Well, by the time this publishes it will be day 5 of being stuck at home again. Of course we have been out of the house shoveling more times than I would like to count. We also ventured to Fresh Market on Monday to pick up some more food and see what the world was like outside of our neighborhood. Being out there just reinforced how bad this storm was and that this snow is going to be around for a LONG time.
Work was closed on Monday, and on Tuesday I worked from home (the school system’s office where I work was closed, but my employer was opened starting at 10am). Rob had already planned to work from home on Tuesday because we were supposed to have the plumber come to fix a faucet (who never showed up) so we were both in the house all day once again.
I knew I wouldn’t be running on Tuesday, so I had a relaxing morning starting with blogging and coffee. Then at 7 I made breakfast: eggs scrambled with spinach, bacon, and one of the muffins I made over the weekend.
I did a 30 minute yoga video and some core work, just to get moving a bit. Then I headed outside for a little more shoveling. I drank some green juice when I came back inside and started working.
A little later Rob broke out the snacks (I’m sure if I worked at home all the time I would snack constantly). We had bought some chips and salsa when we were at Fresh Market so we snacked on those while working.
For lunch I made a veggie burger and sweet potato fries. One of the benefits of being at home during the day is being able to cook lunches like this instead of eating salads or meals that just get microwaved!
At 3pm it was snack time again- this time cheese and crackers.
For dinner I made this meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans. This was pretty much based on what we were able to buy at the store this week and what we had in the house to cook!
As I was preparing dinner I sipped on a glass of red wine.
Of course there was some dessert too. We went for some mint chip ice cream, because sometimes during (or after) a snow storm you just need some ice cream.
I’m not sure how much longer I can handle being stuck inside for! I got a free week trial for a nearby gym so I am planning to go work out there this week, and then decide if I want to join for a month. I really hoped I could make it through the winter without a gym, but it’s not looking good!
The real problem around where I live is that there is literally nowhere to run. I don’t mind running in the snow, but the streets are so narrow that if two cars try to pass each other at the same time they can barely get by. There are no sidewalks dug out, and the piles of snow on the sides of the streets is 4-5 feet high in some places. Not to mention that in the mornings the streets are coated with ice…
So yeah, that’s what I ate while stuck inside all day long! It’s very tempting to just eat junk and snack constantly but I am glad I have mostly stuck to my regular eating so I don’t get too much out of my routine.
Do you snack more when you are stuck in the house all day?
Do you eat differently if you eat lunch at home vs at an office?
For others who were hit by the blizzard- have you been able to run outside?
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What I Ate Monday (It Wasn’t All That Pretty)
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I hope you can get out and about today! The snow is starting to melt here but the mounds are so high that I won’t run outside yet. They are so high above my head I can barely see when I drive which means cars can’t see me when I run. My path is somewhat clear but mounds block it at certain points.
It felt good to get out and go to the gym today but the roads are still bad. Its warming up a bit so hopefully this snow will melt quickly!
I think I eat less when I am at home (as long as I didn’t run long) because I am less active home all day vs. on my feet teaching all day.
We ate a lot of the same things when we were stuck inside! 🙂 I had cheese, crackers, chips (with con queso instead of salsa… two nights in a row… omg soooooo bad for me!!!), turkey burger, ice cream, potatoes… I even made an egg breakfast one morning!
I think for me it depends on what I am doing at home…if I am cleaning and busy then I don’t eat as much, but when I am just sitting around I tend to eat more. Sounds like you had some good food this week too!
I hope you can get out soon! I love being home… I guess I’m kind of a secret homebody. O_O 😀
I don’t mind it too much, but I am starting to get bored. Back to work tomorrow though, so I am sure I will miss being home when I have to sit at the office all day!
I hope that snow melts soon! Are you at least able to get out and run on the roads?
I haven’t been…the streets are not plowed very well so there is no where to really run where cars can see me plus there isn’t room for a car plus a runner (and no where to move to the side if a car did come). I am doing a free week trial at a gym and then hopefully by next week most of the snow will have melted!
Having snow days sounds like so much fun – but I can see being cooped up could become frustrating really fast!
Will you have to make up these days at the end of the year or does the school plan for a certain amount of snow days as a given?
The school system usually builds in a few days, but they just cancelled school for the rest of the week so they may have to make up a couple of days. I am a 12 month employee so it doesn’t affect me anyway. Snow days are fun but the aftermath (all the snow and ice and no where to run) is not:)
Five days is a long time to be cooped up! Hopefully your gym trial works out. I remember during some bad storms not even being able to drive to the gym safely. I work from home and surprisingly don’t snack a lot, but weekends are a different story.
I think the gym was closed until Tuesday, so even if I was a member then I couldn’t have gone. Which is why I eventually want to just get a treadmill (or another type of cardio equipment)
Yeah, I would be going crazy. This reminds me of some of my time on crutches–let me freeeeeeee
It’s finally looking like we will be somewhat back to normal tomorrow! At least being on crutches means you can’t shovel:)
EEEK sorry to hear you are still stuck at home. I think I’d go nuts. I LOVE Decoy wine by the way. We went to a wine dinner hosted by Duckhorn and it was AMAZING.
It’s so good! We had it at dinner a few months ago and then picked up a bottle when we saw it in the store last week.
Being able to cook all day at home means being snowed in does have its perks, but going that long without the sunshine would drive me stir crazy. Hope those sweet potato fries keep your spirits up!
Generally I don’t mind staying at home but this is getting a little crazy! I think it will be good to get back to work tomorrow.
Wow, its crazy you guys are still stuck inside! So much snow! I would be going stir crazy too even if it did mean an extra long weekend. I didn’t want to have to get a gym membership but it was the best thing and I love the option when necessary along with the strength training options, different machines and classes. I will probably some day get a treadmill though. I hope things get cleaned up soon!
Thanks! I do think a gym membership would be really useful I just don’t know how much I would use it in the warmer months.
I agree- it is so easy to snack all day when working from home (says the work from home mama!) Great job sticking to balanced meals, with a few fun foods. 🙂 I am making it work without a gym but only because of the treadmill in the garage… our streets are not runnable either, is that a word?
Haha yes, runnable should definitely be a word! And I think if I had a treadmill (or at least one piece of cardio equipment) I would be ok without a gym. It’s really just weeks like this that are tough, and who knows when I will be able to run outside again!
Though I’m not stuck in the house due to snow (although navigating it is not so fun) I am now stuck in with another sick child! If the third one goes down I might lose my mind.
Oh no! That’s probably much worse than being snowed in.
I laugh at the title of your blog, then read that you have been stuck in the house for 5 days! I hope you didn’t run out of wine!
Haha nope, I definitely stocked up when I heard a blizzard was coming!
Last year right around this time, this was me too – stuck in the house for days on end because of a blizzard! It can definitely wear on you after a while.
Yes definitely! Even though it hasn’t snowed since Saturday the aftermath is still affecting the city big time.
Oh, my gosh; y’all are doing really well with all of this, Lisa. I might have to be committed to a mental institution after five days, but I’m glad you’ve got some local places, within walking distance, that you can visit, shop, etc. The sidewalk situation was the worst here, as well; I had to run in the street (yikes!) until the snow melted. It seems like they just pile it up over there with no thought as to how it’s going to affect everyone later on.
I actually feel bad complaining about the plowing situation because there are still some neighborhoods that haven’t been plowed yet! We were plowed on Sunday but it took us 3 days to shovel our way out of the house.
Being stuck inside is the WORST. I didn’t leave our house from Friday to Tuesday, since my husband didn;t really want me leaving the house with a pregnant belly and a toddler +not ideal roads/a huge blizzard hahaa. It’s definitely tough! But I just texted my husband to tell him that I need chips and salsa ASAP. At least you guys are eating well!!
Thats probably smart that you stayed inside of those days! I hope you enjoy your chips and salsa:)
I haven’t been able to run outside, but I have a gym membership and have been able to follow my training plan and run indoors. It’s mentally tough, but I’m glad I’m able to get it done. We’re lucky that we’ve been able to find restaurants/bars open near us, but at the same time that leads to us eating and drinking out more than we typically do. And I most definitely snack more when I’m at home!
I would be going stir crazy! Hope it all clears up soon. At least there’s wine! 😉
That muffin looks delicious! i love the combination of foods you had at breakfast. yum!
It’s pretty much my favorite combo and go-to breakfast when I have time to cook in the mornings!
Cheese and crackers w a glass of wine is one of my favorite snacks. I like wine w popcorn too. But really, what doesn’t it go well with? While snowed in on Sat I made homemade cookies but luckily I had some help eating them. I think I just like the idea of baking when it’s snowy. I have good will power and don’t eat too much!
Wine goes well with everything!!:)
We were stuck at home for awhile, too! It was kind of nice actually. We were pretty well stocked on food but by Sunday night we ended up walking to a restaurant because we were going a little stir crazy 😉
Happy WIAW!
I enjoyed being home too! It wasn’t until like Tuesday afternoon that it started to get to me.
Oh gosh– I can’t imagine being stuck inside for that many consecutive days! Wow. I would be the same about trying to find a gym to join if the neighborhoods just wouldn’t work! It is so different being able to actually make lunch at home, and yesss, all the snacks if I’m working in close proximity to my kitchen 🙂
It helped to give myself planned snack times…otherwise I probably would have snacked all day!
I would DIE if I was stuck inside like that. DIE. It’s going to be such a mess when it starts melting. Are people panicking about potential flooding yet? What’s the plan for when that all happens?
I haven’t heard any concerns about that but I’m not sure what will happen! At this rate its probably going to melt so slowly that it won’t really flood.
I totally eat tons more when I am stuck in the house. I like to bake to pass the time. And eating is somewhat entertaining. I guess if I was always home it would be different, but that’s not the case right now!
All of your food looks REALLY good. Especially that cheese and cracker plate. And mint chocolate chip is my fav!
I think if I was home all the time I would make get used to it and fall into more of a regular routine. We also had more snacks in the house than usual because we knew we would be snowed in!