After a tough few weeks (months?) I finally felt like I was making slow and steady progress with running this week. I was able to get my mileage back into the mid 30s, I did a fartlek workout, and I ran 11 miles in the rain. So I would say it was a successful week!
Weekly Run Down: Making Slow and Steady Progress with Running
Monday: Strength Training + 5 Stroller Miles
This was my day off, so I got in my strength work early and then went for a stroller run after Grayson woke up. He has been doing so much better in the stroller lately, and we made it to 5 miles. He doesn’t always want to stay in there that long, but he actually asks to go for stroller runs now when he sees me in my running clothes.
Tuesday: 6.1 Mile Fartlek Run
I did one of my favorite workouts that I shared here. I wasn’t aiming for a specific pace, and I started out on the slower side but was able to get faster throughout the workout. It felt good to run fast again, plus I got to wear my new Hyperion Tempos1 Maybe it feels like I’m making slow and steady progress with running?
Wednesday: Strength Training + 4 Miles
This was my last week of this phase of my strength workouts (each phase is 4 weeks long). We had been working on sumo deadlifts this month and I finally got the hang of them this week! Each week I would send Mary a video of myself doing them so I could get feedback. It was so helpful!
It was so hot out for my run! I think it was like 67 with 99% humidity. Even though the temperature wasn’t *that* high it was much warmer than what I’m used to plus the humidity was definitely a struggle.
Thursday: 5.2 Miles + Core
Just 5 easy miles to start the day. It was warm again, but maybe slightly less humid than the day before. Knowing that it was going to get so much colder over the weekend I tried to just enjoy the weather.
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 11 Miles
If you saw my post on instagram, you know how this went. The short version is that it was pouring rain the whole time and pretty cold. I had no good reason to run 11 miles other than that I was finally feeling better and have been stuck at 10 miles all year. So I went for it.
Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles
It was another rainy and cold morning, but we tried to sneak out during a break in the rain. It rained lightly on and off throughout the run and then picked up at the end. We had to run fast to get home during the last 1/2 mile or so!
So overall, it was a pretty good week. Other than the extremes of weather that we had. It’s nice to feel like I’m finally making slow and steady progress with my running, I just hope it continues. I need the weather to figure out what it’s doing so I can acclimate to the heat! And I think I’ve had enough of running in the rain for at least a few weeks now.
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How were your workouts last week?
Anyone else having wild weather lately?
Ever done sumo deadlifts?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Way to go on 11 miles in the rain! That’s impressive. Once I’m out there, it’s not so bad, but getting motivated to START in the pouring rain is a challenge.
So glad things are starting to feel normal again!
It really is so hard to start in the rain! I think that was the worst part of my run on Saturday!
See, I told you you’d feel better & start running better! Good job on the rainy 11 miler. It has literally been years now since I ran double digits. My ankle continues to be randomly wonky & I’m not sure it will really hold up to it, so I’m thinking it’s time to check in with the chiro.
It’s also amazing that Grayson wants to go with you on your runs now!
That’s frustrating that your ankle randomly gives you trouble! Probably not a bad idea to get it checked out!
Its nice that he wants to go in the stroller these days. Who knows how long this will last for!
Great job on your 11-miler! I’m glad you’re feeling better and making progress!
Thanks so much!
Glad to see that running is turning around again for you! This cold and rainy weather has just got to go.
Thank you! It really does!
Yay! Glad to hear things are going well. I see in your picture you have my #1 rainy run must-have, a hat. Keeping the rain off your face makes such a big difference! I don’t mind running in the rain, but then it’s usually rainy and warm here. Rainy and cold sounds hard, but you did it.
Oh yes the hat is a must in the rain! I was just glad it wasn’t even colder or I would have had to wear a headband under my hat somehow.
Gosh, it was miserable weather yesterday — good for you for running through it! I’m glad you are feeling better. How cute that Grayson wants to go for a stroller run. Your patience is paying off.
It really was awful yesterday! I’m so glad he is willing to go in the stroller right now. I know it might not last much longer!
Glad you are feeling better this week 🙂 Despite the crazy weather you had a great week of workouts, especially your 11-miler!
Thanks! Yes it worked out pretty well despite the weather!
Cheers to progress! Yes the weather this week has been nuts. I’m totally up for some warmer temps. I was into strength training before I got into distance running and I think it’s made all the difference. That said, I don’t think I’ve ever done a sumo deadlift.
I was not at all familiar with the sumo deadlift before seeing it on my plan. It felt awkward at first but now I really like it!
There were some crazy temperature fluctuations this past week! I will still rather take a chilly rain than our typical heat and humidity. Glad you are feeling better this week!
I was trying to enjoy the cooler weather but all the rain just made it miserable!
I can handle cold weather (if I have to LOL), and I can handle rain…but combining the two and it’s usually a no-go for me. Seems like we all had crazy cold and wet weather intermixed with hot and humid days this week. I feel mostly acclimated now; if only the “summer” weather would just unpack and stay awhile.
I don’t think I am acclimated since the warm weather hasn’t been consistent. While it felt easier to run in the cooler weather this weekend, but run + cold was not a good combo.
I feel the slow and steady progress thing- it’s been a crazy journey coming back from my stress fracture, and it’s taken way longer than I wanted to regain endurance. I still sometimes feel really out of shape compared to how in shape I was right before being diagnosed with it all.
I’m doing my best to acclimate to the heat here in FL- I’ve been starting my runs later when the sun is fully up and trying to get myself used to running in warm temps. It’s a kicker that’s for sure!
It can be so hard to come back after time off! Especially when its hot out! I don’t know how you Florida runners train through the heat all summer.
Great job on running 11 miles! And in those weather conditions. It was cold and raining on Friday and I skipped my normal workout and instead did 1 mile. That was enough.
Thank you! I don’t blame you for keeping it to just 1 mile when it was so rainy and gross.
So glad you are feeling a bit better and your mileage is up! too bad about the heat and humidity though right? a cold rainy long run also means you get a special bada$$ runner award 😉
Thanks! The weather has really been all over the place. At this point I think I’d rather keep the heat and humidity just so I can get used to it!
Was there ever really a choice not to run those 11 miles? LOL We runners are stubborn and bad weather just makes us all the more determined. High five for sticking with it and getting it done! Yay for Grayson asking to go on stroller runs!!!
I am not the least bit sorry that I missed most of the rain over the weekend (it was raining already when we flew out on Saturday morning).
Haha probably not much of a choice! Well I did give myself plenty of chances to cut it short, but I was finally feeling better so I didn’t want the weather to be the reason I didn’t get it done!