Every few days I look at the calendar feeling like this is the slowest month ever. How are we only halfway through January? I think most years this feels like a slow month, but this year it’s really crawling. It’s not even like the weather has been horrible or anything, I think it’s just everything else that has been going on, while waiting for things to get better and not having a real timeline for when that will happen.
At least my workouts have been going pretty well! I’ve started to gradually increase my mileage a bit after backing off in December, and I’ve included some 5k-focused workouts. It feels good to do structured workouts again, even if most of my runs are the same as usual.
Weekly Run Down: Only Halfway Through January
Monday: 6 Miles with 2 mins on/1 min off
Tuesday: Core Work + 4 Stroller Miles
Wednesday: 6 Miles with 25 mins Tempo + Strides
Thursday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 8.1 Miles
Sunday: 4 Stroller Miles with Strides
5k Workouts
I felt pretty good for Monday’s speed workout. The goal was to do the hard 2 minutes at around 10k pace or a little faster. On Thursday I was going to do a 25 minute tempo run with the goal of a 7:25-7:35 pace. It was tough getting started, but I felt better as the run went on. Overall my pace was just a little slower than my goal, but it definitely felt harder than last week when I ran 20 minutes at a 7:14 pace.
Stroller Runs
It feels so good to be able to do stroller runs again! I don’t think I realized how long the mornings felt when we weren’t getting outside a few times a week. Grayson has been getting a little more difficult in there, asking for snacks alot and just wanting to be done after like 20 minutes. I’m sure he needs to adjust again, and I also need to get creative with finding ways to keep him entertained.
Long Run Saturday
This weekend I ran 8.1 miles for my long run- shorter than what I did most of last year but longer than I’ve done in a few weeks. It felt good to finish up with the sunrise. I feel like it takes me a good hour to relax into a run so this was the perfect amount of time to reach that point without being out running for too long.
Do I want to run a marathon?
I keep going back and forth about this. Part of me wants to wait and hope that it will be safe enough in the fall to do an in-person marathon. Another part of me just wants to start training and do a virtual one in the spring. I feel like training now will be easier than in the summer, plus I have more flexibility while I’m still working from home. And I’m just antsy to do it. But then again, a virtual marathon? Not sure I’m up for that after all…
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Has this felt like a long month to you?
Are you training for anything right now?
Do you get frustrated when you don’t hit your paces in workouts?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I am running at a snail’s pace but I am running so I’m not stressing. even i I race, it’s not the real thing. Let’s see if I can stay relaxed about my pace then.
Yes, this month is long. 2020 was long. 2021 may be long too. sigh.
m not training for anything. My half in Feb is in Fla. If I do it, I’ll just run it for fun.
Sounds like you have a good mindset about training and racing right now! I agree that 2021 might feel long.
Sometimes the weeks seem long and sometimes quick. All of my real races are in the fall. I am not sure I would have it in me to do a virtual marathon! But, I would much rather train in these temps for sure.
A virtual marathon would be really tough for sure. I guess I’m just itching for a challenge!
I feel the same as you do; I think that without much going on and continued social distancing that January feels longer than ever. I’m grateful that the weather has been relatively mild and that running outside has been enjoyable. A marathon? I considered changing back to the 50k for my trail race, but what if it goes virtual? Nah…I’ll wait.
The long distance virtual races are tough for sure. I remember last March I said I wouldn’t do a virtual half. I ended up doing 2 or 3. So you never know!
I really like the 8 mile distance as my long run, although I haven’t been running at that level since Spring. I was starting to ramp up, but that’s off the table for a few weeks with my fractured rib
Our fiscal year ends Jan 31, so I’m grateful the month isn’t flying by — I’ve got a few things left to get done!
Hopefully you can pick back up with your training once your rib heals! Isn’t it funny how when you have so much stuff to get done by a deadline time seems to go so much faster?
I can get frustrated with myself when I don’t hit paces. But then I’m not training so I’m not trying to hit a certain pace for the most part! There’s something to be said for that.
I’m sure you’ll figure out the right thing for you on the marathon. I can’t really fathom running a virtual one, but if it motivates you, I say go for it!
Seriously, you work, you run with a stroller, and you want to train for a virtual marathon? You’re a goddess!
Ha! I guess you can say I like staying busy! I just feel like I’ve been waiting to do another marathon for SO long, and I’m getting tired of waiting. But I’m definitely hesitant to do a virtual one.
January hasn’t felt overly long or short for me, but then, I don’t have a toddler I’m trying to entertain while stuck at home. I can imagine that would make things seem to slow down a lot.
I have been frustrated for years about my pace because I can no longer hit the paces I ran when I was your age. LOL
It’s definitely tough in the winter to be stuck inside so much. We do try to get out for a bit every day but there’s not much to do.
I feel like at some point soon my paces are going to plateau or slow down. Maybe they’ve already plateaued? But then again, some people get faster into their 40s, so it’s possible.
I deferred my marathon to 2021, but I have the option to defer it further to next year. It’s not until September, so it may be able to go…but who knows? I just can’t decide what to do & need to make a command decision soon. Oh well. I am ready to UP my running, though…just cannot fathom a 26.2 virtual gig LOL
That’s frustrating that you need to decide about it soon. It’s so hard to know what will happen by September!
This month does not feel long to me because the work I do has me working weeks and sometimes months ahead so for me it feels like spring, although we’re nowhere near it. Haha! How great you’re able to get out for stroller runs again. It’s way too icy here for that. I used to see a family with toddler girls and a dog out at dawn for a daily stroller run but they don’t come out anymore. I don’t blame you for being ambivalent about a virtual marathon.
After not having the stroller for a month we saw a couple who we used to see all the time and they said “we missed you guys!” It was kind of surprising that they noticed we hadn’t been out stroller running but then again we’re the only ones that do that in our neighborhood at that time of day.
I totally agree with you! I feel like January should already be over, lol. I can’t believe that it’s only January 17.
I’ve gotten progressively slower as I’ve gotten older so I just let go of my PR dreams. Right now I’m just happy that I can still run and stay active. I was supposed to run the Love Run 1/2 marathon last March but deferred it to this March but I know that won’t be running it. The race hasn’t deferred it again or canceled it, but I think they will offer a virtual option.
I think its time for spring races to make some decisions! I know some already have, but I’ve read that a bunch are still holding out hope for in-person races. It just seems like it’s still too soon for big ones to be held safely. Hopefully things will be different in the fall.
Actually this month is flying for me, but I think that’s because of running. I’m going to take a cut back week at the end of the month and that’s been spurring me to run higher mileage than normal and now there’s only one week until my cutback. Now really is the perfect time for marathon training, and I think there’s a decent chance that once the weather gets better rates will go down like they did in the summer when everyone was outside plus more people are getting vaccinated…so the odds should be good for a small race.
I agree that as the weather warms up and more people are vaccinated things will likely be better. I’m just not sure that will happen in time for a spring race in like May. Last year our numbers were terrible in May, and with how slow the vaccine is being rolled out and this point who knows how long it will take for us to start seeing a difference.
To me this month is going by fast. I think it is because I am back at work so the days also go by fast for me. That is tough decision about the marathon. I agree that now is a great time to train but who knows if more live races will take place any time soon. A virtual marathon is doable. Keep us posted on what you decide to do.
I don’t know of any live marathons close by that will be in-person in the spring and I know I won’t want to travel for a race. So it seems like if I want to do one any time soon, it will have to be virtual.
I’m so with you on this month feeling like it’s going on forever!
It’s great that you’re back to stroller running – I’m sure you both need that outdoor time.
I give you a lot of credit for even considering a virtual marathon! I found running a virtual half hard – it really just ended up being a “long run” vs racing it. At this point, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there will be in-person races in the fall.
I said I would never do a virtual half, and then I did 2 or 3. I only raced one of them though (but did set an unofficial PR!) I am also hopeful for fall racing, just not sure I want to wait that long!
Maybe January feels overly long because we were all looking forward so much to 2021, and now it’s like “oh wait… things didn’t magically get better after all!”
I think a virtual marathon would be a fun challenge- it would definitely be memorable. Live marathons might be possible in the fall but you never know.
Enjoy your stroller runs- I remember those days well!
I think that’s probably the reason why this month is feeling so long!
A virtual marathon would definitely be memorable, in an interesting way! The only problem is that I was hoping to BQ in my next marathon but if i did it virtually it wouldn’t count. So if I did it, I probably wouldn’t use it to try to BQ and would just ease myself back into marathons since its been 5 years now since my last one.
A virtual marathon sounds intense! I don’t know that I could swing it!
Right now, I’m just trying to increase miles. I have a few races coming up, but nothing too crazy.
I think January always drags.
It really is the longest month. Especially this year!
It does feel like it’s dragging but we are in lockdown and got an additional three weeks added to it so… I’m getting so sick of it but obviously I am going to continue to stay home, see hardly anyone (and at a distance and not hug my friends who are in desperate need of hugs), and just hope that now that we finally started slowly vaccinating, that we can get a few things back to normal.
I am going to do some virtual races (just signed up for a valentine’s 10K) this year but honestly I could not run a virtual marathon. Not even a virtual half marathon. But the idea of training for a spring (virtual) race is indeed more attractive than in the summer!
Sorry your lockdown was extended, but hopefully it helps get the numbers down! Virtual races are tough, but I don’t really mind running on my own all that much.
That’s funny that you think January is going by slow. I just looked at the calendar thinking “huh, it’s the 18th already, how did that happen?”. 🙂
Time perception is a peculiar thing.
That’s usually how I feel most months of the year! But last week I was like wow, it’s still only like the first week in January…and now I feel like so much time has gone by and its only the 18th! At least February usually goes by faster, maybe since its a shorter month.
Awesome week Lisa!
I hear ya on planning for next marathons..Our local marathon, the Twin Cities Marathon, expects to be back in person by October. I hope so! But spring might be too soon. Good luck deciding!
As I was looking around I noticed that Pittsburg plans to be in person at the beginning of March. It will be inserting to see if that happens. I just don’t think I’ll feel comfortable running a large in-person race so soon.
I’m pretty sure you read about my virtual marathon so you understand how tough it is. Having said that it sounds like you have more enthusiasm going in than I did. I guess the question is, what’s tougher, training in the summer, or running 26.2 miles alone?
I’m sure both are tough! Still not sure what I’m gonna do. I guess the nice thing is I don’t really have to decide for sure right now!