This week felt really thrown off because of the holiday on Monday. After last week’s tough workouts + race on Saturday + 10 mile trail run on Sunday I made Monday a rest day. Other than some cleaning and meal prep I really did rest quite a bit that day! So moving into the rest of the week, I had another race on Saturday so I figured I would take it easy leading up to that. The race went well, but it was EXTREMELY humid so my pace felt much harder than it should have. Given the conditions, I was really happy with my time and a PR.
That race recap will probably be up next week, because I still need to post about my 5k from last weekend (which will be up tomorrow)!
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Strength training + 3.82 easy miles
Wednesday: 6.1 miles for Global Running Day
Thursday: 4.2 easy miles + core/glutes/hips
Friday: Rest
Saturday: .5 mile warm up + 10 mile race (1:18:10)
Sunday: 45 minutes yoga for core and hips + core exercises
Total: 24.62 miles
Walked: 24.5 Push-ups: 3 days
Yearly Total: 1022/2016
Yoga felt really good on Sunday, and I need to figure out a way to incorporate it into my workouts more regularly. It just always seems to be the first to go when I get busy!
Not sure what this week will bring, but I have 2 weeks until another 5k. I’m thinking it would be good to get in a track workout, but I also want to make sure I give myself enough time to recover from the race.
How do you manage workouts when you are doing races every few weeks?
Anyone else race or do a long run in the humidity on Saturday?
Do you schedule yoga into your routine regularly?
that’s a great finish time especially with the humidity! humidity really makes running tough, especially at the beginning of the season. I like the 20 minute yoga for runner videos I do – I haven’t done them in a few weeks though! when I end up doing more pure barre, those stretching segments take care of the yoga part of my routine but I was just thinking I need to work those videos back into my week.
I did 2 of the 10 minute pure barre videos this morning and really felt them! Its been awhile!
I skipped running completely on Saturday and I can’t imagine a humid race like so great job! Humidity even more than heat itself just makes things tons harder.
Exactly! I was so frustrated when I realized how humid it was out that morning!
I’m trying to get myself moe back on track with yoga. But it is still sporadic. I try to convince myself to do it on weekends, and then I just sit on my bum!
Yep, same for me! I know I have the time to fit it in after work, but I end up laying on the couch instead!
I am also trying to figure out how to make yoga a regular part of my training. I think it makes a huge difference when I do but as you said, sometimes it seems there isn’t enough time for everything. Great job on your PR!
Its hard to fit everything in, and I try not to stress myself out about it too much. My goal is usually once a week but sometimes that just doesn’t happen!
YES! I did Zooma Annapolis on Saturday and the humidity was crazy! Thank goodness for the could cover or else it would have been unreal! Great job on your run!
Thanks!! It really was rough on Saturday. I was thinking about the Zooma runners and how I was glad to be running 10 miles and not 13!
I feel like ALL of last week was humid down here because we have some sort of storm off the coast. It’s supposed to be humid this week too, although I hope it just straight out rains. First, because my car needs to be washed (lol) and second because I’d rather run in the rain than high humidity (and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t really like running in the rain)!
Can’t wait to hear about your races!!!
I was wishing it would just start raining throughout the whole race! It felt like it would start any second, but never did.
Humid races are SO MUCH HARDER. I mentally psych myself out. I love doing yoga the day after a race, it helps me stretch and cool down!
The yoga felt so good- I definitely needed it!
Congrats on such a fast 10 miler, especially considering the humidity! I have fallen out of the habit of doing yoga – I think the last time I did yoga was during marathon training last fall? It’s hard to get back into it after time off.
Exactly, and I used to set aside 90 minutes to go to a studio class every week! Now Im lucky if I can manage a 20-30 minute session at home once a week.
I haven’t raced in the humidity yet this season but I am sure it is a challenge. I missed yoga all wk due to work and some other circumstances but will need to get back into it. I really enjoy the hot yoga. But now that it has been in the 90s here I don’t know if I will enjoy it as much…..haha.
Hot yoga when its hot out is interesting! I still went in past summers, but to me it feels better when its cold out.
I can’t wait to read your race recap! One of these days I’ll do a race in Baltimore. The ten miler distance is actually my fave!
The Baltimore 10 miler is a good one! Let me know if you have any questions about a Baltimore race or if you decide to one run and I will try to sign up too!
Congrats on doing so well at your recent races! I look forward to the recaps! I feel the same way about yoga. It always feels awesome, but it’s always the first to go when things get busy.
Yep, I am always glad I did it but lately its just been too much effort for me to set aside a few minutes to do it. I know I have the time I just need to stop making excuses!
Nice job running that race in the humidity! There are statistics out there that show what level of humidity slows down a race time by how much and it kinda goes along the scale like that. Humidity is a PR killer, so you must have been doing some great training lately to get a PR in those conditions! NICE.
Thanks! I was super happy about the PR, but of course I wondered what I could have done in better conditions. Oh well, maybe next year it will be better!
I had a tough time managing my workouts last year when I did 5 or 6 races in a 10-week period to knock off my 9+1 for the NYC Marathon this year. They were mostly 4/5 milers and 10Ks, but I still struggled because you always go a little harder in races even if you aren’t really aiming to “race” and do need more recovery, which I learned in the end meant more rest days and a LOT of foam rolling and stretching (even if I didn’t follow my own advice)!
Yes, thats exactly how I feel! I know I put in a hard effort and need to recover, but also feel like I should be preparing for my next race. But really I should be resting more and like you said doing more foam rolling and stretching!
Yoga is always my first to go, and I haven’t done it since I started PT in April. I stretched a couple times this past week, and the first time it hurt so good. It was the day after the concert, and my muscles were so tired from that day. I didn’t run or strength train, but I foam rolled and stretched. I felt much better when I was done.
It always feels a little weird to stretch after not doing it for awhile!
I’m always happy when I do yoga, but like you, it is one of the first things to get dropped when I get busy. Since I’m starting a marathon training plan (for my first marathon), I’m going to try to be diligent about keeping up with yoga to help prevent injuries.
It can definitely be a challenge to fit in yoga with everything else! I do find it helps when I schedule into my training. Good luck!
Girl I did not manage the workouts, taper nor the recovery when I was doing race after race. I guess I just went with the flow. I survived and without no real injuries so I guess I would call it a success. Can’t wait to hear details on both races. I’m behind too on a race recap!
You definitely managed your races well even though you didn’t follow a specific schedule! Maybe thats the way to do it- just listen to your body!
Oh man it is hard to train when races are close together. I just try to go by that rule that you don’t get the benefits from a hard workout until 10 days later… so sometimes by the time we recover from a race, it’s already 10 days from the next one! Honestly with two weeks, you could prob get away with not even doing a track workout. Count this past race as your workout!! But I’m not an expert…. (duh) 🙂
That is such a good point and now that you say that I remember you talking about this on your blog! I am feeling pretty good so I might do a semi-workout tomorrow or Wednesday and then take it easy until my next race. Thanks for the tip- I do think you are an expert because you have tons of experience! Its also easier to recognize what may be best for someone else vs ourselves when it comes to training.
Yes, having someone else’s eyes helps! You’ve pointed stuff out for me before that I really appreciated!
I definitely have to make a conscious effort to schedule yoga in otherwise, like you, it’s the first to disappear! Mind you, last week I decided to do a bit of yoga as a low impact option and ended up with achilles tendonitis after over stretching my achilles! (Definitely shows I need more yoga + more stretching!)
Oh no! Thats not a good side effect of yoga! Hopefully it heals up quickly.
It was the first time I’ve ever injured myself doing yoga! When the doctor asked me how I did it she laughed and told me I should have opted for a run instead, haha!
I love yoga, but the yoga studio I go to is kind of a pain to get to, so I don’t go as often as I should. But I do barre workouts regularly (2-3 times per week) since that is right across the street from my house, so that helps out in a similar way.
The humidity is killer. It always slows me down in the summer. Congrats on PRing at your race in spite of the humid weather!
Its definitely harder to make it to classes when its not convenient!
When I do a lot of back to back weekend races, honestly I don’t do very much in between. I tend to stay in a taper type mode. I think your ten miler time is incredible with or without humidity! Yummy…I love watermelon after a hot race. Thanks for your support of the WW Lisa!
Thanks! The watermelon was so good!
That’s an incredible time on your 10 Miler! Congratulations! I look forward to your recap. Although, I understand the amount of time involved in writing those recaps. I have five races I need to recap from April and May. I need to do more strength and cross training, but most days I do good to get my runs done.
Thank you! I have been pretty good about getting my initial thoughts down about my races so I don’t forget, but they just aren’t ready to be posted because of adding pictures, editing content, and finding a good time to post.