I think it’s especially hard to believe that September is over already because it’s still felt like August for pretty much the entire month. While I do love summer weather I have pretty much been over the humidity for a few weeks now. We also had quite a bit of rain this month. Luckily it didn’t impact my running too much. Let’s take a look back on how September went.
Here are my other monthly check-ins from this year:
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
This was another great month of running! I know I keep saying this but I am just so grateful to still be running at this point in my pregnancy. I feel like I am going to jinx myself but I haven’t run this well in years due to injury. It makes me somewhat hopeful for what I may be able to do next year, but then again who knows how much time I’ll have to train at that point!
I checked my mileage for September and somehow ran more than in August. I was surprised by this because I was doing longer runs in August, but I think I started running more frequently this month. Actually I did sneak in a 13 mile run on September 1st, which was my longest run during pregnancy. (And I don’t plan on running more than that at this point.)
Strength Training
I’ve kept up with following my strength training program twice a week. I started Phase 9 last week and if I complete it in 6 weeks then that will put me at 32 weeks when I finish it. So I may have time for one more phase- we’ll see! Tina helps me keep things in perspective with strength training as she can relate to following Drew’s plan while pregnant last year. Also, Drew keeps modifying my exercises so that they are manageable but still challenging for me.
Monthly Goals
I’ve been doing really well with tracking my shoe mileage and as I said last month I finally found a new pair of Levitates on sale. So now I rotate between Pure Flows, Pure Cadences, and Levitates. It seems like a good mix, and it’s funny because some days I am just in the mood to wear a certain pair of shoes for my run.
I thought I would get a lot more reading done on our babymoon than I did. While I was away I started reading Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn but barely made a dent it in. I just felt like I haven’t had much time at all lately when I am home to read.
As I’ve said I haven’t really been worrying too much about goals at this time. It’s more about just trying to stay focused on getting things done while also keeping up with my workouts. Every weekend I make a long list of things I need to get done that week- it just feels never-ending!
Looking Forward to October
There is so much going on over the next month or so that I just feel like I need to brace myself. Our next free weekend isn’t until October 27th and by that point I bet something will come up and it will no longer be a free weekend. I already get the sense that this fall is going to fly by.
[Tweet “Now that September is over its time to look back on the month! @milebymilerun #tuesdaysontherun”]
How did you do with your goals in September?
Do you get in the mood to wear certain running shoes on certain days?
Will October be a busy month for you?
I’m linking up with No Guilt Life, MCM Mama Runs, and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Tuesdays on the Run!
Nice month of running. That mileage is impressive, pregnant or not!
October is shaping up to be really busy for us–we’ve got a few rugby games to spectate in Madison–and I’m going to Nashville with my sister.
You are doing great at being active during your pregnancy. You are gonna bounce right back after your baby is born! Good for you. I only have 2 current pairs of running shoes – one for roads and one for trails. I don’t have a lot of options when I lace up, but that’s OK. One less decision for me to make.
Less decisions is a good thing! Especially when you’re just trying to get out the door for a run.
Another great month for you! It is good to have the heat/humidity over with, although I’d love some of the daylight back. October is going to be nuts here. I feel like the holidays will be here before we know what hit us.
The heat and humidity is not quite over with here! And there’s only 12 weeks until Christmas, how crazy is that?
Great job! I’m glad that your running has been going so well these past few months! When I get back to running, I really need to look at running shoes and actually rotating my pairs. I always say that I’ll I do it but I never do.
September was so dreary and miserable…I hope that October is a lot sunnier and much more fun!
Now that I’ve been rotating my shoes, I don’t think I could go back to only wearing one pair!
I too continued to be impressed with how well you are doing running into your pregnancy. Good for you! It’s still hot at this point but I’m okay with it because I’m totally okay with the cold weather being delayed. Just like Spring, I bet we will have a very short fall season and BOOM, it will be winter! -M
While I still complain when it’s hot and humid in the morning, I know I’ll miss this weather when its cold in a few weeks!
October is going to be insane
Love the hint of baby bump in that last Garmin shot. So adorable
Very impressive!! YOU have done well staying so active and all those miles, WOWZA!!
It’s kind of crazy, I never thought I’d be able to do this much while pregnant.
A 13 mile run while pregnant is fantastic! I feel like I kind of slacked on goals in September so I plan on getting better this month with it.
I hope October is a great month for you!
I am really impressed with how you have been able to keep up such an aggressive running schedule. Yes October and November are insanely busy for me!
I always like fall but its such a busy time of year!
Congrats on another awesome month Lisa!
Thank you!
Happy to hear you had a great month! It’s been months since I’ve run 13 miles. 🙂
Thanks! I have a feeling it will be a long time before I run 13 miles again.
So many miles for the month! That’s awesome that you’ve been feeling so good! I’m looking forward to less humidity soon too. It just keeps hanging on!
Seriously! This week has been rough with the weather. It’s hard to believe that it’s October.
Yesterday was very humid and warm, but today was crisp and cool! Funny how October can be sometimes! But today was my long run day, so yeah that! I didn’t really have any goals for September, just following along with my training plan for an upcoming half – and that has been successful.
I definitely have a slew of shoes I rotate through during the week. I probably have 5 different pairs to choose from. I need to weed out some of my old ones which don’t get much use any more!
We haven’t had any crisp and cool days yet. I hope they come soon!
I love having lots of shoes to choose from. As long as I can keep track of them well so I know which ones are worn out!