After a week of warmer weather it cooled off again here this weekend. Honestly, I enjoyed having a little bit of warmth before winter arrives. It was nice to get outside more and get in few more runs in shorts and tank tops. I still struggle with what to wear on my runs most days because the temperatures have been all over the place! It feels like it was the end of summer running all over again. For the 3rd time?
Weekly Run Down: The End of Summer Running Part 3
- Monday: 7.2 Miles with 3 x 5 minutes hard and 5 x 2 minutes hard
- Tuesday: Strength Training + 2 Treadmill Miles + 3.3 Stroller Miles
- Wednesday: 7 Miles + Core/Glutes
- Thursday: Rest
- Friday: Strength Training and 4.1 Stroller Miles
- Saturday: 12 Miles
- Sunday: 5.5 Miles (3.7 with stroller) +Core/Glutes
Total: 41 Miles! My highest in quite a few years.
Monday’s Workout
After my virtual 10k a few weeks ago I stuck to all easy runs for awhile. This week I wanted to add in some harder intervals. Nothing too crazy, but just effort and time-based harder efforts. I ran a 15 minute warm up, then did 3 x 5 minutes hard/2 minutes easy and 5 x 2 minutes hard/1 minute easy, followed by a cool down. I like these workouts because they go by quickly. It felt good to push myself a little more and was a great start to the week.
Strength Training
I did some new-to-me exercises on Friday and I felt kind of sore throughout the day. It was weird because I felt it on Friday, not the next day which is what usually happens. I was a little worried that lifting on Friday would impact my long run on Saturday. (I did this because it was raining Thursday and decided to make that my complete rest day).
Long Run
As I said I had lifted on Friday, the day before my long run. I woke up tired even though I got almost 8 hours of sleep the night before. I was out the door at 5 and did a few miles around my neighborhood before venturing a little farther away once the sun came up.
My legs felt a little heavy, and my paces seemed slower that they should have for the effort I was putting in. Later on I noticed that my Garmin map showed that I was practically running through houses. So I’m not sure if the GPS was just really off or what. My map on Strava looked ok (I sync them) so I don’t know what the deal was.
A Busy Week
Overall it felt like a really busy week. I had so many meetings for work, many of which Grayson joined me for. Thursday was tough because I watched a 3.5 hour training while he was around, and it was raining all day so we didn’t get outside at all.
Our COVID numbers are spiking here, as they are in many other places. On Saturday we hit a new record high of new cases. It’s made me worried for what the rest of the winter will bring.
You may also like: Fall Runfessions: Where Did Summer Go? Enjoying Fall Running While It Lasts How to Adjust to Running in the Cold
- Did you have another wave of warm weather recently?
- Do you like doing a hard workout on a Monday?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I love speed workouts for exactly the reason that it feels like they go by so fast. For whatever reason Mondays are kind of a low energy, so my Monday run is easy and then on Tuesday I’m ready for something harder. I’m having a lot of work meetings lately, to the point that I’ve started scheduling “meetings” with myself to block off my calendar and actually get work done. It’s a rough life.
That’s a good idea to schedule meetings with yourself! I feel like since we are meeting virtually now we need to have meetings for things that previously could have just been chats in the office. And there is an expectation that you can fit in more meetings because you don’t have to go anywhere. It’s tough!
Crazy how sometimes Garmin will show weird things- I’ve had times where it looked like I ran across water/a lake 🙂 Generally its pretty good though.
that sound like a fun workout and a great way to make the run go quickly! I like workouts based on time.
Awesome week for you!
Thanks! That’s so weird that Garmin showed you running across water lol.I agree, time based workouts are great!
We did have summer back for a days again. I am ready for the cooler temps myself. Wow that’s a lot of miles this week. Looking strong!
Thanks! I am enjoying the fall weather I just hope it doesn’t get much colder than this!
Even though I heavy lift on Thursdays and am still sore on Saturdays, for some reason, I run really well after that. I can’t figure it out–are my muscles primed and ready to go? Endorphins? Who knows! I’m impressed with your mileage this week! And that GPS thing? I’ve had some strange things happen in that regard, too. More so with Strava, tho.
Sometimes things just don’t make sense with running! I think being a little sore makes me run better because I’m activating the right muscles or something. Who knows!
Awesome job on your workouts this week! It rained here a lot this week – such a contrast from the 70 degree weather the week prior!
The spike in Covid numbers across the country is definitely very concerning. I was hoping that we would still have things somewhat under control but it seems like we’re going back to where we were in March/April. It’s so sad.
Thanks! Totally agree about COVID. I know we are testing alot more than we were then, so it makes me think maybe we aren’t quite as bad as we were back then but its hard to say. I’m not optimistic for this winter.
I haven’t broken out tights yet, but I have grabbed thin gloves some mornings. I think t-shirt weather may be over for a while. That long training program sounds tedious — I find things like that so exhausting! I seem to make Mondays easy or hard. I’ve been taking it easy if I do a long run and bike ride over the weekend, but tomorrow I have plans to do a tough Peloton Bootcamp for my birthday workout.
I also factor in what I did over the weekend when deciding on my Monday workout. Hope you enjoy your birthday workout!
I agree with the speed workouts…they go fast (no pun intended LOL). It’ll be awhile before I’m doing them again, though. I did a lower-body workout a couple weeks ago on a Thursday morning, and it started to hit me later that afternoon (a good 12 hours “earlier” than usual), and those DOMS lingered through Saturday. Hurts so good, but that was tool long!
That is a long time! I usually try to give myself 2 days between a strength training session and a long run, but it doesn’t always happen.
Fantastic mileage! Mondays used to be a low-key day for me, but for the past few weeks I’ve been doing a longer strength session and have been loving it!
It dramatically cooled off here this week, and while the warm-up we had was nice, I’m ready to embrace the cold weather. Though I do worry with COVID numbers spiking what will happen when people are forced to be indoors more because of colder temps. Are they just going to gather together more? I feel like we’re moving backward…sigh.
Agreed about the indoor gatherings! I really hope people are willing to back off for awhile so we can get things under control.
I loved the warmer weather earlier in the week!
I try not to do ST before a long run, but sometimes it happens. Not the end of the world, right? The next run will be better because of that ST!
You get an amazing amount of work done with Grayson there. Kudos!
Thank you! And yes, sometimes it just works out that strength has to happen before a long run. It will just make you stronger and make the next run feel easier!
That’s a lot of weekly miles. Kudos to you.
And yes we started out with warm weather and ended with winter weather. No tights yet or a jacket but soon I bet.
Thanks! Yea, I’ve still been in shorts for most of my runs but I think I saw a low in the 20s later this week. Not looking forward to tights weather again!
Great miles this week! Yes I really enjoyed our summery temps but it’s full on winter here now. Not a leaf to be seen on the trees anymore. I feel you on the meetings. I had another one added to my weekly schedule and I’m not thrilled about it.
All of a sudden all the leaves are gone, I think because of all the rain and wind we had over the past few days. The meetings get to be exhausting!
Wow, big mileage this week! That’s great! Several of the schools in our area will be going from hybrid to all remote now. Whomp, whomp.
Our schools never even made it to hybrid or face to face. A few were supposed to start this month but it got delayed because our numbers went up so much.
I miss the warmer days last week! It felt great running in shorts.
Ugh, these meetings! Many of them are so unnecessary and/or too long. I dislike them.
My hard workouts are in the middle of the week which I like. Sometimes I don’t mind those because they make the time go by faster. Then other days I like the easy workouts because I feel tired or just want to take it easy and “relax” on my run.
I know what you mean- sometimes its fun to run faster and push yourself, other times its nice to just take it easy.
Mondays are usually my favorite for harder workouts. I’m fresh and motivated and ready for the week at that point, so might as well get it done.
I run in shorts until it’s literally freezing out. I get so hot otherwise.
It’s nice to get harder workouts done on a Monday! I’ve only worn capris a few times this year. I definitely prefer shorts when possible!