Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s 2016 already. I decided to combine my monthly check-in with a review of the year since I already talked about my running highlights from 2015. For the last time of 2015, here is a review of my goals and how they went this month. You can read my other monthly check-ins here:
January 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
February 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
March 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
April 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
May 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
June 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
July 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
August 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
September 2015Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
December was mostly focused on recovering from my marathon. I struggled with feeling like I should want to run, but for a few weeks the desire really just wasn’t there. I turned to other at-home workouts like pure-barre, yoga, and strength training.
By the end of the month I was back to feeling like I wanted to run, and luckily the weather cooperated and allowed me to run a few days a week in comfortable weather. I’m not sure how I would have felt about getting out there if it was cold and icy!
I started reading a book this month but didn’t finish it: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. I am really enjoying this book and read a good chunk of it on my way to Michigan a few weeks ago but since then I have honestly just forgot to get back to it. So, no books completed in December!
I definitely got back to planking more this month, with the help of pure barre and yoga workouts. I also did a TRX workout this week and the planks using the straps are really intense!
December 2015 Stats and Highlights
Total Miles: 56.52….pretty much what I expected with marathon recovery.
Best run: My Christmas morning run with Rob. It was so warm out! It was also just nice to be on our own schedule on Christmas morning, so we were able to run a little later without having to be in the car driving to NY at 7am.
Favorite non-running activity: I’ve done quite a few non-running activities this month! I guess the most different one was the #RunStrongChallenge with Kinetic Revolution.
Most popular blog posts:
Week Before Christmas Thoughts
Biggest accomplishment: Not sure about this one. I am feeling pretty proud of myself for cleaning and organizing the entire house this week. Not running/fitness related but definitely an accomplishment!
Set-backs and struggles: Feeling like I should want to run, but also knowing I needed a break after marathon training.
Things I am looking forward to in January: Ugh, is it really January again?! This is my least favorite month. At least I am breaking it up a bit by going to Florida with my in-laws. The only thing I like about January is the feeling of a “fresh start”. Time to start working towards new goals!
Now, let’s take a look at 2015 overall:
While I didn’t achieve my running goals, I definitely made improvements in both the marathon and half-marathon distances. I set a new half-marathon PR of 1:41:58 and a new marathon PR of 3:41: 46.
I did NOT run 15 races or 2015 miles.
3 5ks: Stoneleigh Stampede, Molly Murphy Memorial, Pikesville 5k
1 10k: Dreaded Druid Hills
1 12 miler: Charles St 12
1 Half-Marathon: Baltimore Half-Marathon
1 Full Marathon: Route 66 Marathon
Total: 7 races
While I ran less than 1/2 of the anticipated number of races, I was also not running much in the beginning of the year due to dealing with an injury. My first race wasn’t until the end of May so I missed out on almost 5 months of racing. My yearly mileage was 1157.21.
I did pretty well with planking and reading each month. There were some months I read more than one book and others that I didn’t read a full one, so I think it all evened out in the end.
I think there was alot of variety and consistency in my workouts. I tried alot of new things this year, but stayed focused on long-term goals.
Most Popular Blog Posts of 2015
1. Nutrition for Runners: Paleo and Whole30 Tips
2. Meal Planning and Prep for the Whole30
3. Travel Eats
9. How Counting Miles is like Counting Calories
10. Holiday Gift Guide for Runners 2015
Now that I am attempting to review my goals for the year, I am very grateful that I tracked my progress each month. I don’t think I would have remembered what happened otherwise!
Did you achieve your 2015 goals?
How do you measure success when it comes to goals?
Thanks Jill for hosting the Life of Fitness, Health, and Happiness ink-up!
Happy New Year to you!!!
The planks get me every single time with pure barre! But if they weren’t in those workouts, I would never do them lol. Happy New Year!
Its been nice to be able to do the 10 minute workouts…I know I can convince myself to squeeze in something so quick!
Your progress and consistency in 2015 is very impressive and inspiring! I always prefer to measure goals by the journey and progress made. In the case of both of us, we missed some quantitative goals, but certainly achieved a lot, and that journey matters so much more than a race time. Happy New Year, Lisa!
Thanks Laura, you are so right!
Happy New Year, Lisa! This year was mostly about rebuilding for you, but you did so in order to set yourself up right for the long haul, something you should be super proud of. I think you are only building up to better things. Also, I had a dream about TRX last night. I think after seeing it on your blog! lol
Ha! That’s funny. Maybe its a sign that you need to do some TRX when you can get back to those kinds of workouts.
Looks like it was a great year for you! I’m on a running break right now…what a weird way to start the year, but what you said really resonated with me: “feeling like I should run but knowing I needed a break”. Wise words, and I’m in the same place. I’ll be back on the road in a week or so.
Happy New Year!
Im sure its weird to start out the year with a break when everyone else is starting exercise routines. But you worked so hard last year and totally deserve/need a break! It will pay off long-term:)
Your new PRs in both the marathon and half marathon distance proves that it’s not the QUANTITY of miles/training, but the QUALITY. I used to over train and pretty much only run. I got stronger and faster by running less. I know I should never say never, but I cannot IMAGINE ever running 2000+ miles per year ever again! I know you were injured, but there are people that totally would have run through injury and not taken care of there bodies. You overcame A LOT this year and I am so glad your hard work, patience, and smart training awarded you those PRs!!!
Thank you! Looking back on it, I think I could have run through it, but it was definitely better to take time off and focus on getting stronger. I agree that quality is definitely more important than quantity when it comes to training!
I don’t like January either, but February is WAY worse. Way. Because January is like a carry-over from Christmas and New Year’s, and then my birthday is on the 7th so that’s okay, but by the time February comes along I’m just SO SICK of the darkness and cold. I’m already dying for Spring. It’s hard on my mood, all this dreary dark cold. 🙁 Wow, I’m a treat today, eh? Sorry. :/
February is bad too- for some reason because its a short month I usually feel like it goes by a little faster. But every year I am totally over winter by the time February comes. Im sure we will both be real treats over the next few months…but misery loves company right?
I am so glad you put up those Whole30 posts, I have to do an elimination for stomach/allergy issues in January and that’ll be so helpful as I’m running two halfs this month!
Good luck with all that! I have a section of Whole30 stuff on my blog from when I did it last January.
I still like January since it’s my birthday month, but once my birthday passes, I get that blah feeling. Lately, winter really settles in with February, and we’ve had ice storms the past couple years in February. If I can get my scar tissue taken care of, I can at least look forward to training starting.
Yea, February is a tough month too. I always feel like the winter really drags!
Great goals Lisa. I have got to add reading a book each month to mine. I really miss just snuggling up with “printed” (yes I still love books on paper) words. Good luck with all your runs this year!
There is definitely something nice about a “real” book! But its also kind of nice to have all my books on my kindle:)
Wow, totally impressed with your mileage totals especially with your injuries! Way to go!! I hate January as well, heres hoping it has no snow and goes by fast 🙂
I know- I am a little excited that its January and we haven’t had snow yet. Maybe it will be a mild winter! (fingers crossed!)
I have a few similar goals for 2016 as well! Definitely the read at least 1 book a month thing needs to happen. And just general consistency with running, getting in a routine, planking, etc. Happy New Year!
Good luck with your goals this year and happy new year!
I’ve been wanting a TRX system forever! 2016 will be the year.
You had a wonderful year and 2 PRs. Congrats! I love January except for the fact that it’s winter.
Happy new year Lisa and thank you so much for sharing with Fitness Health & Happiness!
The TRX is so great- I hope you get one! I am sure you will come up with some great workouts using it:) Thanks for hosting the link-up!
Awesome year, Lisa! It was awesome reading about all your major progress after coming back from injury this year. I love your perspective on running and goals. I think goals are great to have and work towards, but it’s also good to recognize progress when they don’t happen due to other life situations that get in the way. Life is never going to be perfect, but how you react and keep motivating yourself through the setbacks are what make you who you are. Happy 2016!! Hoping for another awesome year for you 🙂
Thank you! And what you said is so true. Goals give us something to work towards but its what we learn along the way that is the most important.
I think you did an amazing job on your goals. 🙂 It’s amazing how God exceeds my expectations, when I expect to accomplish some goals, but God goes far above and beyond any goals I have. 🙂 I LOVE that your best run was on Christmas morning. That is certainly a wonderful Christmas gift and memory.
Thank you! And I agree, the Christmas run was very special.