This year seems like it’s already been filled with quite a few ups and downs. And we’re not even through the first month of the year! I guess I’m starting to feel like we’re moving in the right direction (in general and with my workouts). I’m starting to feel like I’m getting in the groove with my 5k training. And I got the first dose of the COVID vaccine this week! While things are still far from perfect I’m trying to focus on the small wins.
Monday: 4 Stroller Miles + Core
Tuesday: 6.5 Miles with 6 x800s
Wednesday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
Thursday: 6.5 Miles with 3 x 9 Minute Tempo
Friday: Strength Training
Saturday: 9 Miles
Sunday: 4.5 Miles
My schedule was thrown off this week because I lifted last Sunday and was off from work on Monday, so we did an easy stroller run. I usually lift and do easy stroller runs on the days I am home by myself with Grayson, and do my harder workouts early on the days my mom comes to watch him. This week she came on Tuesday and Thursday, so that kind of dictated my schedule for this week.
Usually I take a rest day on Friday, but I needed to get in a second strength session and I didn’t want to wait until the weekend and have next week thrown off again. So technically I didn’t get a full rest day this week, but hopefully I can get back on track next week!
5K Workouts
This was my 3rd week of 5k workouts. Each week I’ve been doing a speed workout and a tempo run. My first workout of this week was 6 x 800s and those went pretty well. Since I do my tempo run later in the week, after speed work and strength training, it’s usually more of a struggle. This week I did 3 x 9 minutes and it went better than I expected. I even threw in some hills during the second set!
Stroller Running
Stroller running continues to be interesting. It’s so annoying to get Grayson all layered up appropriately for winter runs, and he’s so picky about what he wants to wear or have on the stroller. I got him a new wind cover this week and he had a complete meltdown on Wednesday when I tried to put it on. I also got him new toys which he had no interest in and wouldn’t even keep in the stroller. Oh well. He did ok on the run anyway, once we got through the initial set up and got out the door.
Windy Long Run
On Saturday I ran 9 miles. The temperature was in the high 20s but it was supposed to be really windy, like 15+ mph winds. When I started it felt pretty calm, but each mile got windier and windier. By the end I was wishing I was wearing warmer gloves and was SO ready to be done. I guess I should be grateful that I haven’t had to run in such chilly conditions much this year!
Getting the Vaccine
I was notified through work last week that I could register to get the vaccine and would be able to make an appointment when I was eligible. On Tuesday I got a link to sign up and was able to get an appointment for Thursday. I mentioned before how I was feeling guilty about being able to get it before others who need it more than me. I still feel that way, but I knew if I didn’t get it it would go to people who need it less than me (or the same) based on how work was prioritizing.
The whole process was really easy and streamlined. I go back the 2nd week in February for my 2nd dose. There’s a lot of talk of schools reopening here soon, so I may be back in the office at some point so I’m glad I have it. The whole distribution process is kind of a mess here and I hope they can figure out a way to make it run smoother!
Moving in the right direction
Progress is slow, but it fees like things are moving in the right direction. That’s what counts, right?
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Did you have any cold/windy runs this week?
Are you feeling like things are moving in the right direction?
Have you gotten the vaccine, or do you know when you will?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
Congrats on getting the COVID vaccine! It’s a mess here too-we are just waiting for my parents and Mike’s dad to get their vaccines. It’s a challenge to figure out how to get them on a list even.
I’m impressed that you are able to still get Grayson out for a stroller run. My boys wanted nothing to do with it once they were toddlers. Sigh. Don’t they get it that mama needs a run? LOL Hang in there!
My parents are trying to figure out how to get it too. They are 64, and the cutoff starting next week is 65. My dad is considered essential and has been traveling this whole time, but there is no direction on how he can get it. Hopefully things start to run more smoothly soon!
Yay for getting the first dose of the vaccine! You shouldn’t feel guilty. You’re following your state’s protocol. I do hope there is a better federal plan though so we can speed things along. Minnesota is moving very slowly!
Awesome job toughing out that windy tough long run!
Agreed! It seems like so many people who need it or are supposed to be able to get it have no idea how to do so!
Sounds like lots of good workouts this week, Lisa, even with Grayson’s crankiness in the stroller.
I don’t imagine I’ll be getting vaccinated for many months. I’m not even over 60 (although getting closer, I turn 59 in just a few weeks), I don’t have underlying health conditions, and I’m not an essential worker. I say if you’re eligible get it!
No run still, but some cold/snowy walks. I swear at least 3 times the radar showed nothing & the minute we stepped out it started to snow. Bandit was not amused. I am definitely not sorry to not be running this weekend, it’s super cold & super windy too! Good job on getting your long run done in those conditions.
It’s always annoying when the weather is wrong! Hopefully this vaccine process speeds up and you can get it sometime soon.
Congrats on getting the vaccine! The process here is kind of a mess too but I figured the rollout would be a little messy to begin with. I hope they can get a better handle on the process soon. I’m very low risk based on age and my WFH status so I hope I’m able to get the vaccine this summer but until then I’ll just keep doing what I’m going to stay safe!
It was brutally cold and windy this weekend so kudos to you for getting outside for a long run!
And the thing is that we will need to continue following safety precautions anyway. I’m glad it will help to keep me safe, but I’m ore concerned about others who are more at risk.
That’s great you were able to get the vaccine. No matter what the timing is, we need to get it to everyone so you might as well get it when you can! I’m not sure when I’ll be getting mine. I am an essential worker, but by no means a front line worker. Probably the phase right before the general population. My parents got their first shot, so that’s a good thing. A lot of my friends have gotten the shots too.
My parents are trying to figure out how to to theirs. The cutoff for next week is 65 and they are 64. It seems like alot of people have started to get it, just not in an order that necessarily makes sense!
That is great news you got the vaccine! We got an email from our District so sign up for the day we would like to get it but not an actual date. I dislike windy runs. Great job on your long run!
Teachers here are supposed to be getting it too but I’m hearing that they are having a hard time signing up. I hope you can get it soon if the kids are supposed to come back!
Congrats on getting the vaccine! My feeling is that anyone who *can* get the vaccine *should* get the vaccine ASAP and the scheduling will work itself out…more shots in arms = less people in hospitals. Whenever I look at the news all I see is talk about how slow the rollout is going but that doesn’t jive with what I’m seeing in real life. My state’s governor has said that most of us will have the vaccine by summer and that’s good enough for me to know that it will be soon even if I don’t have a date (our governor wasn’t up for re-election in 2020 so just about everything that he’s said about the pandemic has been correct). My parents will be eligible next week based on their age and that’s my #1 concern right now.
That’s true! Glad your parents can get it. Mine really want it but don’t make the age cutoff (they are 64 and as of next week you need to be 65). If most of us can have it by the summer that would be great!
I can’t believe you ran outside yesterday! I know I wouldn’t deal with the hassle of getting a reluctant toddler bundled up for a stroller run — good for you for sticking with it — especially since he’s fine once you get going. Yay on getting the vaccine. With how the roll-out is going, my position is that you should get it as soon as you can. The logistics are too complicated for perfect prioritization.
That’s why I ended up getting it! I know that my university got a certain number of vaccines, and they are going to give them to employees, so its not like if I didn’t get mine that they would give it to someone older or in a high-risk job.
I feel like my time for workouts is so limited they days that its just really nice to be able to get in a stroller run when I can!
Vaccine distribution in Florida has been haphazard- it’s very unclear who’s eligible and how to go about getting it. Maybe things will become more streamlined soon!
Do you have a 5k race you’re training for? Those stroller runs can be exhausting! When my daughter was old enough to object, I had to try all sorts of weird tricks to get her to go along with it- once I told her we were going to “Mr. Duck’s” house (then ran the whole time praying we would actually see a duck) and one time I was so desperate I gave her a package of smarties that I found in the bottom of the stroller. Ha ha… good times- I don’t miss it!
I’m planning to do a virtual 5k at the end of February. I wanted to do a time trial and then I saw my local running store was hosting a 5k, so I figured I would support them. It was only $5 to sign up!
The stroller runs sure are interesting! My son doesn’t buy into any stories just yet, but I’m sure I’ll use tactics like that soon enough.
I’m so glad you were able to get the vaccine! My in laws are 86 and 79 and it’ll be at least a month before they can even think about getting it. It’s a total cluster here.
I well remember those days when my kids just would not sit for a stroller run. The struggle is real for sure. We had a few days this week in single digits with a feels like of at least -5. Those days I’m grateful I’m not training for anything.
It’s crazy how long some of the older people need to wait! Rob’s grandfather is almost 94 and hasn’t gotten his yet either.
I’m grateful I have some flexibility with my runs right now. The only thing that really limits me is that I can’t run with the stroller in certain weather.
Great job getting all those cold/windy runs knocked out! All of my runs were cold and (and a couple were windy) last week, but they haven’t felt too terrible. My runs are a lot shorter than yours, though LOL so I don’t have to endure the cold as long. Hopefully, by the time I’m getting back to “long” long runs, the temps will be on the upswing…finger crosed!
I think since I really enjoy my solo runs, the weather didn’t bother me all that much. It was really just those last few miles on Saturday that were rough! I could definitely do without the wind!
I have a friend in an education role in maryland and it sounds like your state government is doing an amazing job prioritizing those in schools.
Grayson reminds me a little of my niece. Heaven forbid you give her the thing she loved yesterday.
It’s interesting because what I’m hearing is that they are being “prioritized” but then can’t get an appointment or are not given any direction on when or where to go. I think its just because there are SO many educators so then it falls on each district to figure out distribution, and we just don’t have the number of vaccines available right now to cover them all.
Oh yes, toddlers are so interesting. I can never figure out what will make him happy.
If you’re active on twitter (and can handle some Boston sports) @Kdawg0113 has been sharing a lot of info. She’s a school nurse closer to DC.
Congrats on getting the vaccine. I get my 2nd on Feb 2. Yes I feel a little guilty because I am healthy but it protects others if I get it.
Our weather was similar on Sat but got windier as time went on. So cold. But we got it done and didn’t die, right?
Looks like your training is going well.
I feel like the wind hasn’t been all that terrible this winter, so I guess we were due for a windy day. Hopefully spring will be here soon!
Great news on the vaccine front and I agree that there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel to focus on (that isn’t a train!).
My running year has been a little frustrating as I picked up my first injury in about 2 years with a slight hamstring pull. I have been using the exercise bike to keep some of my fitness for the two weeks layoff. The plan was to have my first run back tonight, but the snow has put paid to that idea, so more frustration.
As I’m volunteering with the NHS at the moment, I have been told that I’ll be receiving the jab very soon 🙂 – Yay!
Sorry about your injury! Hopefully a couple more days of rest due to the weather will only help you feel better once you start running again. Glad you will be getting the vaccine soon too!
I’m so glad you are feeling like there is progress with your workouts even though this week was a slightly different schedule. I’m also glad you got the vaccine already but I understand feeling guilty. I wish I knew what was going on to be honest. It does feel like a mess. My 71 year old dad with cancer, can’t even get an appointment in Albuquerque but a friend of mine from school, who lives in my hometown (smaller town, also 230 miles southeast) and is immunocompromised already had her first shot. Obviously I do not wish her not to have the vaccine, but why can’t my dad get an appointment? It makes me so sad and very worried.
unless my company also gets involved (which I don’t think they will) my shot will be sometime between april and september. Those of us who are healthy get the 1 shot vaccine (and it’s made here in the Netherlands).
The vaccine rollout is very confusing- I hope your dad can get it soon! Its so hard to know how long it will take for everyone to get it. I know it will depend on alot of factors like how many people want it, how smoothly our distribution process goes, and if we get more vaccine options approved.
The wind has been pretty crazy at times and that’s the weather condition I like the least.
I am still desperately trying to get an appointment for my 88-year old mom to get her vaccination, but to no avail. I’ll keep calling every day until I can get her in.
That’s so frustrating! I know here they are just telling us to sign up at any and every place you can- like through your county website and at any hospitals/medical facilities that are offering it. I’m just confused why we have moved into the next group when so many older people still haven’t been able to get it.
Great news on getting your first vaccination! As others have said it is a complete mess here too – I’ve been trying to help my parents wade through the system but MA is way behind so I think it will be a while for them.
Sounds like your workouts are going well despite your stroller challenges 🙂
It’s frustrating that its been such a mess in so many places! I hope they can get it soon!
I feel like I am certainly going in the right direction. At least for right now.
I am so happy you were able to get the vaccine. I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on that list lol. I would like A and Mr PugRunner to get it. A doesn’t have amazing lungs, and Mr PugRunner has high BP issues. I’ll just have to be patient.
Just when we think we have our kids figured out, they gog ahead and throw a curveball our way. Keeps us on our toes, right?
I thought that you had to be at least 17 or 18 to get it (at least right now)? Hopefully things will start moving more quickly soon!
Kids sure do keep us on our toes!
Yay on getting the vaccine! I’m still waiting on mine- because I delivered food during the lockdowns here I can classify as an “essential” worker which means I’ll probably get an email to register hopefully in the next month or so. I can’t wait, I’d get it tomorrow if I could. I’m ready to protect myself and my family and be able to do more fun things again!
I absolutely feel like things are going in the right direction. Just knowing that we have real leadership right now gives me so much peace of mind. And that poem by Amanda Gorman- oh my gosh! She blew me away.
I hope you can get the vaccine soon! So many positive thing are hopefully happening this year!