Wow, August is here and July is over! The summer is going by quickly, although some weeks are slower than others. This was another busy and stressful week but now I am off work for a week! I got through another week of training and now we are closing out July.
Training Week 7: Closing Out July
- Monday: 6 Miles with 6 x 30 second hills
- Tuesday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
- Wednesday: 6.58 Miles with 3 x 10 min Threshold and 2 min recoveries
- Thursday: 3.6 Miles Easy
- Friday: Rest Day
- Saturday: Closing Out July with 13.5 Miles with 3 x 2 Miles at MGP
- Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles Planned
- Summary of Training Week 7: Closing out July
Monday: 6 Miles with 6 x 30 second hills
Still taking it on the easy side on Mondays, I got in some decent miles and some hill work. I needed this run before starting out a crazy week!
I had presentations 3 days this week, and my mom was away (she is my backup when Grayson is sick and can’t go to daycare). Of course last Sunday he came down with a cough. Rob was staying home with him on Monday anyway, so took him for COVID test #6, which was negative. So he was able to return to school on Wednesday as planned! (He was totally fine other than a cough.)
Tuesday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
Tuesdays are usually my day off from work so we went on a stroller run after Grayson had breakfast. He actually gets excited now when he finds out I waited to take him on a run!
Wednesday: 6.58 Miles with 3 x 10 min Threshold and 2 min recoveries
This was my tough workout of the week! I’ve had to do my workouts on hills lately to avoid the foxes that creep me out. I ran a warm up, then 3 x 10 minutes at 7:38, 7:40, and 7:29. I was happy with this effort since I could really feel myself struggling on the hills.
Thursday: 3.6 Miles Easy
Between Tuesday’s strength session and Wednesday’s workout, I was sore on Thursday. I didn’t do a second lift and just ran some easy miles. I felt much better after!
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Closing Out July with 13.5 Miles with 3 x 2 Miles at MGP
I really wanted to change things up on this long run, and since the weather was decent I figured I would give some marathon goal pace miles a try. I ran 5 miles easy, then 2 miles at mpg, 1 mile easy, 2 mpg, 1 easy, 2 mpg, and .5 to cool down. This long run went by so much faster than usual!
Sunday: 3.7 Stroller Miles Planned
Hoping we can get out for our Sunday family run!
Summary of Training Week 7: Closing out July
I am closing out July with 158 miles and this week I ran about 37 miles. Pretty sure that’s the most I’ve done since last fall. I’m feeling better than I did a few weeks ago when the heat and humidity were at their peak.
I am so excited to be off from work this week even though we don’t have plans. I have so many random things to catch up on. I really hope I can be productive but also relax a bit!
You may also like:
Lower Mileage and Lower Temps (Training Week 6)
Runstock 2021 (Training Week 5)
Focus on Effort (Training Week 4)
Making Adjustments for Heat (Training Week 3)
Training for a Fall Race: Start Where You Are (Training Weeks 1 and 2)
How were your workouts last week?
Do you like doing a workout during a long run or just keeping an easy pace?
Do you have any time off or vacations planned before the summer ends?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
wow way to finish the month on a high note! Impressive mileage there. I am also impressed you can still get Grayson to sit in the stroller. My kids would not have it at that age. Congrats on a solid month of training
He is usually excited to go but then asks for snacks the whole time, and once they are done he is done lol. But usually I can get him to stay in there for about 45 minutes.
Staycations are wonderful. Always tempted to take one.
When you travel you are never rested when it’s over.
Good week of running. Impressive mileage.
I hope I feel rested after this week- I have a very long to do list of things that have been put off for a long time!
Nice run yesterday and yay on the time off! I’m ready for a break but have a lot of work to do first.
Ugh on Grayson’s 6th test — are they all covered?
That’s how I felt last week- I had SO much to get done before being off, and I still have a few things to finish up this week.
So far all of his tests have been covered, but 1 is still processing and may not be covered. One place we went to did “Rapid PCRs” which come back the same day. At most that one will be $150 but I am hopefully my insurance will cover at least some of it. We were desperate that week because that was the time his previous test had been lost!
Ah, I hope you enjoy your week off! Sounds like things are going really well and you’re feeling good. Hope you have some nice weather for your time off.
Thank you!
Oh no on COVID test #6! Glad it was negative.
Nice job for sure this week, Lisa!
Sometimes I like to throw some faster paces in a “long” run and other times it’s just a steady pace — or because I’m not looking at my Garmin, in reality all over the place, LOL!
I do most of my long runs easy, so once in awhile its nice to change things up!
Wow, what a great month for you!!! I’m so glad to see things going so well for you. Poor Grayson, tho. He’s probably so used to the COVID swabs by now. Or not?
The swabs go pretty quick and I don’t think he really notices them too much any more. He just hates going to the Dr. in general so he’s always crying throughout the whole appointment anyway.
Sorry to hear about the sickness going around…glad it’s not Covid, but colds SUCK. I thought I was 100% over mine, but today it feels like its back 🙁
Anyways, love that 3×10 minute workout- that sounds tough, nice work!
I think that since I was so isolated for a year and not exposed to any germs, my body is catching everything that my son brings home. It’s so hard when these colds take a long time to go away!
What an amazing month for you! You did great despite the weather. I am so happy for you. Oh no, poor Grayson. Another test?
Thanks so much! Yep, I guess this is just going to be our routine now since covid isn’t going anywhere. At least we know his school is doing the best they can to keep everyone from getting sick.
YOU cranked out a strong month, and finished July with a bang! Also, great job with thoose hills! I keep thinking “this week” will be the week I get in a hill workout…and then the weather or scheduling (or something) intervenes. Maybe it’ll happen (finally) this week…
I tend to put off hills workouts but lately my routes have had me running lots of hills, so I’m not sure if thats a good thing or not:) They still feel hard!
You rocked your workouts last week and ended the month so strong – awesome job!
I hope you enjoy your week off from work 🙂
Thanks so much!
Enjoy your time off this week! It’ll be SO nice to have a break! Other than running some of the miles at goal marathon pace, I typically do not add other workouts to my long runs. Ugh on the 6th COVID test. Poor Grayson.
Thanks- I feel like I really need a break!
Weather wise, you picked a great week to take off of work! I hope you’re having a fun time.
Poor Grayson to have had to have six Covid tests. Glad he’s feeling better!
Thanks! The weather has been amazing this week!
Fantastic mileage for July!
I hope you are enjoying your week off!
Thanks so much! It was a good week!