I had every intention of writing a post last Monday, but when I sat down to write I realized I couldn’t access any of my pictures or files. I ended up working with Apple Support again and finally got the issue resolved. Once I was able to actually get to my files I was able to organize them better and save some to a flash drive, so hopefully this issue will stop happening.
I guess it doesn’t really matter that I didn’t share any workouts last week because the past few weeks have been a blur. For the past 2 weeks I didn’t know what day it was most of the time. I did keep up with my workouts although there were a few planned and unplanned rest days.
Week of 12/23
Monday 12/23: Strength training
Tuesday 12/24: 3 miles
Wednesday 12/25: 3 miles
Thursday 12/26: Strength training
Friday 12/27: 3 miles
Saturday 12/28: Rest
Sunday 12/29: Rest
When I looked back on these workouts they feel SO long ago! I was off from work this whole week and traveled to Michigan Thursday through Saturday. I had planned to not work out on Saturday but I was so exhausted on Sunday after getting back that I took another day off.
My best workout of the week was my Christmas run. Most years Rob and I like to do a run together on Christmas morning. This year was a little more hectic with opening gifts with Grayson. Then we exchanged our gifts during his nap time. I ended up not running until after his morning nap around 11 am. The weather was nice and I got to try out a new pair of shoes that I got for Christmas!
Week of 12/30
Monday 12/30: Rest
Tuesday 12/31: 3 miles
Wednesday 1/1: Strength training
Thursday 1/2: 3 miles
Friday 1/3: Strength training
Saturday 1/4: 5 miles
Sunday 1/5: Strength training
This was another weird week. I was off from work all week again and had zero desire to run (or even work out) early in the morning. Instead I used that time to get other things done. My workouts happened during nap time, with the stroller, or after feeding Grayson when he woke up (if Rob was around to watch him).
You may notice that there are 3 strength training workouts listed. Technically, I am counting the one on Sunday for this upcoming week. I’m going away again and I will only have Monday and Tuesday to work out at home. I don’t do strength training days back to back so in order to get in 2 workouts I did one of them this Sunday.
I did lots of 3 mile runs over the past 2 weeks! When I don’t have much time for running 3 miles is usually my goal to make me feel like I got in about a 30 minute workout. I also didn’t run much in December so I am taking things slow as I build a base again.
Speaking of building a base, I am hoping to figure out a spring half-marathon soon. I have decided which one I want to do but haven’t signed up or fully committed yet. Hopefully I will be sharing more about it next week! I want to draft out a training plan to make sure it’s doable and also just make sure the logistics of the race will work out.
After this week it will he nice to start to settle back into a normal routine. The holidays are fun but there is something to be said for predictability and a consistent schedule!
Did you get in your workouts over the holidays?
Does your workout week start on Sunday or Monday?
Are you gearing up for a spring race?
In case you missed it:
My Year of Postpartum Running in 2019
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I love the holidays and the “downtime” but when January rolls around, I’m always ready to get back to the grind. and a normal routine. Travel days are so exhausting!
I usually feel that way too and then by the end of the month I’m ready for a break (or a vacation to somewhere warm!)
I didn’t appreciate all the back-to-school/work traffic on my morning commute into the office but I am looking forward to getting back into a routine for sure!
Traffic is the worst! But it definitely feels good to have a routine, especially after the craziness of the holidays.
Team Monday here. I had to work a bit more than I wanted to over the break, but I got to work from home and I still got a good bit of time off. When I’m not at the office, it’s a bit harder for me to start my workouts. I always get the running in with no problem, but I completely let the strength training slide and I got humbled from a simple body weight workout on New Year’s Day. I have a few races picked out for early spring and my first half of the year is in early April so I’ll start ramping up soon.
When I am home more I definitely fall out of that routine and its harder to get in my regular workouts. Its a good time of year to get back to focusing on strength!
Yes, the holidays throw us all into a tail spin. I got most of my workouts done, as well as all the runs I wanted, but my schedule(s) were so off (both weeks) with travel and then NYD in the middle. But that’s all behind me now LOL Yes, I have some spring races on tap…a couple halfs and 10K’s 🙂
It sure was a crazy couple of weeks! This is a good time of year to back off, reset, and start planning for some of those spring goals.
I go back and forth on a Sunday or Monday start. For marathon training I was Sunday-Saturday, but normally I’m Monday-Sunday.
These last tweo weeks were a crazy blur
I used to start my week on Sunday up until a few years ago. Now I can’t go back for some reason.
For all that, you did a great job of getting everything in! Well done.
My workout week typically starts on Monday. I don’t know why that is LOL. I have a winter half in mind and I have my fingers crossed I’ll be ready. I don’t think I’ll be ready before then.
I used to start my week on Sunday and then a few years ago I worked with a coach who started my weeks on Monday. Now I can’t go back to the Sunday start!
No big spring race on the schedule. My go-tos when not training for something are also 3 miles (like right now), and then one longish run. That may not happen this week as i’m feeling run down, but it’s also supposed to be warm tomorrow — hard to not at least try!
I think you’re doing great just getting out there. Give yourself a break!
Thanks! Its nice to get in those 3 mile runs even if its less than what I usually do. I hope you were able to enjoy the warmer weather this weekend!
The holidays and travel definitely throw me off schedule. I just try to stay active even if it means doing different activities sometimes. I usually take Sundays off so my week starts Monday
I used to take off Sundays from workouts every week too and then it was easier to have my week start on Monday. I think thats one part of the reason I switched from a Sunday start to a Monday start.
The holidays really threw me off too, even though I worked through most of it! We spent a lot of time doing family stuff which was pretty amazing, considering my boys are grown. I loved it.
I’m looking at spring races and I’m pretty sure which ones I’m going to do, since I’m an ambassador for a local race promoter and CARA. The base building has started and fingers crossed for no health issues this year!
Sounds exciting! I am starting base-building this week too! I feel like I have a long way to go…