After being off last week, this week was all about getting back to reality. It was a busy and tiring week in general, plus a big week in terms of marathon training. Oh, and we also had another heat wave with excessive heat warnings all week! For most of my early morning runs the temps were already in the mid 70s with 95% humidity. I think by now I’m sort of used to it though. It’s been a hot summer! Anyway, let’s discuss training week 9.
Training Week 9: Back to Reality
Monday: Back to Reality Run- 6 miles with alternating MP/10k pace
This is a tough workout but great for endurance and really getting used to those marathon goal pace miles. After a mile warm up, I ran mile at marathon goal pace (a little slower on some hills), then a mile around 10k pace. I did that again with no recovery. My pacing wasn’t exactly where I had planned for it to be but I think I still accomplished the purpose of this workout.
Tuesday: Strength Training + 4 Stroller Miles
I lifted in the morning and then took Grayson for a stroller run when he woke up. It was so hot and we didn’t get out the door until after 7:30. But he wanted to run, plus I had new shoes to try out!
Wednesday: Rest Day
For some reason Grayson was up all night on Tuesday. I have no idea what was going on. (What a way to get back to reality.) He is usually a great sleeper. He went to bed a few minutes later than usual (around 8) and woke up at 10:30. Rob and I kept going in trying to figure out what was going on and it seemed like he just couldn’t sleep. He would just sit there kind of whining and then sometimes start crying and we would go back in. This continued until after 2 am. So when he finally fell asleep I turned off my 4 am alarm and figured I would sleep until he woke up (which was barely 6 am…) So no run on Wednesday!
Thursday: 7 Miles with 2 x 2 Miles at MGP + Strength Training
After a good night’s sleep on Wednesday night I was ready for my workout on Thursday. It was warm and humid but I think I’m just used to it now. I ran a warm up, 2 miles at MGP, an easy mile, 2 more at MGP and a 1 mile cool down. I felt good on the first 2 miles so decided to do the second set on hills. I still felt pretty good and my miles were faster than they should have been. I managed to fit in some strength training after work before picking up Grayson since I was working from home.
Friday: 3.5 Miles Easy
For an easy run, this sure was hard. I think it was the hottest day of the week, with temps at almost 80 degrees at 5:30 am and the humidity was around 95%. I tried to keep my run easy and my heart rate low, but with the heat and tired legs it was tough. I tried out my new Levitates again!
Saturday: 17 Miles
This was a super warm and humid run. I started really early, which may have actually made things worse. Around 4 miles I thought I might have seen lightning in the distance. I stayed closed to home for awhile to make sure I didn’t see it again. Since it wasn’t thundering or raining I figured the lightning had to be pretty far away, but I still wanted to play it safe. I debated going home and running on the treadmill but I can’t remember the last time I ran on there and I had no idea how it would feel.
The miles were slow but I got them done. Once the sun was up the humidity broke a little bit, but I still didn’t feel great. All I wanted when I got home was to lay on the floor and chug iced cold water with Liquid IV!
Sunday: 3.7-4 Stroller Miles (Planned)
The news keeps saying this is going to be a cooler weekend, but it just isn’t noticeable for running in the mornings! Fingers crossed we get a break soon.
It’s not easy getting back to reality after a week off. Especially when you throw in marathon training, a heat wave, a bad night’s sleep, plus the delta variant. Is it time for my next vacation yet?
You can find my other weeks of training here:
Staycation 2021 (Training Week 8)
Closing Out July (Training Week 7)
Lower Mileage and Lower Temps (Training Week 6)
Runstock 2021 (Training Week 5)
Focus on Effort (Training Week 4)
Making Adjustments for Heat (Training Week 3)
Training for a Fall Race: Start Where You Are (Training Weeks 1 and 2)
How were your workouts last week?
Who else had a heat wave recently?
Do you adjust your schedule when you don’t get enough sleep?
How do you deal with getting back to reality after a vacation?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
I am sorry Grayson had a rough patch this week. Sounds like you both are back on track again now. Maybe he is getting some more teeth in or had a bad dream. who knows!? I definitely have nights where I don’t sleep as well (I generally blame this on my husband!) but I just get up anyway and do what I can. Hope you have a great week ahead!
There were some nights last year when I couldn’t sleep. Depending on how bad it was, I sometimes still got up to work out. When I didn’t have to go into the office I would run a little later with Grayson.
Omg the heat was unbearable this past week! I am so grateful I do not have marathon-sized mileage to run. That said, we did get a break and yesterday and today started off in the high 50’s which was pure joy. The heat is supposed to build back by mid-week though. Ugh. Those sleepless nights are so tough! Hang in there!
I think we are gonna get a break from the heat for a few days. Should be nice before it returns again!
We had a major heat wave, the past couple weeks, and it finally broke sometime Friday late morning. Sleep? I linked my blog this morning, and laid down for a few minutes, and woke up three hours later! That’s a major sleep-in for me LOL So, yes, I had to adjust my morning ride to get back in time for online church. Worse things have happened LOL Hoping you have a better week, with a little less drama 😉
Thanks! I took a couple of naps this weekend. I’m sure I had to catch up on the missed sleep from this week!
It’s been brutally hot here and truthfully, I’m glad I’m not training for anything right now, much less running. You’re killing your training! You should be enjoying some cooler weather now–sending it your way–while we are supposed to heat back up. I read that July 2021 was the hottest month on record, globally. Not good!
I saw that too about July! It really has been a ridiculously hot summer. Looking forward to a short break from the heat this week!
I always have a hard time getting back into my routine after a week off work – things are just so much easier with all the free time, lol.
You did a great job this week tackling your runs in the crazy heat and humidity. Nice job rocking your long run yesterday!
Thank you! Time off is always so nice, its definitely tough to get back to work!
It has been really hot and humid this week. Today was cooler but still humid. Good call on taking a legit rest day after that sleepless night — glad it was only one night. At least all your running in the heat will have you prepared for race day.
I hope so! My marathon is in early October and it could still be pretty warm, so I’m a little nervous about that.
Sorry to hear Grayson had a tough week, which in turn makes things challenging for you! Great runs though. What’s your goal marathon pace for this one?
Thank you! I’m thinking around 8:10-8;15 but I’m willing to adjust it based on how training is going. My PR from my last marathon was 8:20, but then I wonder if I should just go for a BQ if I’m aiming for that range anyway.
You are similar to me! My PR is 3:35, but I would be happy to be in the 3:40’s for Fargo, I just am not sure what the weather will be like. And I was disappointed in Idaho, so just want to do better than that one 🙂
It seems we all had a heat wave.
You still touched it out and got a lot of miles in.
I’m glad I don’t need as many as you.
I raced on Sat and didn’t get in my long run. The heat and humidity were tough. What stopped me were blisters. Ugh.
Blisters are the worst! I’ve had some really awful runs that I couldn’t run through.
Oof! Sounds like quite a week! You got some great runs in, in spite of the heat. That 17 miler must have been brutal. I agree, in the early morning you trade in the slightly lower temps for higher humidity… it’s rough. Wishing you a week of nicer weather and lots of sleep!
Thanks! So far its still been humid so I’m crossing my fingers for some better weather as the week goes on.
I’m sorry Grayson had such a rough night. Sleepless night combined with the heat and humidity of this past week is just no fun. You did a great job getting your miles in!
Thank you! I think now I will appreciate my full nights of sleep more than ever!
Hopefully I’ll tell you about getting back into after vacation in a couple of weeks!
I’m sorry Grayson had trouble sleeping that one night. That’s got to be so tough.
Great job on your 17 miler! The year I did my 18 mile race was also super humid — it just makes us stronger, right?
Thanks so much! I hope this weather will just make us stronger!
Wow, great job on running 17 miles! Seriously, I do not envy anyone running longer distances right now. 🙂 I like the new shoes!
Thank you! It’s been such a tough summer for running with this heat and humidity!