It’s that time of year when many areas are dealing with cold, snowy, and icy conditions that make for all sorts of challenges when it comes to running. When I first started running, I got into an “all or nothing” mindset once winter hit. Either I could run outside, or I didn’t bother running at all. Eventually I realized that there were other ways to continue training through the winter, and that cross-training had benefits as well. If you are looking for ways to continue training through the winter, check out these ways for runners to handle winter weather.
5 Ways for Runners to Handle Winter Weather
Instead of giving up on your workout or training plan when the weather interferes with your running, try a few of these tips so you can stick with your plan.
1. Brave the elements (safely)
If you have the right gear, you can probably run outside throughout most of the winter. Warm layers are the key to running in winter weather like frigid temps and strong winds. If it’s icy or snowy, you can try Yaktrax or putting screws in your shoes. I like this guide Rachel put together explaining how to do that!
2. Choose the treadmill (occasionally)
While many runners despise the treadmill, there are definitely some benefits to running on one. If you have access to a treadmill this is a good time of year to use it. If you need more convincing, here are 5 reasons to run on a treadmill this winter.
3. Try a different kind of workout
This is also a good time of year to focus on cross-training using indoor workouts: spinning, swimming, using the elliptical, classes at the gym, or home workout videos are all great options. Check out this post for some ideas: At Home Workouts for the Running Off-Season
4. Plan your workouts around the winter weather
Chances are, it’s not going to snow 7 days a week. (At least, let’s hope not!) If you check the forecast and see that it might snow one day, plan to run other days that week. Also keep in mind that often times the day after it snows is worse than the actual day it snows, if the snow starts to melt and then turns to ice overnight!
5. Enjoy some extra rest when winter weather is bad
Taking a few days off from running or working out does not need to derail your entire training plan. Even if you miss a few days, you can still easily get back on track. Just try not to make a consistent habit of skipping your runs every week due to winter weather!
You May Also Like:
How to Adjust to Running in the Cold
Cold Weather Gear for Winter Running
Home Gym Tour Plus Workouts you can do at Home
Thinking Out Loud #32: Winter Complaints
Do you train through the winter months?
Are you an “all or nothing” type of runner?
What is your favorite way to work out when the conditions outside are dangerous?
The treadmill is always my last resort, but it is good to know it’s there…
Merry Christmas, Lisa!
I hear ya! I think it will come in handy some days this winter.
I haven’t done any “winter” running yet but actually looking forward to doing a snowy run (safely of course)!
Thanks for linking up!
Running in the snow can be fun! Its the ice that can really be a problem.
I am definitely one to brave the elements and get out there unless it’s icy. No one wants to fall on their butt! It’s also a great time to try something new for sure. I love my spin classes and swimming in the winter time as well
I’ve fallen on ice a few times and now I don’t mess with it anymore!
I love winter running! There’s just something so badass about crushing a run when it’s snowing…and everyone else thinks you’re crazy.
Haha yes! As long as its safe, I will probably be running outside.
Totally agree with you on using the treadmill! I think it gets a bad rap but I like having that option when the weather is really bad (ice, etc). On the flip side, If the roads/running path are pretty clear, I’m all about bundling up and braving the cold -= the first mile always sucks but then it gets better!
Definitely! I think I will probably opt for the treadmill more this year once I get mine, because it will be new and exciting. But in general I prefer to get outside whenever possible!
Usually I will either just brave the elements or plan to lift. Treadmill is the LAST resort but if I’m stuck not running for a couple days due to slippy streets, I will suck it up and TM because I need the BURN running gives!
I remember having to go like a week without running 2 years ago after a blizzard, and I ended up doing a free trial at a gym because I missed running so much!
As you know, I’m a ‘mill-hater. With my long legs, I know my form is compromised because my strides always feel “shortened” when I run on a treadmill. Some of that is probably just in my head, but none the less, it’s my reality. This year, though, things are different with my knee…even though it’s pretty much 100% recovered, I’m super paranoid about falling on it and endangering the suture seam. UGH. So far, I haven’t had to fire up the mill…stay tuned….if we get ice, I may be keeping the runs inside.
That’s a legitimate concern. Better to be safe than to risk hurting yourself again!
On the one hand, I’m so bummed I’m injured. On the other, I’ve really enjoyed having a glass of wine and watching ample tv with my hubs. When I’m in training I never drink and I’m always in bed early!
That is the one of the benefits of not running/training! I remember after the initial frustration of not being able to run I tried to embrace the extra time to relax.
I definitely make use of the treadmill but I pray the winter isn’t too bad so I’m not trapped inside for weeks on end! eventually the treadmill starts to eat away at me lol. but I am always grateful for the option!
Yea I could see how day after day it would get to be too much! I remember when I had a community gym I ran on the treadmill all winter and I was desperate to get outside once Marched rolled around!
No treadmill for me but I schedule it and do it… safely of course and often it is a challenge esp with a long run.
It was like 30F when I went out this morning. We just aren’t prepared. There aren’t enough layers. I’ve given up being cute.