it’s unhealthy, I try to have smaller portions. And I stick with REAL stuff like real sugar, etc. And I’m about 10 pounds thinner than I was then, go figure. LOL
It’s so much fun to look back 5, 10, 15 years…oh how life changes in unexpected ways!
[email protected] says
I definitely agree with your views on eating real food! I feel so much better now!
Jen@Jpabstfitness says
10 years ago, my husband and I had been married for 4 years, we were both working full time and we had a 3 year old and a newborn. Crap. I’m old.
[email protected] says
It’s making me feel pretty weird to know I graduated college 10 years ago. For so long I felt like I was “just out of college”! I have no idea where the time went!
karen says
Isn’t it fun to look back and see how things how changed in 10 years.
I am run jealous in a good about your summer running.
I want so bad to become someone who enjoys summer running! I completely whined about it in my Runfession posts…I promised to stop so I don’t lose my bloggy friends lol
[email protected] says
I also complain about summer running, but theres something about it that I love! Plus, I would take it over winter running any day:)