As many of us are returning to racing for the first time in over a year, it may be hard to remember all the things we should and shouldn’t do during a race. Good thing I wrote this post back when I was racing more! If you’re getting back into racing, make sure you avoid these racing mistakes. They’re all pretty common but also avoidable! Here are the top 8 mistakes to avoid at your next race.
Top 7 Racing Mistakes to Avoid
Starting out too fast
This racing mistake is a big one for many runners. We line up for a race, feeling well rested and energized by the crowds, and realize we have gone out way too fast. It’s better to start slow, and make sure you have enough energy for later in the race. I’ve made this mistake in both the 5k and the full marathon, and both are a struggle when you get to the end of the race and know you wasted energy in the beginning.
Being a slave to your running watch
While a GPS watch can be helpful, it’s also important to learn to run based on effort. Race day conditions can influence your pace. If it’s a hot day out, your regular pace will feel significantly harder than it would on a cool day. By running based on effort, you can adjust your pace to the conditions of your race.
Overdressing for your race
Often times the weather will be much cooler at the start line than at the finish line. You will warm up quickly once you start racing.. Bring throwaway clothes to wear before you start so that you can stay warm at the start line but then feel comfortable during the actual race.
If you’re used to running in the dark, you may want to check out some tips for running in the sun!
Not taking enough fuel during your race
If you wait until you are hungry/thirsty to eat/drink, it will probably be too late. Have a fueling plan in place and stick to it. Take your first fuel before you need it. Also, make sure to carry some with you in case you are not familiar with what is being given out on the course. It’s really helpful to practice your fueling strategy on training runs!
Getting into a negative mindset
A negative mindset can really get in the way of the good race. This has been a huge racing mistake for me in the past. Without practicing before the race it’s really hard to get yourself out of it. A few years ago I read How Bad Do You Want It? by Matt Fitzgerald which really helped me to work on my mental strength. You can also work on strategies to overcome negative thinking.
Getting boxed in at the start of your race
Depending on how the starting corrals are set up, it can be really easy to get boxed in at the start of a race. (These days, with staggered starts, this may not be as much of a problem.) Make sure you are around runners who will be starting at a similar pace. In bigger races, there will be pacers holding up signs. Even if you are not running with a pace group it can be helpful to start nearby an appropriate pacing group. You don’t want to start out too fast, but you also don’t want to get boxed in and start out way too slow.
Being distracted while racing
There are times during a race when being distracted is helpful, but during most of the race you want to stay focused. Remember your race strategy, pay attention to your breathing and how you are feeling, and use positive self-talk. Being too distracted during a race can lead to getting way off pace if you’re not paying attention to where you are in the race and how you are feeling. If you run with music, use it strategically. Maybe just turn it on during the middle of the race when you’ve settled into a good rhythm.
Dealing with racing mistakes
Most importantly, remember that racing should be fun. We will all make racing mistakes from time to time, but try not to let it ruin the experience. Use any racing mistakes as an experience to learn from. As with most things, racing takes practice. The more you race the more comfortable you will be with the logistics and process.
Has it been awhile since you’ve ran at all? Check out these tips on how to get back into running.
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What racing mistakes have you made in the past?
Do you get more comfortable with racing the more you do it?
Have you been back to racing this year? If not, when will your first race be?
Now it’s time for the Runners’ Roundup! Link up your running and fitness posts below! Join myself, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs , and Laura Norris Running to post your favorite running tips, experiences, race and training recaps, workouts, gear, and coaching ideas.
my big thing is drinking enough in the warm weather races. one time I skipped the first water stop and it was all downhill from there! now I make sure to always grab the water even if I think I don’t want it.
I try to take water at every stop now too. I hate when I skip a water stop and then have to wait for miles to get to another one!
Not putting on body glide. Oooooo you will regret it!
That’s the worst!
Oh I’ve made pacing mistakes. And I’ve carried drinks that I thought had calories in them that did not. Having to weave around people who haven’t lined up properly sucks.
Yea, the weaving can add on so much time. Very frustrating!
Starting off too fast has always been my MO and it bites me in the butt every time I race!
Ive made that mistake multiple times, and Im sure I will make it again!
I laughed when I saw that you posted this, because at my first race this year, I did all the mistakes, lol! I think I commented in my recap that I forgot how to race. Looks like I’ll have to learn all over again. I’ve been able to defer my 2 fall races to next year…
Considering I still haven’t raced since fall of 2019, its going to be interesting to get back out there again! I’m sure I’ll make alot of these mistakes. Glad you could defer your races!
I definitely have made the mistake of being too dependent on looking at my watch during races. When it’s a warm race I struggle but I have to remember to focus on effort! Great tips!
Yep! Same here, and it just gets me frustrated to look at my watch all the time and not see the paces I want.
Ha, i’ve done all of them at one time or another!
You’re definitely not the only one!
I have made the mistake of not pacing well and not fuelibg or hydrating well. I definitely learned from and improved from those mistakes!
I hope I have learned from my mistakes, but I am sure I will make some of them again…especially after so much time off from racing.
I found out the hard way to not only hydrate, but hydrate with electrolytes. I did an 8-miler for my first half, and I had a horrible headache the rest of the day. I couldn’t understand since I was drinking enough water, but I didn’t have the electrolytes.
Good point- electrolytes are really important!
I’ve been running marathons for 20 years and I start out too fast every.single.time.
Its so hard not to!
I am pretty sure I have done every single one of these!! It’s always tempting to start too fast- I have the most trouble with that in the 5k, finding my pacing. But I’ve fallen apart in the half from the same mistake. We have often have to learn the hard way!
The 5k is just so hard to pace in general. Ive messed up by starting too fast and too slow.
Being negative is the quickest way to ruin a race for me. Man does it suck… One way I find myself getting really negative is if I know I have friends on the course. I start the comparison game and it totally ruins it for me. That’s why, as much as I love racing with friends, I almost prefer to race solo. That way it truly is me against myself, and no room for comparing.
It’s good that you know that about yourself and have figured out what works best for you! I really struggle with negativity during races too. I have worked alot on it but I think it takes practice, and now that I haven’t raced in awhile its gonna be tough when I get back out there.
Going out too fast always used to be a problem for me. I’ve (mostly) learned that I run much better if I run the first mile super slowly and make up the time later.
That’s a good strategy and usually works out better than sprinting the first mile!
Great tips – I definitely learned from many of these. I truly feel that most of my success in my first marathon was fueling early on and enough. I always prefer to dress as light as possible – too many layers wears me down.
Fueling too late can cause so many problems. Its tricky to figure out the perfect strategy!
#1 and #5 seriously I can be my own worst enemy for sure!
Same here- I think those are the biggest challenges for me during a race.
Nice post Lisa. I once set off in a local race and got boxed in. I tried my best to get out and I succeeded but it gave me a stitch. I was literally crippled for the rest of the run. Big mistake, huge mistake!
Oh no, that sounds terrible! I hate when I have to weave around people and add on extra distance.
When my husband ran his marathon (without ANY training) he started out TOO fast. He regrets that. I know he wants to run another one because he wants to beat his time, but… He doesn’t want to train for it! LOL!
Oh wow! I couldn’t imagine running a marathon without training for it!
I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to hard times during a race. I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve sabotaged my finishing time because I got super Negative Nelly and gave up on myself. The overdressing part kills me. I run hot so I’d rather wear less. When I see someone in full tights, long sleeve shirt and a jacket when it’s 60 degrees, I overheat just looking at them! Dude! It’s 60 degrees!!!!!
I really don’t understand how people can overdress for a race! I like wearing throwaway clothes but I need to make sure Im cool enough for most of the race. And Ive gotten into really bad places mentally in some races too. It can be such a challenge.
I almost always start out too fast. I’ve been working on that this year. It will be hard Sunday since the first 3/4 mi is downhill ….
When races start downhill its almost impossible not to start out too fast! Good luck this weekend!
Oh, I have done many of these! Great points, Lisa.
Mostly, I start out too fast. To prevent that from happening, I try to place myself in a slower part of the starting line, so that my first few minutes hold me up.
That’s a great idea! Going out too fast is so common!
I still make these over and over. Lol. Especially starting out too fast.
I’ve also underdressed.
Will we ever learn? Haha. Yes I can see underdressing being a big problem too!
Starting out too fast is SO easy when everyone else is doing it around you LOL The thing is, I don’t feel like I’m going “fast” until my Garmin beeps at the first mile mark and shows me what I’ve done. Then when I try to hold back, it feels like I’m crawling…and that’s often even more difficult and awkward.
It can be so hard to find that appropriate pace during the first mile or so!
Starting out too fast is one of my common mistakes. I just get caught up in the excitement. I also make the mistake of deviating from my plan and then things can go downhill fast. Can’t wait to do an actual race!
I’ve had a few races totally fall apart because of going out too fast. It will be fun to finally race again!
Ah, great post. It’s been so long since I’ve raced that I definitely need some reminders! I’m not signed up for anything yet but am starting to look ahead with cautious optimism- winter is our racing season down here!
Thats exciting! I only have 1 race for this fall. At this point I’m just hoping its still held!
Great tips, Lisa! The negative mindset can ruin a race fast — I’ve definitely fallen prey to that one.
I have definitely gone out too fast in a race, too, but I am also that odd one that can start too slow! Such a balance.
I have no idea when I’ll get back to racing. I thought maybe late Fall, but right now, things have to settle down a whole lot (in more ways than one) for that to happen.
It really is a fine balance of not going out too fast or too slow. I hear you on things needing to settle down! That makes sense. I’m glad I’m only signed up for 1 race at this point.