Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, but last week feels like just another week in 2020. There was lots of running, which can be a nice distraction from everything else that’s going on. Our COVID numbers are continuing to rise and we saw some of our highest number of positives ever this week. As I’ve said in previous weeks, I think we are going to be in for a long, rough winter.
Weekly Run Down: Just Another Week in 2020
- Monday: 7.5 Miles with 2 x 2 Mile Tempo + Core
- Tuesday: Strength Training, 2.7 Treadmill Miles, 3.4 Stroller Miles (6.1 Total)
- Wednesday: 7 Miles with Surges + Core/Glutes
- Thursday: Strength Training, 3.1 Treadmill Miles, 3.6 Stroller Miles (6.7 Total)
- Friday: Rest
- Saturday: 11 Miles
- Sunday: 5 Miles + Core
Total: 43 Miles
Tempo Run
On Monday I decided to do a tempo run for the first time in awhile. I’ve been doing shorter (but faster) interval runs and tempo runs have seemed more intimidating. I decided to do 2 x 2 miles at around 8 mins/mile, and it wasn’t too bad. I was able to hit all my paces and felt strong. I think I need to make it a point to include more of these runs to add some variety to my workouts.
Combo Runs
Twice this week I did a treadmill run followed by a stroller run. This was for a few reasons. First, I finished my strength workouts with some time to spare. Second, I wasn’t sure how far I would make it with the stroller because of the weather. On Thursday I wasn’t sure if I would do a stroller run at all until Rob said he wanted to come with us. It was only 25 degrees, but there wasn’t any wind, so it wasn’t too bad.
Long Run
On Saturday I ran 11 miles. I feel like most of my long runs have been 10-12 miles so I’m pretty comfortable with that distance now. It went by pretty quickly and I was excited for “warmer” weather, as it was 45 degrees. I had to be done no later than 7 because I had to go get my drivers license renewed at 8:00.
Just Another Week in 2020
This week went by pretty quickly but it wasn’t an easy week by any means. As we are seeing some of our highest numbers, it’s been very discouraging. Especially because it’s only November and we still have all the big holidays ahead of us.
I was listening to the Running for Real podcast with Des Linden on Saturday, and she said that the pandemic was feeling like we’re running a marathon without knowing what mile we’re in. How true is that? It’s like you know you’ve been running for awhile so you need to be done sometime soon but you don’t know if you have 2 miles to go or 15 miles to go. But there will eventually be a finish line.
You may also like: The End of Summer Running, Part 3 When In Doubt, Run It Out Don’t Compare Yourself To Where You Were Before
- How were your workouts last week?
- What are your Thanksgiving plans?
- How’s the weather near you?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I agree with you–it’s tough right now! I could share stories from work that would really bring you down–people are really something! All we can do is keep ourselves safe. I sure don’t want to get COVID! We’re keeping Thanksgiving small–just the boys and us-and will Zoom with my parents and my sisters. Such a weird year.
Same for us for Thanksgiving- it will just be the 3 of us. We are hoping to Zoom with other family throughout the day. It will definitely be a strange holiday!
I agree that this winter is going to be really tough. But with at least two vaccines on the horizon we do have a finish line…just one foot in front of the other until we get there. We’ll be doing Thanksgiving for two this year but it looks like the Turkey Trot is a go for in person racing.
Yes, I think I am just still skeptical because I don’t want to get my hopes up! That’s great that they are still able to have the turkey trot in person!
You had another great week of workouts, Lisa! Way to stay strong!
I had to get my driver’s license renewed a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing how efficiently the whole process went. I had an 11:30 AM appointment and was in and out in less than 25 minutes. The lady who helped me said she loves it now because it’s so much less hectic and she hopes they keep it by appointment after we’re past the pandemic.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Overall the process for me was pretty smooth, but actually getting the appointment and figuring out the logistics of what I needed was the most difficult part. The website is not use friendly at all!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well!
It does feel the weeks are kind of same but having good running weather helps a ton. Way to get out there everyday. Happy Sunday
Oh yea the weather helps so much! And just being able to run is keeping me going these days.
Awesome job on your workouts this week Lisa!
The increase in Covid cases everywhere has me slightly on edge considering the numbers are going to go up even more after Thanksgiving. I can’t believe that so many people are still planning on traveling far and/or having huge family gatherings – sigh 🙁
I know, it’s definitely concerning. I just hate hearing the stories about all the people who are getting sick now. It really feels like it’s everywhere.
As I commented on Insta, this pandemic does feel rather (ultra) marathon-like LOL It will be nice to have it behind us, though I think there are going to be numerous long-term effects (not just for those who have had the virus) for awhile we get back to “normal.” Great week of running, Lisa!
Oh yea I totally agree with that. We have a ways to go before things are back to normal, but I’m definitely ready to put the worst of this behind us!
Nice work getting the long run done before 7! Runners are dedicated beasts 🙂 Love your bright blue tights in the last picture, where are they from?
Thanks! My tights are Brooks- probably from like 6-7 years ago! They look brighter in the picture than they look in person.
You’ve been really consistent with your running despite all the curveballs thrown at you — and that is absolutely admirable!
Thanksgiving will be just me & Mr. Judy, and nothing super special. Actually mostly foods I just have to heat up. There’s been so little break from cooking for so long . . .
I hope that the forecast is correct, and we’ll be able to visit my mom on black friday. My sister, who lives much closer, will go on Thanksgiving, but it looks to be rainy (maybe) & it’s a much longer drive for us. Plus Friday is supposed to be warmer.
I hope everything works out for your plans this week! And I’m glad your sister can see your mom on Thanksgiving. It will just be the 3 of us here. We are attempting to cook a full meal but keeping it on the smaller side (although we did get a huge turkey because that’s all they had…)
That marathon quote is so true! This stuff is just never ending it seems. ugh. Great job on the running and workouts this week.
Thanks! Yep, it definitely feels never-ending. Maybe I’m just hitting the wall, lol.
Yeah, it’s going to be a long winter. Hopefully the weather will be decent for running! I think I’ve got more treadmill runs in my future because it’s hard to stay motivated to run in the dark — and it’s dark until 6:30 this week. Our current plan is to have TG with my Mom, my son and his wife (who we’ve been seeing regularly), but it’s still up in the air.
It’s definitely been hard getting out in the mornings when its dark and cold. I’m ok with doing some treadmill runs, I just hope to still get outside a few days a week. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!
Great job this week! I am not a big fan of tempo runs because I always struggled with holding a consistent or past pace for more than a mile. However, these past few weeks I’ve been surprised at how far I’ve come and can run faster and longer. Well, faster than before I started training. 🙂
I wished we could fast forward to January 1, 2021. Where will we be?
That’s so great that you are making progress with your running! Honestly I’m not sure things will be any different in January. But maybe by the spring/summer of next year? It’s so hard to know.
Desi hit the nail on the head. We’ve been in limbo for so long. Our DMVs actually shutdown until at least mid-December so I’m hoping I can do my renewal online, but I won’t know until they send me “the letter”. Haha! It’ll be just the 4 of us for Thanksgiving this year. Sigh. Crazy times.
My license expired in October and when I went to make an appointment this was the first time I could get in. We get an extension right now but I wanted to just get it done. It’s definitely going to be a strange Thanksgiving!
Yes Yes, Des’ quote is so true.
Today it is raining and it has been pretty cold and windy. But running and hiking is the best way to deal with everything going on.
Thanksgiving will be a sad one – just me and the hubby. We may not even have turkey. I said pizza and ice cream – it’s 2020!!
Happy Holiday to you and your family. Stay healthy!
Pizza and ice cream sounds great! We are attempting to make a turkey (for 2.5 people lol) which will be an experience to remember. Hope you can make the best of the holiday this year!
Awesome miles! I’ve gotten comfortable around 8, but I am looking forward to bumping that number up again soon.
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. Sometimes, the small holidays are just as nice.
Des’ quote is so true. I would like to know what mile we are in for sure.
8 miles is so great, considering how far you have come this year! Yes, I would definitely like to know what mile we are in at this point…