I started running marathons in 2011, and a few years later I wrote this post about why everyone should run a marathon someday. I wanted to bring it back because I still agree with this. However, like I said in the original post, a big goal doesn’t necessarily need to be running a marathon. It doesn’t even need to be about running. It’s about finding your own version of a marathon- something that will challenge you in ways you never imagined.
Why Everyone Should Run A Marathon Someday
In the midst of my post-marathon daze, I began thinking of everything I have gotten out of running marathons. There was definitely a time, not too long ago, when I never thought I would run a marathon, let alone five of them. I’ve gotten so much out of training for and running marathons. This post isn’t really to say that every single person should run 26 miles.
It’s to point out that everyone should do something they never thought they could do; something that pushes them out of their comfort zone and challenges them in a completely new way.
10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon Someday:
- Training for and running a marathon teaches perseverance.
- The process takes a whole lot of dedication.
- You will learn to push through when things hurt or get hard.
- Marathon training teaches mental strength.
- You will overcome self-doubt time and time again.
- It will require you to experience and rely on motivation both from self and others.
- After you cross the finish line, you will feel like you can do anything.
- Marathon training proves that pain passes in running as it does in life.
- You will be able to say that you ran a marathon. Not many people can say that.
So there you go…not a whole lot of words, just my thoughts about doing something challenging such as running a marathon. As we get into marathon season, let’s get inspired by all the runners out there accomplishing amazing things.
What have you done or plan to do that will push you out of your comfort zone?
Looking for more info about training for a marathon? Check out these posts!
Avoiding Boredom While Marathon Training
From “Recovery” To “Training”: The Base-Building Phase
Tips for Time Management During the Peak Weeks
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, and Runs with Pugs to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
I agree. Everyone should run a marathon at some point in their life. Everyone should also serve once in their life too.. If you would’ve asked me if I would ever run a marathon when i was in high school, I would’ve just laughed at you. To date I have run 9 and soon to have 10 including the Goofy challenge.
[email protected] says
Wow hitting 10 marathons is awesome! I really never thought marathon running was for me either. Its crazy what you can accomplish when you work towards something!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
100% agree. The process of training and then completing the darned thing has taught me a lot over the past couple of years! You learn about your strengths and weaknesses and then figure out ways to deal with them and it filters into every area of life! In particular, running Boston taught me how to rely on others for support, and it was the first time I ever experienced anything like that and really took it in.
[email protected] says
I agree that its probably made me stronger as a person. Even though running is a very individual sport, there are still times when you need to rely on others!
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I agree and feel the same way about running half marathons. I don’t know if I will ever train for the marathon distance. My dad keeps suggesting (wanting) me to run NYCM. I just don’t know. I am slightly considering it, slightly, like really really slightly lol.
[email protected] says
If you decide to run a marathon, I think that would be awesome..but Im sure you get a lot out of the half marathons too! I think there was a point where I got a lot of these things from running 1/2s until I got more comfortable with the distance (or just started running fulls which made the 1/2s seem more reasonable!)
Beth @ RUNNING around my kitchen says
I love this! I especially love the one about pain passes in running as it does in life and the distinction that not everyone should run a marathon, but do something that pushes them out of their comfort zone. I have learned so much about myself and gained so much from running, I’m so thankful for it.
[email protected] says
Exactly! Im glad that you have gotten so much out of it, too!
HoHo Runs says
2015 is the year for me but I haven’t picked it yet. Any suggestions? An easy course would be nice 😉
[email protected] says
Hmm well I would say out of the ones I have done I would recommend Philly or Houston! But Houston is in January so you would need to wait until 2016. But I really love Philly and would recommend that to anyone! I think the course is easy besides two hill in the first half.
Jessie says
I’m thinking either the end of 2015, or beginning of 2016 will be the year for me. I was originally training for a marathon but had to stop due to trying for a baby… which was 3 yrs ago! Looking forward to getting back out on the pavement a little after post pregnancy.
[email protected] says
That sounds great! In my opinion theres no rush, but Im sure your anxious to get back to it since you already started the process a few years ago! I look forward to hearing about your marathon plans:)
misszippy says
Totally agree. I’ve told both my kids that I hope some day they each try one b/c it’s an experience I just want them to have.
[email protected] says
That would be great if they decide to do that! I’m sure it can sound intimating for a child to hear about running 26 miles…but maybe watching you run the distance so many times will make them feel like its something they could also work towards one day!
Courtney @ Running For Cupcakes says
I love this! I just trained for and ran my first marathon in October. It was the most mentally challenging and tiring thing I have ever done and even though the race didn’t go how I wanted it to I still crossed that finish line and I am so proud of myself.
[email protected] says
That’s so awesome! Congrats on finishing and I’m so glad you got so much out of it!
Nicole@TheGirlWhoRanEverywhere says
I love these and I 100% agree, great post!
The biggest thing a marathon has taught me is what I am capable mentally. Your strength just continues to grow as you continue to push and train yourself, i think its just incredible.
I think for me personally, getting faster pushed me out of my comfort zone…and I plan to keep doing it until I’m where I want to be speed-wise!
[email protected] says
The mental strength is absolutely key! Without it, you will never be willing to work harder and get faster! I think as we get more comfortable running the marathon distance, the next step is to really race the distance and get faster…which can be intimidating and even scary! But those are the feelings we need to push through to keep growing as runners.
AJ @ NutriFitMama says
Totally agree with everything you posted. I have definitely pushed myself out of my comfort zone these past few years and it has all been well worth it.
[email protected] says
That’s so great! I think a lot of times is can be easy to keep doing the same thing day after day, year after year, without adding much challenge to our lives. It’s when we move out of our comfort zones that we change and grow!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
I definitely agree that it is an indispensable experience–you will learn more about yourself than you could ever imagine.
[email protected] says
Yes absolutely! I never realized all the ways that running marathons would affect me as a person.
Sam @ The Running Graduate says
This is awesome! I definitely want to do a marathon for a lot of these reasons. I love to push myself and can’t think of a more awesome goal!
[email protected] says
That would be great! I think that many people who complete a half marathon then start to think about conquering the full…its definitely a great challenge to work towards next!
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
While I’m not sure that I’ll ever run a marathon, I couldn’t agree more on how important it is to push yourself out of odour comfort zone and work towards a goal you never though possible. I keep wanting to get more into running because of the mental strength and discipline it teaches, and reading this has increased the itch even more. Thanks 😛
[email protected] says
I think each person needs to think about where they are and what it would mean to step out of their comfort zone at a particular time. At one point running a half marathon was a great challenge for me…now I feel like I need to keep adjusting my goals rather than settle on where I am. So I think there are probably many ways you can work towards a gaol (running related or otherwise) without necessarily running a marathon!
Sara says
This list is awesome! Running really teaches us more about ourselves and shows us what we are truly capable of. While a marathon is not on my immediate horizon, it isn’t off the table. This was my first year running, and once I felt good about 5k, I thought, “why not go for 10k?” Then, “why not try a half marathon?” Even though I did my first half marathon and that was awesome, I don’t feel it was what I am truly capable of. Once I have a few half marathons under my belt, I’m sure I’ll get the…”Why not do a full?” itch. Ultimately, if I have to put a timeline on it, I would like to do one before I turn 40.
[email protected] says
I think that by completing your first half you probably experienced all the things I talked about in my post! And if you choose to run a marathon someday, Im sure you will grow even more and learn even more about yourself!
Carmy says
Training for a race def teaches you all those things. You can’t slack or you’ll be paying the price later! I’m not too sure about the wholw marathon thing but people def should step out of their comfort zone!
[email protected] says
Yes, whether its a 5k or a triathlon or something else- its important to keep challenging yourself!
Lily @ Lily Runs the World says
This is great! I’m a little scared of the prospect at the moment, but all those reasons are why I really want to do it.
[email protected] says
The fact that it scares you means its a good challenge, I think!
Kristina says
Excellent post, Lisa! I’m so on board with all of your points.
Prior to finishing my first marathon I expected it to help me grow as a runner, but I think it actually helped me more as a person overall. I learned so many lessons during that 26.2 miles… especially the last five miles 😉
[email protected] says
I’m sure you did and I feel like I got that sense from reading your recap!
Michael Anderon says
Since everyone else is falling over themselves to agree with you, let me go ahead and disagree! 🙂 I think the basic ideas of pushing yourself, setting goals and stepping outside of your comfort zone are important for pretty much everything in life.
But … with what you say it reinforces the marathon as a ‘defining distance’, the whole ‘you’re not a real runner unless you do a marathon’.
I had more … but maybe I should turn it into a post myself 😉
[email protected] says
I definitely didn’t mean that you need to run a marathon to be a “real” runner- I hope it didn’t come across that way! I think that people should find something that is a reasonable challenge that will push them out of their comfort zone- whatever that might be. Most of the people who read my blog are runners- which is why the logical focus is on running. But really, it can be any challenge in life! I think that running in general is an activaty that builds confidence and mental strength, therefore a great choice of a challenge if appropriate…and can be anything from completing a 30 minute run for the first time to running an ultra!
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts related to this! I’m sure it will bring up a good conversation:)
Michael Anderson says
Oh Lisa – I KNOW you didn’t mean it that way, and didn’t mean to come across too harsh 🙂
But everyone was SO fawning and falling over each other, and it wasn’t the first time I had read something similar recently … and with every larger marathon there seems to be an echoed chant in the blog world of ‘everyone should do this’. My whole thing is … not so fast, WE might love this, but that is very different than it being for everyone 🙂
Marcia says
Agree! I was of the mindset that marathons were just too extreme for me. Until one day I felt like WTH? Just one for the bucket list. That race taught me so much about ME. Good things. And I became much more confident because of it. You truly never know until you try.
[email protected] says
That’s so great- it really sounds like running and marathons have helped you in so many ways!
Kirtley @ The Gist of Fit says
LOVE this.
I think I gained most of will power, self-discipline and self-belief because of my cross country and track years in high school. At least, that’s where it seems to have started.
You reallllly do learn a lot when you push yourself and do HARD THINGS!!!
You’re awesome girl!!
[email protected] says
I think those qualities often come about from sports like running, or team sports. Its so important to keep challenging yourself- or you will never know what you’re capable of!:)
Hailey says
Loved this post. I feel like I can relate to these types of things to an extent now, but I’m sure it’s magnified while training for the marathon distance. I want to run a few more half marathons first, but I definitely want to run a marathon someday:)
[email protected] says
I think I experienced a lot of this when I first ran a half-marathon. But as I adapted to that distance then I had to find other ways to push myself like trying to get faster and running longer distances. Its always a work in progress!
Hilary says
Sending this to every runner I know – yes to all of these!
[email protected] says
Glad you liked it!:)
Chrissy @Pink Polish and Running Shoes says
I love this post. It’s a goal of mine to run a marathon someday and I can imagine that every single one of those things you said is true. I think running is a good metaphor for life. It teaches you a lot about what you’re made of.
[email protected] says
Very good point! I think that any big accomplishment can bring about these feelings. As long as its a challenge that pushes you out of your comfort zone, you will surely learn a lot about yourself and grow as a person!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
I totally agree. It’s not about a traditional marathon per se, but branching out into doing something that you never thought you could! Challenging yourself. So few people do that these days. A lot of people are happy just going through life taking the easy way out. There is nothing more rewarding than accomplishing that one thing that you never thought you could do!
[email protected] says
I think that’s the key- doing something you never thought you could do! Even if its not a marathon, finding something that is a great challenge at that point in your life!
Sara @ Lake Shore Runner says
I couldn’t agree more with this! This past winter while training in the polar vortex I realized if I could train during this I could train during anything. Running definitely pushes and motivates you outside your comfort zone. I always tell me friends they should run a half marathon. Most of them laugh at me and say they never could do that. I try to reinforce that they can no matter their athletic ability. Training and running a race is more about mental toughness and dedication than athletic ability. If you can commit yourself to put in the time and run you can run any distance you want. Great perspectives!
[email protected] says
That’s so true! I have seen/heard of so many people who went from not running at all to completing a half-marathon. Its all about staying committed to working towards your goals!
Lizzy says
I totally agree! 10 year ago me would have laughed in your face if you told her that she would be a marathoner in the future. It’s amazing how things change and how much you learn about yourself in the process.
[email protected] says
Isn’t is amazing how much we can change over the years? It just shows that if you put your mind to something you are more capable than you think!
Megan @ Meg Go Run says
YES to everyone pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and making themselves feel like they can conquer ANYTHING! Obviously, that’s not running a marathon for everyone, but whatever one’s “marathon” is, they should go for it!
[email protected] says
Exactly! I think it should be something that seems impossible, and then you feel like you are on top of the world when you accomplish it!
Catrina says
What a great post! You are absolutely right, everyone should do a marathon, either a 26.2 mile run or something else outside our comfort zone.
For me, it boosted my confidence that I can do hard things!
Do you have another marathon in mind?
Deborah Brooks says
Sorry going to disagree with you in part. Not every runner should or wants to run a marathon. I do agree that the 10 lessons you mentioned can be learned and achieved from completing smaller goals