Last weekend I ran a virtual relay race as part of the Pittsburg Marathon. I’m not writing a race recap, but I did want to share a few race reflections! What better time to do that than over a warm cup of (strong) coffee? I have a few other things to share as well.
Virtual Relay Race Reflections Over Coffee
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I was not at all in “racing” shape. I trained for a 5k in January/February and ran my 5k virtual race at a 6:54 pace. My leg of the race was 4.2 miles. So longer than a 5k, but closer to a 5k than 10k.
I knew I couldn’t run 5k pace so I planned for more like 10k, or a tempo run. I ended up running a 7:25 pace, but it was also pretty windy. This was pretty much where I expected to be (maybe even a little faster than I expected for that day), although it’s frustrating that I’ve lost some fitness in two months.
The Importance of Training
I was reminded of WHY I like to train for races that I am going to “race” (vs just run for fun). Mentally, I struggled throughout this whole run because I was not used to running faster. My legs didn’t know what they were doing. My lungs hurt after the race was over, thanks to the cold weather. I just wasn’t used to faster running.
A Virtual Relay is Fun
This was a fun way to do a virtual race. I got to know my teammates who are also part of the Brooks Run Happy Team. We put together some fun reels, picked a team name (Ladies Who Launch) and planned our race day outfits. It was the next best thing to running in person!
Final Race Reflections
I would tell you that this race questioned my desire for train for/run shorter distance races again. I know that it’s mostly because I didn’t train. But it also made me miss longer distance races. My last one was in November when I did a 10 miler on Thanksgiving. The problem is, if I’m going to ease back into in-person races I will probably be starting with a shorter race like a 5k. I guess I need to keep up with a bit of speedwork!
That’s about all for my race reflections! Overall I was happy with how this went.
Venturing Into the Real World
Ok so totally switching gears, I went to Target last week for the first time since COVID started. It was 4pm on a Thursday. I just needed some greeting cards. (Like a bunch, which is super annoying as it is and I am the worst at picking out cards).
The store was packed, and people were just acting like nothing was different. I am pretty sure everyone was wearing a mask (there were signs outside the store) but social distancing was NOT happening. I hate when I’m trying to look for a card and someone comes over to look in the same area. Well this happened a few times and I had to move to another section to get some space.
I didn’t like crowded stores before the pandemic, and I’m still not used to being out in public, so this was stressful for me.
It’s almost Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all who are celebrating! Still looking for a Mother’s Day gift? Check out my Mother’s Day gift ideas for runners!
How do you feel about racing hard without training?
Do you go to Target these days? Does it make you anxious?
Are you celebrating Mother’s Day?
I’m linking up with My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday! and Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!
I’ve been going to the store for a while–Target included–but I try to go on off times. I had to stop after work last week (my hair dryer exploded and I needed a new one). It was so crowded! People were minding their own business and keeping distant, tho. Illinois has been super strict all along, so it hasn’t been too bad. But Wisconsin is a different story…
Recently we have had less and less restrictions and people are really letting their guard down. I think its going to be awhile before I feel comfortable being in close proximity to people again!
No local Target, but we do have a dirty Walmart. I think I’ve been there maybe five times in the last year. I’m not really afraid of the in-person shopping, I just get really annoyed at the carelessness of some of the customers. Speedwork? Ugh…I’m on a journey this month LOL I don’t consider myself “fast,” and I’m certainly not naturally gifted with athleticism, so running (much) faster than what feels natural is SO awkward for me. But, it’s exciting to see what’s going to happen as I try this time trial gig for a few weeks.
I guess carelessness of customers is something that hasn’t changed through all of this! It’s awesome that you are working on faster speed right now.
I mention in some blog in the future (I don’t even remember which one) about always training for a race if I’m going to race. Even if it’s short. Even if I don’t even think I’m going to race hard. For me it’s about injury prevention.
Short races are hard!
I haven’t been to anything pretty much other than a grocery store yet. It’s funny, we have been mostly using Instacart all this time, and pay so that there’s no delivery fee (it works out in our favor). My husband was questioning whether we should continue to do that, but I think we will — because HE doesn’t want to actually have to grocery shop. He knows I won’t buy him the crap he eats.
Thats a good point that training for a race can help with injury prevention!
I don’t want to go to stores any more than I have to. We get groceries on Amazon Fresh but were doing that before this started. I’ve never tried Instacart but might look into that as an option!
I also prefer a longer race. I am not disciplined to do a 5K race bc I just start too fast and then get tired. I am itching for a 10 miler or a half but it will still be a while. It was fun to connect with new team mates from Brooks but our team was a little disorganized (shh dont’ tell anyone)
Haha our team was a little disorganized at times too. It was tricky making plans with a group of people over a group chat!
Congrats on your race! I love the idea of a virtual relay race, that seems like the perfect way to make the virtual event feel more “real”, you know?
I haven’t been in a Target yet…I just went to my first grocery store a few weeks ago, but I did it at night so it was pretty empty. Being in close proximity to stranger is just too weird at this point!
It did make the race feel more real! It does feel weird to be around strangers still. Even when I see people on TV without masks on it creeps me out a little!
I have been going to stores the whole time. I wore a mask and it did not make me nervous.
Now that I am vaccinated, I am even more comfortable.
I have been debating whether or not to run short races or long ones. Short ones are harder or at least I feel like I should be fast. But I don’t remember what fast is anymore. I’ve been only racing long races for so long.
But with the restrictions, live races still feel like runs.
Sunday is my birthday – n plans – just visiting my MIL.
I think its going to take me a long time feeling comfortable around people again. Even though I know I will probably not get sick, I still need to consider that I could get infected and get my son sick. But even besides that, I think its going to be an adjustment period before it feels “normal” to be around people I don’t know again.
Short races can feel so hard! I think thats why I prefer longer races. I like running for longer periods of time anyway.
Happy birthday!
We were in Pittsburgh last weekend and I wondered about the marathon. That is one race I always wanted to run. Sounds like your race relay was really speedy! Good for you.
Thank you! Hopefully by next year all the race events will be back to normal. It was fun to have this as a virtual option though.
I love the name of the team! The Launch is one of my favorite shoes. I can imagine being stressed about being at Target. I go only when needed or sometimes I order online and then pick it up.
I prefer ordering online when I can too! But with greeting cards I felt like I needed to go in to pick them out.
Well, it sounds like your relay was fun overall. I definitely know that feeling of racing without really training. It seems like I’ve been in that situation a lot- like coming back from an injury so haven’t been doing ANY speedwork, but it’s Thanksgiving and I want to do a Turkey Trot anyway. I always have mixed feelings. It’s nice not to have much pressure, but it is a little depressing to compare your time to previous years. Sounds like you did really well though in spite of everything.
I’ve been out and about (masked of course) for a long time now. I agree it feels really weird at first, but you get used to it.
I think for races like that I just need to shift my mindset and expectations. It was really more of a hard tempo run, in which case it went well. Although theres nothing wrong with racing at that pace either- not every race can be a PR!
I feel like the last year and made me not want to go out in public at all anymore! Its been kind of nice to avoid certain places.
I think 5Ks — and especially 10Ks — can be harder than longer races because you expect so much from yourself. 10Ms used to be my sweet spot, but I need to work up to that distance again.
Interesting on Target. I’ve been a few times since the pandemic, but usually early on a weekday and not for a while. I have close encounters with people at the grocery store, but most people still take turns, and grabbing a head of lettuce doesn’t take as long as picking out a card.
So true about 5ks and 10ks. And I always expect them to go by quickly but they don’t because they are so tough!
I need to plan to go to Target on off times from now on if I need to go back again!
I love that you had the opportunity to do this virtual relay. Even though it wasn’t a live event, I think it was an awesome morale booster.
I’ve been going to Target for about a year. My schedule means I can go at off times, or I will rely on drive up pickup to get my stuff. I think it helps that I am vaccinated, because it doesn’t feel quite as overwhelming right now. I hope it gets easier.
I think the drive up pick up is a great option! I would have done that if it wasn’t for needing to pick out cards. From now on I need to go when its not crowded!
A virtual relay race sounds like a great way to feel more like you’re actually racing! A 7:25 pace is amazing! :]
I went to Target recently too (also for greeting cards–it was time!!). I went pretty late in the evening though so thankfully there weren’t too many people. CA has been pretty strict (as far as the bay area goes) so people mostly kept their distance.
We have had pretty strict restrictions until recently. I think it was just overwhelming to see families of 5 with their kids running all over the store. And I was really surprised that people were not keeping their distance. From now on I need to go at times when its not crowded!
I never “race” without training, though many races for me are not something that I’m attempting a PR at. The few times that I’ve made a point of having a PR as a goal, I’ve definitely trained. So even if it’s virtual, depending on the goal (to just “finish” or to really push like a race) I wouldn’t race without honestly training. I think you train plenty though Lisa, but I can imagine it was still mentally and physically tough.
As for venturing out to where people are… yeah… I’m really trying to avoid that still. I was making appointments to go in but now the measures have been loosened again and it’s a free for all. Ugh. And believe me, they are all acting like nothing ever happened here…
I mean I was definitely trained enough to run this hard, but I could tell that I was far off from where my fitness was a couple months ago.
That’s frustrating that people are acting that way. I’d say most people here are being somewhat careful, I just still feel uncomfortable around people I don’t know.
Well done on the relay! Love the pics and team name. I have decided I’ve had enough with virtual races now. Don’t definitively want to do in-person ones either, though!
And I hear you on the cards! I ran out of OK ones recently and also needed some for 16 year old twin boys, the absolute hardest to buy cards for. I picked up a load more because even though the card shop was quite safe and empty (I popped there in the week), the thought of people touching and breathing over all the cards was unnerving.
Thank you! I know what you mean; I am kind of over the virtual races too but I’m not quite ready to do an in person race. Hopefully soon though.
I didn’t even think about all the people who touched the cards! I guess its good I use so much hand sanitizer and wash my hands constantly.
Our governor pretty much dropped all restrictions this month so everything can be at full capacity. We still have a mask mandate which is good, but doesn’t really make sense if people aren’t doing social distancing. When I go to the stores, like the supermarket, I either go early in the morning when they open or late at night to avoid as many people as possible.
Its smart to go to stores at off times! I won’t be going back at busy times if at all possible.
A relay sounds like a fun way to do a virtual marathon!
I think training for shorter distance races is hard. I have a 10K coming up in July and have been on the fence about whether to train for it or just run it for fun (since it will my first race since last February).
For the most part, I’ve been trying to avoid going into stores, and when I have to go in I try to shop at off-hours.
The shorter distances are so tough! Like you know you can run the distance, but do you want to push hard or just enjoy the race? I’m going to be trying to go to stores at off times from now on!