As the title says, this was an “off” week but not necessarily a bad one. I got in plenty of good workouts, there were just a couple of runs that weren’t so good. Was it because I tried running 4 days this week? Who knows. I did some yoga on Sunday to reset and hopefully this upcoming week will be better.
Monday: 4.3 miles plus PT exercises
I was up and out the door earlier than usual because of the time change, so I had a little more time to run before work. It was so nice to see the sunrise again!
Tuesday: 2 mile run and PT appointment
I wanted to see how it went to run 2 days in a row (in order to run 4 days this week) but I kept it short. While I felt good before the run, as soon as I started I felt stiff and just couldn’t warm up. I was glad I was only doing 2 miles!
I had a PT appointment later in the day and learned a few more things, including different mobility exercises for my hips and back. This was technically my last appointment, but they agreed to let me come back if anything flared up again.
Wednesday: 10 minutes spinning plus strength training
It’s been nice to use the spin bike to warm up. I got in a full body workout using the stability ball and heavier weights.
Thursday: 3.5 miles fartlek run plus PT exercises
I did another mini-workout of just picking up the pace for a minute or so at a time. It wasn’t as fast as last week, but still felt good to move quicker than usual.
Friday: 20 minutes spinning plus Pilates workout
I tried another magic circle video on Pilatesology. It really worked the inner thighs, glutes, and lower abs.
Saturday: 5.2 miles plus PT exercises
I don’t know what was going on during this run, but it just wasn’t my day. Nothing wanted to move for some reason. It was like the feeling that sometimes happens during the first mile of a run before you get warmed up, but it almost felt like it got worse as the run went on. I even stopped to walk a few times just to reset my form. Mentally, I was in a good place, enjoying the day and happy to be outside. Physically, I have no idea what the deal was.
Sunday: 40 minutes yoga that focused on core
I used 2 videos- one was a standard flow and the second one was focused on the core. Fightmaster Yoga is great and always has an inspiring message. Sometimes I really benefit from the mental aspect of yoga and it was much appreciated on a Sunday morning.
Right after I drafted this post I read Amanda’s post about Yoga Vs Stretching. It’s definitely worth a read and an important reminder of all the benefits of yoga other than just loosening up tight muscles!
As runners we know that not every run will be a good one, and that’s what I have been reminding myself. After the frustrations of the last 6 months it’s actually gotten easier to let these things go. (I guess that’s the silver lining of a long-term injury?) Hopefully this week will be better, but if running just isn’t happening for me at least there are other workouts to keep me active.
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How were your workouts last week?
When was the last time you had an “off” week or a bad run?
Do you ever do yoga just for the mental benefits?
Linking up with Holly and Tricia for hosting the Weekly Wrap!
I hate those off runs but they totally happen to me! I am almost expect one or two for this week because last week felt so good so many days in a row lol
I hope you don’t have any off runs any time soon!
Love Fightmaster yoga! She always puts me in a good mood 🙂
Me too! I think I first heard about her from your blog!
LIke I tell everyone who will listen (heck, I tell them anyway, lol), we need those bad runs, we need those off days–they make us stronger runners, and they recommit us because we choose to go back out there. And you can’t always be perfect!
That is so true! I think part of the process is getting used to the bad runs.
This is a great reminder to do things other than run! Sometimes we get so focused on one thing and totally miss out on the benefits of things like yoga, pilates, etc. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
I’ve definitely enjoyed mixing things up lately! Its nice to have other options for workouts besides just running.
Ahem. I had one of those off runs last Sunday. So when I got outside to try to get that 12 miler done yesterday, I was a little anxious. Fortunately it went fairly well, altho I was shocked at how sore and tired I was! But I’ve had a lot of off runs with this return to running. Hoping to hit my stride again.
I always get so anxious when I run for the first time after a bad run! I ended up taking today off from running too just because I felt like I wasnt ready. I need to get over it and get back out there.
I think it’s important that you differentiated between the mental and physical off day. While physically it wasn’t your day (or week), it’s great that you enjoyed the mental part of it!
It feels like its always one or the other! But I was glad it wasn’t both- if I was in a bad mood I would have turned around less than a mile into the run!
I love your positive perspective about “bad” runs. They are challenging for sure and not fun either mentally or physically but we always have other forms of exercise to fall back on. Maybe that is the learning?
I feel like after I have a bad run I need some time away from running. Then I usually realize that I want to get back out there, and thats how I know its time. Its definitely nice to have other ways to stay active while working through it all.
I have off runs almost always once per week when I’m building mileage and/or training hard. It’s as if off runs are just part of the process (or maybe a by-product of) pushing myself in my running.
I do think they are part of the process, and they are good practice for if things go wrong during a race! If we practice persevering in training it will be easier to do on race day.
Bad runs happen. My motto is let them go and get after the next one.
Workouts were amazing. I was so excited to post about it this week lol.
I tell myself I should start doing yoga but all I care about is running these days. So if my choice is time for running or time for yoga, running wins that battle lol
Great motto! And with all that running you are doing, and wouldn’t imagine you have much time for anything else!
I had a bad-ish run a couple weeks ago. I couldn’t find my breathing rhythm, and I was pretty tense during the whole thing. I did 2 miles and then stepped off the treadmill.
At a certain point when those runs get really bad its better to just call it a day I think. No point in being miserable- there will always be another good run right around the corner!
I had a bit of an off week myself. I managed to make my lower back cranky.. an issue I seem to deal with a couple times a year. So I did some running but not what I had planned and skipped my strength workouts. I had one of those runs too where my legs just felt heavy the whole time.. some days!
I hope this week is much better for you!
You’ve got such a great attitude about all this running and injury business. I can’t say that I’d be as mature as you are! When you go on the bike, do you do a certain workout or stick to a certain cadence? I’ve got a bike here but I don’t use it. Maybe I would if I knew what I was doing!
Have you ever taken a spin class? I used to take them when I had a gym membership, so I sort of pretend I am taking a class. I put on pandora and just do different speeds/resistance based on the music. I have also pulled up classes on YouTube to follow. And Megan posted a YouTube workout in her comment below!
Your mileage is really getting up there!
I love your attitude about this off week. You kept your workouts productive and made the focus about your overall health and wellbeing, not just about running. That’s what matters at the end of the day!
I guess you are right, but I just want to be able to run as much as I want and enjoy it- is that so much to ask? 🙂
Injuries suck, but I definitely always learn something from them, so there is the silver lining. I wanted to share the spin video Paul does:
I never did it but he loves it!
Thanks so much! I will give it a try next time I use the bike!
I ran yesterday after taking a week off and I felt very slow. Runs can’t always be great ones, but for every bad run you know that there will be a better run in the future. Makes us appreciate the good ones. At least you are still doing other activities to keep you moving.
Yep, exactly. And its always nice to know that there will be other good runs to look forward to.
I haven’t run in the morning since the clocks changed but am looking forward to seeing the sun rise again…for a few weeks until it gets dark again at least! You continue to have such a positive and upbeat attitude about running and its post-injury challenges, and I really admire you for that. All your other workouts are sure to make you stronger, paving the way for better and more runs down the road!
You’ve got a great attitude about having a bad run. We can’t expect all of them to be wonderful. Seriously, I think we’d lose interest altogether. It’s the challenge that keeps us interested. Yes? I’m trying to find a yoga routine that will address my specific stiff back and ongoing hip issues. Unfortunately, some of them seem to aggravate my hips. Thanks for linking, Lisa!
Thanks! There are so many options with yoga that it can actually be overwhelming. I like the book “Hit Reset” because you can learn which poses are best for your specific body type.
I think one of the things that really hits home here is yes while we do all have bad days and or runs the things to remember is let it go just like you did. Couple weeks ago I really struggled with my Monday run and how hard it really was. It got me down then I realized I didn’t have a great weekend to be pushing for a run on Monday. Too many drinks, not enough rest and sleep does not make for a good Monday run!
It’s so important to try to keep everything in perspective! And when we look bad on those bad runs they are usually just a blip in our training that we eventually forget about.
I like your schedule of workout and the way you choose yoga on sunday. For me I usually yoga from monday to wednesday, weekend for running. But your schedule looks like you take rest on weekend . It’s great idea. Maybe I’ll try your schedule a week to see how the result. Thanks for sharing with us.
what a lovely post 🙂
I run the whole week and always end up doing some yoga on Sunday, just like you.
I really benefit from the mental aspect too