It seems like we turned the calendar to November and all of a sudden the cold weather arrived. After months of complaining about the heat, many of us are now struggling to remember what it’s like to run in the cold. It can be challenging to get used to running in the cold weather again so here are some tips on how to adjust to running in the cold.
How to Adjust to Running in the Cold
Focus on layers
This time of year can be challenging because we may not remember what to wear when running in the cold. When in doubt, I like to wear an extra layer and know that I can always take it off. I usually start with a base layer tank, and then wear some sort of half-zip/jacket and maybe a long-sleeved t-shirt too, depending on how cold it is. Arm warmers can be helpful too, since they are easy to take off mid-run. I’ve also learned that my hands and ears get cold quickly, so I will usually wear a headband and gloves, and can always take them off if I get warm.
Get in a good warm-up before running in the cold
If you head outside to run without a warm-up, it’s going to be really hard to start running. We should always be warming up before a run, but its even more important when its cold out. I will usually spend a couple of minutes doing some light foam rolling, and then some mobility exercises to get moving before heading out of the door.
Pay attention to wind
When I plan my clothes for a run, I always make sure to factor in the wind. Right before you run you can check the “real feel” but if you are planning an outfit the night before you may just want to look at how much wind is expected. This will make it feel much colder than the actual temperature. If I know it’s going to be windy I usually wear something around my neck like a running buff.
Have something to look forward to
Some days it’s so hard to get motivated to run in the cold, so it can be helpful to have something to look forward to for when you get back. For me, it’s usually a hot breakfast and coffee by the fireplace.
Wait for the sun when running in the cold
If possible, it can help to run a little later in the morning when the sun is already up. This is the time of year when running later in the day can actually be better! I still head out pretty early but just having the sun out on the weekends versus running in the dark makes such a huge difference.
Plan your course accordingly
I have learned that certain routes can be more prone to wind than others. Some of the smaller side streets that are blocked by houses on both sides have less wind than big, open roads. I also like to change directions frequently, rather than a straight out and back which will usually mean running into the wind in one direction!
Run faster!
When all else fails, run faster! You will warm up faster, and be done sooner! This won’t always work, like when there’s snow or really strong winds, and of course remember to keep your easy days easy. (Maybe be willing to use the treadmill on certain days!) But on some days you can take advantage of this time of year when it’s a little easier to pick up the pace when running in the cold.
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Adjusting to Running in Cooler Weather
What other tips do you have for adjusting to running in the cold?
Do you run different routes/at a different time of day in the winter?
Do your paces get faster when it’s cold out?
Great ideas! It snowed here in Maine yesterday so it’s definitely time to move into cold weather running mode. Stay warm!
Wow I am so not ready for snow yet! Hopefully this winter isn’t too bad!
At first I was faster once the fall temps came vs. the summer temps, but now I am slow again. I have a feeling it has less to do with temps and more to do with me!
I feel like there is a certain point when it gets cooler and I get faster, and then when it gets really cold I get slower again.
Your fireplace looks so cozy for after a cold run. I like taking a hot bath….so relaxing!
Yes warm baths are definitely something to look forward to post-run!
Sitting by the fireplace sounds like such an awesome motivator. The cold isn’t much of a factor here, but when going for runs in the fall and winter, I do prefer to go when it is light out. I have a tendency to spook myself when it is dark out. Hope you have a great day.
I feel like it can be hard to find much daylight in the winter around here! But its nice on the weekends to run when its lighter (and usually a little warmer).
I love the last tip! If only.
I’m fortunate it doesn’t get really cold here, but even so I find gloves to be so important. I get Reynaud’s, so my hand will get numb and have poor circulation if they get even a little cold.
My hands definitely get cold fast so I usually wear gloves even if its not super cold! Plus, gloves are easy to take off if it gets warm:)
Great ideas for running in the cold! For me it’s all about getting my layers correct. Right now I’m still overdressing but I’ll get the hang of it after a few more runs lol
It’s so tricky! Ive been overdressing because I feel like its such a shock to go outside in the cold when Im not used to it. I think we will figure it out soon enough!
Love these tips! Warming up is so important, especially when it’s cold outside! I always use my first mile as a warm up 🙂
I feel like my first mile is always pretty slow, especially in the cold! It definitely takes a little while to warm up.
It is always an interesting transition 🙂 A few thoughts:
– For me, I have learned to over-dress slightly at the start of the sub-freezing season. It helps my body make the transition (especially my hands). I managed that well this year 🙂
– The sun is definitely key – last weekend it was ~20F when I started but sunny, definitely felt better than when it was 20F a few days earlier at 4AM! 🙂
– Pacing is interesting – I find it more like a bell curve: somewhere around 30-50F it is best, but as it gets warmer I slow down, and as it gets colder (sub freezing) I also slow down (especially when it is really cold). Not sure where the impact of having to put on more clothes comes in …
Yes to overdressing at the beginning of the season! Our temps aren’t as cold as yours, but its still quite a shock to go out in 20 degrees after running in weather in the 60s for so long. Id rather be a little warm than freezing cold. And I definitely agree with the pacing- Im pretty sure under 30 degree I start to slow down, which was weird that this weekend I had a faster run when it was in the 20s. But I suspect it was warming up by the end of my run so it may have been closer to 30 by then. When I have to wear a ton of layers I definitely feel like it can slow me down.
These are great tips. I definitely take the wind and sun into account when its cold. It was tough to go to Vegas and run in heat after the weather we’ve had here in Chicago!
I bet! Whenever I go on vacation to somewhere warm in the winter months it feels so strange to run in the warmer weather.
Ha, I love the go faster tip! I just want to get it over with when I’m cold. I’m trying to up my winter wardrobe this year- better gloves and fleece lined tights for the bitter cold days. Hopefully that helps me get out there!
Good winter running clothes are definitely key! Ive accumulated some good items over the years but am always on the lookout for more.
That fireplace looks so inviting and cozy with fuzzy socks! It doesn’t get very cold here, but I love taking a hot epsom salt bath because it’s a chance to relax and unwind after a run. And breakfast tacos are a must!
I also love a warm bath after a cold run! And a warm breakfast is also something great to look forward to!
Those are some great tips. We’re nowhere near freezing temperatures here, but I definitely had to adjust to a drop in temperatures in the last few weeks. I enjoy this time of year though – it’s perfect running weather in California!
I am jealous! But I think its tough no matter where you live to adjust to a dramatic change in temps.
Great minds think alike!! I shared my favorite warm up to get out the door this week, but after that oh man it is all about the layers!! Mentally I haven’t gotten myself to do it yet this year, so I keep being too cold.
A good warm up is so important! I’ll need to make sure to check out that post. I’ve gone a little overboard with the layers already because I can’t quite figure out how to dress yet!
I’m chicken and use the treadmill a lot. It always seems, no matter what, I’m running into the wind on cold days.
If I am outside, it seems small, but having tissues makes things more comfortable. I hate sniffing the whole run.
Oh yes tissues are definitely helpful to have on a cold run!
Great tips! Last year I got mittens to wear on cold runs and those made a world of difference – if my hands are cold then all of me is cold! I generally like the cold, but that’s also skewed by living in Seattle where cold is in the 20s and 30s. I don’t miss the single digit temperatures of Midwest winter!
I definitely find that a good pair of mittens help to keep my hands warm! I hope we don’t get too many days of single digit temps this year.
These are great tips! I need to be better about doing a warm-up. I do a little dynamic thing when I’m already outside, but I need to use my foam roller more often before my run.
I find that its much easier to get out of the door if Im already a little warm before going outside!
I feel like a running vest would perk up my running wardrobe this year, and make me want to get out of my basement more. However, I’m undecided if I’d really like a vest! I like the option of tying a top around my waist if it gets warm, and a vest certainly can’t do that. Decisions, decisions! Do you have a running vest?
I actually don’t! Ive thought about getting one but I don’t think I would wear it very much.
It would have been helpful to have more time to transition from summer to winter–I feel like it happened in one week’s time!
Totally! I think it was a tough adjustment for many of us.
I’m definitely noticing I need to really move around and warm up before running in the cold – I have no real problem running per say, I just notice that even after my workouts, I still feel not loose if that makes sense. my muscles are cold! I’m getting old lol.
I definitely notice the difference if I don’t warm up before I run in the cold. I feel like I cant get into a groove until my muscles start to get warm.
the wind makes a huge difference around here! I have been enjoying the cooler temps so far
I don’t mind cold temps too much, its the wind that really gets to me!
You and I are on the absolute same wave length 😉 I do all of these, especially the wind thing. My 5-mile route has a 1-mile stretch out in the open, so the wind direction always dictates if I run the loop clockwise or counter-clockwise. And, ALWAYS there’s a hot chai happening as soon as I return home 😉
I feel like I just recently started planning out my runs according to the wind, but its so helpful!
Great tips! Yes…we’re finally getting season-appropriate weather and I just can’t handle it, lol! Figuring out the right layers is still a little tricky for me since I warm up so quickly. But I do want to try some different combinations this season!
Im still at the point where Id rather be too warm than too cold. But I’m hopefully I can figure out how to dress appropriately soon!
Clothing is key in winter running. Especially my hands and butt. Butt freeze is serious business. On the absolute frigid below freezing days, I wear tights with a running skirt that has built in bike shorts underneath. It helps so much! And for my hands are use hand warmers in my mittens. No cold hands!
Last year was the first time I tried wearing shorts and tights- my butt seems to get cold easily and that helped alot!
Thank you for this article, truly helpful! Do you have any advices on certain kind of shoes to run in the snow/Icy pavements? I recently moved to a colder region and want to be safe running out there.
Thank you,
I would recommend looking into Yaktrax. You can wear them over your running shoes to preventing slipping in icy or snowy conditions!
This is my favorite time of the year for running. I find the cooler temps exhilerating
I hope you can get out there soon!
I wish bad weather made me faster! I’m lucky that I don’t work a conventional job, so yes, in the winter, I do tend to get out later. Usually later than I planned . . . but I always get it done!
I foam roll & warm up inside & find that helps a lot. I used to think that I had to warm up outside, and doing it inside was a real game changer for me.
And I always take into consideration whether or not there’s sun, or wind, and where I’m running — because yes, some places are just naturally more windy.
Warming up inside is so helpful! I hate the feeling of going outside into the cold when I haven’t warmed up. It’s so tough to get started!
Ugh…the wind! Totally a bad 4-letter work LOL I also do like you mentioned with switching directions. If I’m running a big loop, it’s easy to take a few intermittent side streets to give yourself a break from a constant head (or psycho side) wind. I usually lay out my stuff the night before, but always check the weather app before getting dressed in the morning…Iowa weather is always changing 😉
The wind is the worst! That’s what I pay attention to the most on the weather app in the morning before I get dressed.
I run outside most of the time–but it’s always good to see what other people are doing to cope! It’s going to be a long winter…
Agreed! But looking at TimeHop this week made me realize that most years this is the time that I start complaining about the cold. So maybe it really does usually start this early and I’ve just learned to block it out?
Good idea to find a route that blocks the wind!
It’s so helpful when running in the cold!
It’s great if you can wait until the sun is up! In winter, I would often move my run to lunch time, just because it was nice to have slightly warmer temps and some Vitamin D if the sun was out.
Great tips, Lisa!
Layers for the win! these are my fave temps to run in 🙂
Layers for me… cuz I always think it’s colder than it is… and yes get it done faster and get to the fireplace.
Not looking forward to the cold!!
I am currently existing in that sweet spot, where the weather finally feels perfect. Yes, it’s cold, but once you start running or moving, it’s just right. I want to hold on to that feeling FOREVER.
Okay, cold to me is anything below 60 but I still appreciate the information. Layers are the way to go even in the California desert.