It’s not often that I go a full week, or even a few days, without complaining about the weather. Lately we have really lucked out with some nice weather that I am just trying to enjoy while it lasts. This week (well, actually starting yesterday), has thunderstorms and rain in the forecast every day.
Hopefully they will be mostly at night and not interfere too much with running outside. I remember in 2016 it rained like every day during the month of May. That was tough to literally not see the sun for something like 3+ weeks!
Anyway, back to this week. Mornings were in the high 50s and it got into the 70s most days. I think there was one day that it rained a little bit on and off. What’s a runner to talk about when the weather is pretty much perfect?
I ran on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week. All were easy runs (as they have been lately) but some days there was a little more humidity which made running a little more challenging. I was excited to be outside for all of my runs this week!
On Wednesday I completed a “Yoga for Runners” video that was described as “cross-training” and specifically NOT a “deep stretching class”. It moved through the poses quickly and had lots of vinyasas and chaturangas that left me shaking. Later that day I was already more sore that I’ve been from any other workouts in a long time. I think I need to continue including workouts like this regularly! Oh and even though it wasn’t a “deep stretch” class I still felt like I got a good stretch in.
Strength Training
I completed week 5 of my strength training plan this week so I am back on track! One more week to go of this phase.
I actually followed a spinning workout online this week for a change. I usually just hop on the bike and move my legs for 15-20 minutes, but this week I felt like getting in a workout. I followed this workout from Sweat On Demand.
Stoneleigh Stampede 5k
In 2015 and 2016 I ran in the Stoneleigh Stampede 5k. A fun, local, family friendly race here in Baltimore. I was invited to run this year in exchange for talking about the race, but I am going to be away that weekend. I still wanted to let any Baltimore runners know about it. This is a small race held the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. There are some small rolling hills but overall it’s not a hard course, and it ends on a downhill which is always nice. If you’re in the area you should check it out! You never know what kind of weather we will have at the end of May but it’s a fun way to kick off the holiday weekend.
And that’s a wrap! I survived the second crazy week of the month! 2 down, 2 to go.
In case you missed any posts from last week:
May Heat Wave and Outdoor Running
5 Reasons I’m Ready for Summer Running
[Tweet “Trying to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! Check out my workouts from last week @milebymilerun #weeklywrap”]
Did you have nice weather last week?
Ever been really sore from yoga?
When you cross train do you like to follow a workout to take it easy?
I feel like overall our May weather is what we “should” have had in April. Yet another thunderstorm in progress as I type. I think it’s supposed to warm up again this week but they’ve backed off the 80’s and I’ve had it with rain. That yoga class sounds good!
It has felt kind of like April this month! I guess we were due for some rain but I’m not happy about it.
Nice workouts this week! I love how you’re really hitting your stride with incorporating strength and yoga. I had to back off on everything except core/PT exercises to avoid angering my SI joint, but I’m looking forward to adding them back. I laughed out loud at your comment about complaining about the weather because I can totally relate. This week felt like the start of summer for us in atlanta, and not in a good way.
I feel like the humidity really came on full force over the past week or so!
Last week the weather was gorgeous out but it’ll be grey and raining most of the week. I’m only okay with it since I have my fingers crossed all the pollen gets washed away so my allergies die down. Hopefully the sun will come out for you!
I am hoping that it just rains a little each day and we still get bits of sunshine! It’s tough to go all week without seeing the sun at all.
We’re having the same weather as you. I woke up to storms and they are predicted every day this week. I think it’s going to be tough to train in! I’m going to do yoga today, but I have to find a class online that keeps me off my knees…
Good luck with finding a yoga class! I am hoping the storms happen at night and don’t interfere with workouts.
Our weather has been so random. Our rainy season usually ends in April as autumn/winter sets in. We have very dry winters but this morning it was raining with thunder and lightning thrown in the mix. Very strange – can’t remember the last time it rained at this time of the year.
That’s weird! I hope the rain ends for you soon!
Great week of workouts! We have thunderstorms in the forecast all week this week too!
I really hope they are brief and don’t interfere with outdoor workouts!
We had some nice days and now we are having crappy days. At some point I am hoping that the world figures itself out (I know, too much to hope for). I was showing a friend the picture of our run on Saturday (he lives in Austria) and after seeing our clothes and the lack of leaves on the trees, he was like, “It’s still winter there??” lol.
I totally forgot about how rainy it was for you guys in May 2016, but now I remember! That really did suck!
Remembering how bad it was 2 years ago makes me feel bad complaining about a little rain this week! It was so chilly yesterday that it definitely didn’t feel like mid May.
Boo to all the rain in the forecast 🙁 We’re expecting a lot of rain this week as well which is a bummer considering it rained all weekend!
Hopefully it won’t rain all week! It’s so hard to go days without seeing the sun.
I am not a big yoga fan because I don’t feel like I get a good enough work out in, but I think I would like the Yoga for Runners, especially on a recovery day. I should look up a Youtube video for that.
Some yoga classes are pretty tough! Especially the ones geared towards cross training for runners.
Your weather forecast looks so icky! Hopefully that will change as the week progresses.
We lucked out and had lots of sun today! But I think thats the last of it for awhile…
I like chaturanga, but it is a challenge when there are a lot. I had to build up my strength a few years ago because I wasn’t doing controlled chaturanga. I was falling to the carpet and had to work at not doing that.
They are a very challenging move, especially when the class includes a lot of them!
It’s great you were able to run outside this week. What a good idea to follow an on-line spinning workout to change things up! I just ride for XX minutes for cross training, making sure my heart rate is in the right range. It can get pretty monotonous. I think we’re going to have rainy and humid weather for the next week. Hopefully, it isn’t all day rain. Thanks for linking!
I am definitely guilty of just riding easy for x minutes. Sometimes thats exactly what I need, other times I know I need something a bit more challenging.
I got super sore from a hip hop yoga class. I went in thinking it would be a typical yoga class but she had us moving so fast and doing so many chaturangas and squats to keep up with the beat of the music. I was drenched in sweat…it was awesome!
That sounds fun but hard! Im not sure what I would have expected going into a hip hop yoga class.
We’ve had a lot of sunshine lately and some hot days – our weather is pretty fantastic right now, although ideally I would like it a tiny bit cooler and closer to average temperatures (but still sunny). I’ve had some Pilates classes leave me sore!
As expected we pretty much went from cold to hot with no in between! Some cooler spring weather would have been nice, at least for a few weeks. I bet there are some really challenging pilates classes!
That 5k sounds fun! I’m hoping to hop into a few local ones this summer, although I tend to wait to see what the weather is going to be like and it’s ALWAYS crazy hot and then I opt out. I’m thinking I’ll just need to embrace the heat!
5ks in the summer are so hard! Considering how much I struggled with them even in the cooler weather I’m not sure how much I’ll “race” vs use them as a workout.