It was another brutal week of weather, once again. I took a few of my runs indoors to keep them easier and give myself a break from the heat and humidity. This stretch of humid days has just been going on for too long. I don’t think we have had a morning under 70 with less than 90% humidity all month. But eventually summer will end and it will cool off. For now, I’m running outside when I can but also embracing the treadmill.
Training Week 11: Embracing the Treadmill
Monday: Strength Training + 4 Treadmill Miles
Now that I’ve been in the mindset of embracing the treadmill I’ve found it’s easier to do my runs on there after lifting when I’m short on time. I didn’t mind the break from the humidity either.
Tuesday: 5 Miles Easy + Core
Got outside for this one but it wasn’t pretty. I actually started feeling like I’m ready for fall. I love summer, but this isn’t the kind of summer I like. It’s no longer light in the mornings. The heat and humidity have been off the charts. I rarely get outside other than to run so I don’t enjoy the sunshine at this point. I’ve accepted that fall can arrive at any point now (and preferably before October 2nd.)
Wednesday: 7.5 Miles with 2 x 20 mins faster than MGP + Strength Training
This was a tough workout but it went well! I ran 2 sets of 20 minutes at slightly faster than marathon pace. This is the time in training when I really like to focus on marathon paced miles, but running slightly faster too can be great. Each set worked out to just over 2.5 miles and I ran both sets at the same pace! I was off from work so I lifted in the afternoon.
Thursday: 6 Treadmill Miles + Core
Nothing special here, just an easy run on the treadmill. Definitely embracing the treadmill for those easy miles so I can actually keep them easy. Although to be honest this didn’t feel that easy because my legs were so tired!
Friday: Rest Day
I got in hardly any steps and sat at my desk all day long. It wasn’t necessarily restful but I did give my legs a break!
Saturday: 16 Miles (8 Treadmill/8 Outside)
There was rain and storms in the forecast during the time I would be running so the night before I set out two sets of clothes in case I needed to do part of my run on the treadmill and wanted to change in between. I also planned to start my run really early (like before 4:30) and the humidity seems to be at it’s worst before 6. When I woke up it wasn’t raining but since it was 73 degree and 96% humidity I figured I would start on the treadmill.
I didn’t know exactly how much I would do on there but since it was going well I did 8. Then I told myself I needed to get outside. It was still dark and humid when I got out, and my pace slowed down while my effort felt harder. I ran the last 3 at marathon pace, which did me in. I was very happy when this run was over!
Sunday: Planning for 4.5 Miles
We will see what the weather brings and how these legs are feeling. Hopefully we will get to do our weekly family run!
I keep reminding myself that this is the last big push before the taper. I have 2 more higher mileage weeks and then start cutting back. 2 weeks is nothing! Although I have a feeling I will be embracing the treadmill more if this heat continues.
You can find my other weeks of training here:
Trying to Outrun the Rain (Training Week 10)
Back to Reality (Training Week 9)
Staycation 2021 (Training Week 8)
Closing Out July (Training Week 7)
Lower Mileage and Lower Temps (Training Week 6)
Runstock 2021 (Training Week 5)
Focus on Effort (Training Week 4)
Making Adjustments for Heat (Training Week 3)
Training for a Fall Race: Start Where You Are (Training Weeks 1 and 2)
Have you turned to indoor workouts lately due to the heat?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down!
This past month has been one long test of mental and physical toughness with the heat and humidity. Those fall runs are going to be amazing! Nice job this week
I’m hoping we just have a couple more weeks before it cools off!
This was a good week to be on the treadmill! It does seem unfair to have summer humidity but need a headlamp for morning runs. I haven’t broken mine out yet, but will need to soon — there’s only so long Scooby can wait to go out. 😉 All these humid runs will pay off on race day though.
I’m at the point where during the week its dark the whole time. Its going to be a long winter before the light mornings come back again!
We’ve had an abundance of humidity this summer, with not many breaks from it. Gotta admit, I’d still prefer a humid outdoor run over a treadmill run, though LOL
I would usually agree with that but I guess I’ve reached my breaking point!
You know, when I was on my road trip last week I ran on the hotel treadmill on one of the days and it actually was really helpful. There was a mirror right in front of me, so I was able to monitor my form throughout the whole run. I could see how things changed when my pace changed, and if it looked different when I increased my cadence… I’m still thinking back on things I noticed during that run on my runs now. I wish I could do that once a week!
Great week of training! You got in your long run and workouts in spite of the heat and humidity!
There are lots of benefits to running on the treadmill! I wish I had a mirror so I could look at my form.
As I’ve been saying, I’m not missing running as much as I thought I would–the idea of running in this humidity is not at all appealing!!! I’m not loving our summer weather either. Looking forward to fall.
Fall will feel so nice. But I know come winter I will be missing this warm weather!
Good job on your runs last week. I am not loving this relentless humidity either, and although I love having the option to run on my treadmill, the weather outside has to be pretty bad for me to pick it over outside.
Its a really nice option to have. I want to enjoy outdoor running before it gets cold, but lately it just hasn’t been enjoyable out there.
The humidity has to break at some point, right?! Over here we luckily got a break from the humidity over the weekend so I hope that you guys will get a break soon. Totally understand splitting up your long run between the treadmill and outside – super smart!
I’d love to get a break from it sometime soon! It really worked out well to split up my run. I might have to do it again if the humidity continues!
I’m getting reacquainted with my treadmill. I really did miss the convenience of it! My friend asked me if I thought it was “ok” to split up a long run between the treadmill and outside. I thought the question was a little funny because she was a new runner. Of course I think it’s fine!
I think splitting it up is better than doing a full long run on the treadmill, although that is fine too (as long as its not every single run). I think if I did too many runs on the treadmill this summer I would have never acclimated to the heat.
Good job on getting all your runs in.
I don’t have a treadmill or gym membership. I admit there were some days that I wish I did.
I am so impressed by all the miles you log on that treadmill. I get so bored and so achy. Of course, I never really get to use a nice one, so maybe that matters.
It does help to have a good treadmill! I never used to be able to run this much on the ones at the gym.
Really late and catching up reading on this post. So sorry. The treadmill is handy during that weather. Great job on all of your runs!
Thanks! It definitely is useful during bad weather!